Source code for zgoubidoo.vis.plotly

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
from georges_core.vis import PlotlyArtist as _PlotlyArtist
from ..commands import Command as _Command
from ..commands import Plotable as _Plotable
from ..commands import Patchable as _Patchable
from ..commands import PolarMagnet as _PolarMagnet
from ..commands import PolarMultiMagnet as _PolarMultiMagnet
from ..commands import Drift as _Drift
from ..commands import Quadrupole as _Quadrupole
from ..commands import Sextupole as _Sextupole
from ..commands import Octupole as _Octupole
from ..commands import Multipole as _Multipole
from ..commands import Bend as _Bend
from ..commands import Dipole as _Dipole

    from ..input import Input as _Input

[docs]class ZgoubidooPlotlyArtist(_PlotlyArtist): """ TODO """
[docs] def plot_cartouche(self, beamline: _Input, vertical_position: float = 1.2, ): """ Args: beamline: vertical_position: Returns: """ if not beamline.valid_survey: print("You should do a survey") self.shapes.append( { 'type': 'line', 'xref': 'paper', 'yref': 'paper', 'x0': 0, 'y0': vertical_position, 'x1': 1, 'y1': vertical_position, 'line': { 'color': 'rgb(150, 150, 150)', 'width': 2, }, }, ) for e in beamline: if not isinstance(e, _Patchable) and not isinstance(e, _Plotable): continue if isinstance(e, (_Quadrupole, _Sextupole, _Octupole)): self.shapes.append( { 'type': 'rect', 'xref': 'x', 'yref': 'paper', 'x0': e.entry_s.m_as('m'), 'y0': vertical_position if e.B0.magnitude > 0 else vertical_position - 0.1, 'x1': e.exit_s.m_as('m'), 'y1': vertical_position + 0.1 if e.B0.magnitude > 0 else vertical_position, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'fillcolor': e.COLOR, }, ) if isinstance(e, (_Multipole,)): self.shapes.append( { 'type': 'rect', 'xref': 'x', 'yref': 'paper', 'x0': e.entry_s.m_as('m'), 'y0': vertical_position - 0.05, 'x1': e.exit_s.m_as('m'), 'y1': vertical_position + 0.05, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'fillcolor': e.COLOR, }, ) if isinstance(e, (_Bend, _Dipole)): length = e.optical_length.m_as('m') m = e.entry_patched.get_rotation_matrix() if, _np.array([0, 0, 1]))[2] >= 0.0: path = f"M{e.entry_s.m_as('m')},{vertical_position + 0.1} " \ f"H{e.exit_s.m_as('m')} " \ f"L{e.exit_s.m_as('m') - 0.15 * length},{vertical_position - 0.1} " \ f"H{e.exit_s.m_as('m') - 0.85 * length} " \ f"Z" else: path = f"M{e.entry_s.m_as('m') + 0.15 * length},{vertical_position + 0.1} " \ f"H{e.exit_s.m_as('m') - 0.15 * length} " \ f"L{e.exit_s.m_as('m')},{vertical_position - 0.1} " \ f"H{e.entry_s.m_as('m')} " \ f"Z" self.shapes.append( { 'type': 'path', 'xref': 'x', 'yref': 'paper', 'path': path, 'line': { 'width': 0, }, 'fillcolor': e.COLOR, }, )
[docs] def plot_beamline(self, beamline: _Input, start: Optional[Union[str, _Command]] = None, stop: Optional[Union[str, _Command]] = None, with_drifts: bool = False, with_magnet_poles: bool = True, with_apertures: bool = True, with_frames: bool = False, points_in_polar_paths: int = 20, opacity: float = 0.5, reference_frame: str = 'entry_patched', ) -> None: """ Use a `ZgoubiPlot` artist to perform the rendering of the beamline with elements and tracks. The `Input` must be surveyed first so that all the placements are taken into account for the plotting. Args: beamline: start: stop: with_drifts: with_magnet_poles: with_apertures: with_frames: points_in_polar_paths: opacity: reference_frame: """ def add_svg_path(points, reference_frame: str = 'entry_patched', color: Optional[str] = None): points =, reference_frame).get_rotation_matrix())) + _np.array([ getattr(e, reference_frame).x_, getattr(e, reference_frame).y_, 0.0 ]) path = f"M{points[0, 0]},{points[0, 1]} " for p in points[1:]: path += f"L{p[0]},{p[1]} " path += "Z" if color is None: try: if e.B2.magnitude > 0: color = 'blue' else: color = 'red' except AttributeError: color = e.COLOR self.shapes.append( { 'type': 'path', 'xref': 'x', 'yref': 'y', 'path': path, 'line': { 'width': 1, }, 'fillcolor': color, 'opacity': opacity, }, ) def plot_frames(): color = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'magenta', 'darkorange'] for i, frame in enumerate(['entry', 'entry_patched', 'exit', 'exit_patched', 'center']): self.scatter( { 'x': [getattr(e, frame).x_], 'y': [getattr(e, frame).y_], 'marker': {'size': 5, 'color': color[i]}, 'legendgroup': f"{e.LABEL1}", 'name': f"{frame} - {e.LABEL1}", }) for e in beamline[start:stop]: if not isinstance(e, _Plotable): continue if not with_drifts and isinstance(e, _Drift): continue try: if e.plotly is None: raise AttributeError self._data.append(e.plotly()) except AttributeError: if with_frames: plot_frames() aper_left = e.APERTURE_LEFT.m_as('m') aper_right = e.APERTURE_RIGHT.m_as('m') width = e.POLE_WIDTH.m_as('m') pipe_thickness = e.PIPE_THICKNESS.m_as('m') if isinstance(e, _PolarMultiMagnet): r = e.RM.m_as('m') for i in range(0, e.N): thetas = _np.linspace( e.reference_angles[i].m_as('radian') - e.OMEGA_E[i].m_as('radian'), e.reference_angles[i].m_as('radian') - e.OMEGA_S[i].m_as('radian'), points_in_polar_paths) if with_magnet_poles: pts = [] for theta in thetas: pts.append( [(r + width / 2) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r + width / 2) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) for theta in thetas[::-1]: pts.append( [(r - width / 2) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r - width / 2) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) add_svg_path(_np.array(pts), reference_frame=reference_frame) if with_apertures: pts = [] for theta in thetas: pts.append( [(r + aper_left) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r + aper_left) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) for theta in thetas[::-1]: pts.append([(r + aper_left + pipe_thickness) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r + aper_left + pipe_thickness) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) add_svg_path(_np.array(pts), reference_frame=reference_frame, color=e.PIPE_COLOR) pts = [] for theta in thetas: pts.append( [(r - aper_right) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r - aper_right) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) for theta in thetas[::-1]: pts.append([(r - aper_right - + pipe_thickness) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r - aper_right - + pipe_thickness) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) add_svg_path(_np.array(pts), reference_frame=reference_frame, color=e.PIPE_COLOR) elif isinstance(e, _PolarMagnet): r = e.RM.m_as('m') thetas = _np.linspace(0, e.AT.m_as('radian'), points_in_polar_paths) if with_magnet_poles: pts = [] for theta in thetas: pts.append([(r + width / 2) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r + width / 2) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) for theta in thetas[::-1]: pts.append([(r - width / 2) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r - width / 2) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) add_svg_path(_np.array(pts), reference_frame=reference_frame) if with_apertures: pts = [] for theta in thetas: pts.append([(r + aper_left) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r + aper_left) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) for theta in thetas[::-1]: pts.append([(r + aper_left + pipe_thickness) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r + aper_left + pipe_thickness) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) add_svg_path(_np.array(pts), reference_frame=reference_frame, color=e.PIPE_COLOR) pts = [] for theta in thetas: pts.append([(r - aper_right) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r - aper_right) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) for theta in thetas[::-1]: pts.append([(r - aper_right - + pipe_thickness) * _np.sin(theta), -r + (r - aper_right - + pipe_thickness) * _np.cos(theta), 0.0]) add_svg_path(_np.array(pts), reference_frame=reference_frame, color=e.PIPE_COLOR) else: if with_magnet_poles: add_svg_path(_np.array([ [0.0, -width / 2, 0.0], [0.0, width / 2, 0.0], [e.length.m_as('m'), width / 2, 0.0], [e.length.m_as('m'), -width / 2, 0.0], ])) if with_apertures: add_svg_path(_np.array([ [0.0, -aper_left, 0.0], [0.0, -aper_left-pipe_thickness, 0.0], [e.length.m_as('m'), -aper_left-pipe_thickness, 0.0], [e.length.m_as('m'), -aper_left, 0.0], ]), reference_frame=reference_frame, color=e.PIPE_COLOR) add_svg_path(_np.array([ [0.0, aper_right, 0.0], [0.0, aper_right + pipe_thickness, 0.0], [e.length.m_as('m'), aper_right + pipe_thickness, 0.0], [e.length.m_as('m'), aper_right, 0.0], ]), reference_frame=reference_frame, color=e.PIPE_COLOR)
[docs] @classmethod def plot_twiss(cls, beamline, twiss: _pd.DataFrame, twiss_madx: Optional[_pd.DataFrame], beta: bool = True, dispersion: bool = True, dispersion_prime: bool = False, alpha: bool = False, mu: bool = False, ): """ Args: beamline: twiss: twiss_madx: beta: dispersion: dispersion_prime: alpha: mu: Returns: """ artist = cls(layout={ 'xaxis': {'title': 'S (m)', 'mirror': True, 'linecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 1 }, 'legend': { 'bordercolor': '#888', 'borderwidth': 1, 'xanchor': 'right', 'x': 0.98, 'yanchor': 'top', 'y': 0.98 }, }) if beta: artist.add_axis(axis={ 'title': 'Beta function (m)', 'linecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 1, 'exponentformat': 'power', }) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['BETA11'], line={'width': 2, 'color': 'blue'}, name='BETA11', mode='lines', ) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['BETA22'], line={'width': 2, 'color': 'FireBrick'}, name='BETA22', mode='lines', ) if twiss_madx is not None: artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['BETX'], marker={'color': 'blue', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'blue'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False, ) artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['BETY'], marker={'color': 'FireBrick', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'FireBrick'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False ) if alpha: artist.add_axis(axis={ 'title': 'Alpha function', 'linecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 1, 'exponentformat': 'power', }) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['ALPHA11'], line={'width': 2, 'color': 'blue'}, name='ALPHA11', mode='lines', ) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['ALPHA22'], line={'width': 2, 'color': 'FireBrick'}, name='ALPHA22', mode='lines', ) if twiss_madx is not None: artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['ALFX'], marker={'color': 'blue', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'blue'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False, ) artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['ALFY'], marker={'color': 'FireBrick', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'FireBrick'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False ) if dispersion: artist.add_secondary_axis(title='Dispersion (m)') artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['DISP1'], line={'width': 2, 'color': 'green', 'dash': 'dashdot'}, name='DISP1', mode='lines', yaxis='y2', ) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['DISP3'], line={'width': 1, 'color': 'magenta', 'dash': 'dashdot'}, name='DISP3', mode='lines', yaxis='y2', ) if twiss_madx is not None: artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['DX'], marker={'color': 'green', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'green'}}, mode='markers', yaxis='y2', showlegend=False ) artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['DY'], marker={'color': 'magenta', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'magenta'}}, mode='markers', yaxis='y2', showlegend=False ) if dispersion_prime: artist.add_axis(title='Dispersion prime') artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['DISP2'], line={'width': 2, 'color': 'green', 'dash': 'dashdot'}, name='DISP2', mode='lines', ) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['DISP4'], line={'width': 1, 'color': 'magenta', 'dash': 'dashdot'}, name='DISP4', mode='lines', ) if twiss_madx is not None: artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['DPX'], marker={'color': 'green', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'green'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False ) artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['DPY'], marker={'color': 'magenta', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'magenta'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False ) if mu: artist.add_axis(title='Phase advance') artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['MU1'] / (2 * _np.pi), line={'width': 2, 'color': 'blue', 'dash': 'dashdot'}, name='MU1', mode='lines', ) artist.scatter( x=twiss['S'], y=twiss['MU2'] / (2 * _np.pi), line={'width': 1, 'color': 'FireBrick', 'dash': 'dashdot'}, name='MU2', mode='lines', ) if twiss_madx is not None: artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['MUX'], marker={'color': 'blue', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'blue'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False ) artist.scatter( x=twiss_madx['S'], y=twiss_madx['MUY'], marker={'color': 'FireBrick', 'symbol': 'cross-thin', 'size': 5, 'line': {'width': 1, 'color': 'FireBrick'}}, mode='markers', showlegend=False ) artist.plot_cartouche(beamline) artist.render() return artist