Source code for zgoubidoo.twiss

"""Step-by-step computation of the transfer matrix and Twiss parameters from Zgoubi tracks.

The functions in this module perform a first-order analysis of the dynamics, via the computation of the transfer matrix
and its parametrizations.

The standard uncoupled Twiss parametrization (including off-momentum effects, aka. dispersion) is the default option.

Additional formalisms for the parametrization of fully coupled transfer matrices are also available (Teng, Ripken,

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import zgoubidoo
    from zgoubidoo.commands import *
    _ = zgoubidoo.ureg

from typing import Tuple
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
from .input import Input as _Input
import zgoubidoo

def _align_tracks(tracks: _pd.DataFrame,
                  align_on: str = 'SREF',
                  identifier: str = 'LET',
                  reference_track: str = 'O',
                  ) -> Tuple[_np.array, _pd.DataFrame]:
    Align the tracks to obtain a homegenous array with all coordinates given at the same location.

    Required for example to compute the transfer matrix (not all particules would have integration step at the
    same coordinate and must be aligned. Uses a linear interpolation.

        tracks: tracking data
        align_on: coordinates on which the tracks are aligned (typically 'X' or 'S')
        identifier: identifier of the column used for the particles indexing

        aligned data and reference data
    coordinates: list = ['YT', 'T', 'ZT', 'P', 'D-1', 'YT0', 'T0', 'ZT0', 'P0', 'Do']  # Keep it in this order
    particules: list = ['O', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'I', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'H', 'J']  # Keep it in this order
    assert set(particules) == set(tracks[identifier].unique()), \
        f"Required particles not found for element {tracks['LABEL1'].unique()[0]} (are you using Objet5?)."
    ref: _pd.DataFrame = tracks.query(f"{identifier} == '{reference_track}'")[coordinates +
    ref_alignment_values = ref[align_on].values
    assert _np.all(_np.diff(ref_alignment_values) >= 0), "The reference alignment values " \
                                                         "are not monotonously increasing"
    data = _np.zeros((len(particules), ref_alignment_values.shape[0], len(coordinates)))
    data[0, :, :] = ref[coordinates].values
    for i, p in enumerate(particules[1:]):
        particule = tracks.query(f"{identifier} == '{p}'")
        for j, c in enumerate(coordinates):
                assert _np.all(_np.diff(particule[align_on].values) >= 0), \
                    "The alignment values are not monotonously increasing"
                data[i+1, :, j] = _np.interp(ref_alignment_values, particule[align_on].values, particule[c].values)
            except ValueError:
    assert data.ndim == 3, "The aligned tracks do not form a homogenous array."
    return data, ref

[docs]def compute_transfer_matrix(beamline: _Input, tracks: _pd.DataFrame) -> _pd.DataFrame: """ Constructs the step-by-step transfer matrix from tracking data (finite differences). The approximation uses the O(3) formula (not just the O(1) formula) and therefore makes use of all the 11 particles. Args: beamline: the Zgoubidoo Input beamline tracks: tracking data Returns: a Panda DataFrame representing the transfer matrix Example: Here is a typical example to call ``compute_transfer_matrix``: >>> tracks = zgoubidoo.read_plt_file() >>> zi = zgoubidoo.Input() >>> matrix = zgoubidoo.twiss.compute_transfer_matrix(zi, tracks) """ elements = tracks.LABEL1.unique() matrix = _pd.DataFrame() for e in beamline.line: if e.LABEL1 not in elements: continue t = tracks[tracks.LABEL1 == e.LABEL1] data, ref = _align_tracks(t) n_dimensions: int = 5 normalization = [2 * (data[i + 1, :, i + n_dimensions] - data[0, :, i + n_dimensions]) for i in range(0, n_dimensions) ] m = _pd.DataFrame( { f"R{j + 1}{i + 1}": _pd.Series( (data[i + 1, :, j] - data[i + 1 + n_dimensions, :, j]) / normalization[i] ) for i in range(0, n_dimensions) for j in range(0, n_dimensions) } ) m['S'] = ref['SREF'].values m['LABEL1'] = e.LABEL1 m['KEYWORD'] = e.KEYWORD matrix = matrix.append(m) return matrix.reset_index()