Source code for zgoubidoo.fieldmaps.fieldmap

"""Field map module."""
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple
import os
import lmfit
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
from scipy import interpolate
from lmfit import Model as _Model

[docs]def load_mesh_data(file: str, path: str = '.'): """ Load a mesh data file and creates a complete mesh grid using numpy. Args: file: the file containing the mesh data path: path to the mesh data file Returns: A Numpy mesh grid (list of arrays). """ with open(os.path.join(path, file)) as f: _, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, _, _ = tuple(map(int, f.readline().split())) data = _np.array(list(map(float, ' '.join(f.readlines()).split()))) x = data[0:x_dim] y = data[x_dim:x_dim + y_dim] z = data[x_dim + y_dim:x_dim + y_dim + z_dim] return _np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij')
[docs]def load_field_data(file: str, path: str = '.') -> _pd.DataFrame: """ Args: file: the file containing the field map data path: path to the field mpa data file Returns: A DataFrame containing the field data. """ return _pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, file), sep=r'\s+', names=['BX', 'BY', 'BZ', 'M'], header=None)
[docs]def load_opera_fieldmap_with_mesh(field_file: str, mesh_file: str, path: str = '.') -> _pd.DataFrame: """ Args: field_file: the file containing the field map data mesh_file: the file containing the mesh data path: path to the field mpa data files Returns: A Numpy array containing the mesh points and the associated field values. """ x, y, z = [c.reshape((,)) for c in load_mesh_data(file=mesh_file, path=path)] f = load_field_data(file=field_file, path=path).values.T.reshape((4, return _pd.DataFrame( _np.array([x, y, z, *f]).T, columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'BX', 'BY', 'BZ', 'MATCODE'], )
[docs]def load_opera_fieldmap(file: str, path: str = '.') -> _pd.DataFrame: """ Args: file: the file containing the field map data path: path to the field mpa data file Returns: A Numpy array containing the mesh points and the associated field values. """ return _pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, file), skiprows=9, sep=r'\s+', header=None, names=[ 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'BX', 'BY', 'BZ', 'MATCODE', ])
[docs]def enge(s: Union[float, _np.array], ce_0: float = 0.0, ce_1: float = 1.0, ce_2: float = 0.0, ce_3: float = 0.0, ce_4: float = 0.0, ce_5: float = 0.0, cs_0: float = 0.0, cs_1: float = 1.0, cs_2: float = 0.0, cs_3: float = 0.0, cs_4: float = 0.0, cs_5: float = 0.0, lam_e: float = 1.0, lam_s: float = 1.0, offset_e: float = -1.0, offset_s: float = 1.0, amplitude: float = 1.0, field_offset: float = 0.0, ) -> Union[float, _np.array]: """ Enge function for the modelling of fringe fields. Args: s: the coordinate (can be a numpy array) ce_0: zero-th order coefficient for the entrance fringe ce_1: first order coefficient for the entrance fringe (usually set to 1) ce_2: second order coefficent for the entrance fringe ce_3: third order coefficient for the entrance fringe ce_4: fourth order coefficient for the entrance fringe ce_5: fifth order coefficient for the entrance fringe cs_0: zero-th order coefficient for the exit fringe cs_1: first order coefficient for the exit fringe (usually set to 1) cs_2: second order coefficient for the exit fringe cs_3: third order coefficient for the exit fringe cs_4: fourth order coefficient for the exit fringe cs_5: fifth order coefficient for the exit fringe lam_e: characteristic length of the entrance fringe lam_s: characteristic length of the exit fringe offset_e: offset for the positionning of the entrance fall-off offset_s: offset for the positionning of the exit fall-off amplitude: field amplitude (not necesserally equal to the maximum) field_offset: field offset Returns: the value of the Enge function at coordinate s. """ p_e = ce_0 + ce_1 * (-(s - offset_e) / lam_e) + ce_2 * (-(s - offset_e) / lam_e) ** 2 + ce_3 * ( -(s - offset_e) / lam_e) ** 3 + ce_4 * (-(s - offset_e) / lam_e) ** 4 + ce_5 * ( -(s - offset_e) / lam_e) ** 5 p_s = cs_0 + cs_1 * ((s - offset_s) / lam_s) + cs_2 * ((s - offset_s) / lam_s) ** 2 + cs_3 * ( (s - offset_s) / lam_s) ** 3 + cs_4 * ((s - offset_s) / lam_s) ** 4 + cs_5 * ( (s - offset_s) / lam_s) ** 5 return amplitude * ((1 / (1 + _np.exp(p_e))) + (1 / (1 + _np.exp(p_s))) - 1) + field_offset
[docs]class EngeModel(_Model): """Enge model to be used with lmfit.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(enge) self._params = None @property def params(self): """The parameters of the Enge model (interface to `lmfit.Model.make_params()`).""" if self._params is None: self._params = self.make_params() return self._params
[docs]class FieldMap: """ TODO """ def __init__(self, field_map: _pd.DataFrame): """ Args: field_map: """ self._data = field_map self._reference_trajectory: Optional[_np.array] = None self._field_profile_fit: Optional[_np.array] = None def __repr__(self): return self._data.__repr__()
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_opera(cls, file: str, path: str = '.'): """ Factory method to load a field map from a Opera parent file. Args: file: the file containing the field map data path: path to the field mpa data file Returns: A FieldMap loaded from file. """ return cls(field_map=load_opera_fieldmap(file=file, path=path))
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_opera_with_mesh(cls, field_file: str, mesh_file: str, path: str = '.'): """ Factory method to load a field map from Opera parent files (field map and mesh definition). Args: field_file: the file containing the field map data mesh_file: the file containing the mesh data path: path to the field mpa data files Returns: A FieldMap loaded from files. """ return cls(field_map=load_opera_fieldmap_with_mesh(field_file=field_file, mesh_file=mesh_file, path=path))
@property def df(self): """Field map dataframe.""" return self._data @property def data(self): """Field map raw data in a numpy array.""" return self._data.values @property def reference_trajectory(self) -> _np.array: """Reference trajectory attached to the field map.""" return self._reference_trajectory @property def field_profile_fit(self) -> _np.array: """Fit of the field profile.""" return self._field_profile_fit @property def mesh_sampling_x(self) -> Tuple[_np.array, int]: """Sampling points of the field map along the X axis.""" return self.mesh_sampling_along_axis(axis=0) @property def mesh_sampling_y(self) -> Tuple[_np.array, int]: """Sampling points of the field map along the Y axis.""" return self.mesh_sampling_along_axis(axis=1) @property def mesh_sampling_z(self) -> Tuple[_np.array, int]: """Sampling points of the field map along the Z axis.""" return self.mesh_sampling_along_axis(axis=2)
[docs] def mesh_sampling_along_axis(self, axis: int) -> Tuple[_np.array, int]: """ Sampling points of the field map along a given axis. Args: axis: the index of the axis. Returns: A numpy array containing the data points of the field map sampling. """ _ = _np.unique([:, axis]) return _, len(_)
[docs] def translate(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, z: float = 0): """ Args: x: y: z: Returns: """ self._data['X'] -= x self._data['Y'] -= y self._data['Z'] -= z return self
[docs] def rotate(self): """TODO""" pass
[docs] def slice(self, slicing: str = 'Z == 0'): """ Slices the field map following a slicing query. Args: slicing: the slicing query string Returns: The object itself (allows method chaining). """ self._data.query(slicing, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def sample(self, points, field_component: str = 'MOD', method: str = 'nearest'): """ Args: points: field_component: field component to be sampled ('BX', 'BY', 'BZ' or 'MOD') method: method used for the grid interpolation ('nearest' or 'linear') Returns: """ if points is None: raise ValueError("The sampling points are not defined (`points is None`).") # The lambda trick is used so that the modulus is only computed if needed field_components = { 'BX': lambda:[:, 3], 'BY': lambda:[:, 4], 'BZ': lambda:[:, 5], 'MOD': lambda: _np.sqrt(([:, 3:6] *[:, 3:6]).sum(axis=1)), } return interpolate.griddata([:, 0:3], field_components[field_component](), points, method=method)
[docs] def attach_cartesian_trajectory(self, axis: int = 0, lower: Optional[float] = None, upper: Optional[float] = None, samples: Optional[int] = None, offset_x: float = 0.0, offset_y: float = 0.0, offset_z: float = 0.0, ): """ TODO: support arbitrary rotations Args: axis: lower: upper: samples: offset_x: offset_y: offset_z: Returns: """ length_sampling = samples or self.mesh_sampling_along_axis(axis)[1] lower = lower or _np.min(self.mesh_sampling_along_axis(axis)[0]) upper = upper or _np.max(self.mesh_sampling_along_axis(axis)[0]) sampling = _np.linspace(lower, upper, length_sampling) zeros = _np.zeros(length_sampling) if axis == 'X': v = [sampling, zeros, zeros] elif axis == 'Y': v = [zeros, sampling, zeros] elif axis == 'Z': v = [zeros, zeros, sampling] else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'axis'.") v[0] += offset_x v[1] += offset_y v[2] += offset_z self._reference_trajectory = _np.stack(v).T return self
[docs] def attach_polar_trajectory(self, radius: float, lower_angle: float, upper_angle: float, samples: int, plane: str = 'XY', offset_x: float = 0.0, offset_y: float = 0.0, offset_z: float = 0.0, ): """ Args: radius: lower_angle: upper_angle: samples: plane: offset_x: offset_y: offset_z: Returns: """ angles = _np.linspace(lower_angle, upper_angle, samples) x = _np.cos(angles) * radius y = _np.sin(angles) * radius zeros = _np.zeros(samples) if plane == 'XY': v = [x, y, zeros] elif plane == 'YZ': v = [zeros, x, y] elif plane == 'XZ': v = [x, zeros, y] else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'block'.") v[0] += offset_x v[1] += offset_y v[2] += offset_z self._reference_trajectory = _np.stack(v).T return self
[docs] def fit_field_profile(self, model: Optional[lmfit.Model] = None, field_component: str = 'MOD', sampling_method: str = 'nearest') -> lmfit.model.ModelResult: """ Args: model: field_component: sampling_method: Returns: """ if self.reference_trajectory is None: raise ValueError("The reference trajectory is not defined.") model = model or EngeModel() fit = self.sample(self.reference_trajectory, field_component=field_component, method=sampling_method), model.params, s=_np.linalg.norm(self.reference_trajectory - self.reference_trajectory[0], axis=1), ) self._field_profile_fit = fit return fit
[docs] def plot_field_profile(self, ax, field_component: str = 'MOD', sampling_method: str = 'nearest'): """ Args: ax: field_component: sampling_method: Returns: """ if self.reference_trajectory is not None: ax.plot( _np.linalg.norm(self.reference_trajectory - self.reference_trajectory[0], axis=1), self.sample(self.reference_trajectory, field_component=field_component, method=sampling_method), 'bo', ms=1, ) if self.field_profile_fit is not None: ax.plot( _np.linalg.norm(self._reference_trajectory - self._reference_trajectory[0], axis=1), self.field_profile_fit.best_fit, 'r-', )
[docs] def plot_field_map(self, ax, field_component: str, plane1: int = 0, plane2: int = 2, bins: int = 50): """ Args: ax: field_component: plane1: plane2: bins: Returns: """ ax.hist2d([:, plane1],[:, plane2], weights=self.df[field_component], bins=bins) if self.reference_trajectory is not None: ax.plot(self.reference_trajectory[:, plane1], self.reference_trajectory[:, plane2], linewidth=5)
[docs] def export_for_bdsim(self, method: str = 'nearest'): """ Args: method: method used for the grid interpolation ('nearest' or 'linear') Returns: """ new_mesh = _np.mgrid[ self.mesh_sampling_x[0].min():self.mesh_sampling_x[0].max():100j, self.mesh_sampling_y[0].min():self.mesh_sampling_y[0].max():100j, self.mesh_sampling_z[0].min():self.mesh_sampling_z[0].max():100j ].T.reshape(100 ** 3, 3) fx = -self.sample(new_mesh, field_component='BX', method=method) fy = -self.sample(new_mesh, field_component='BY', method=method) fz = -self.sample(new_mesh, field_component='BZ', method=method) return _np.concatenate([new_mesh, _np.stack([fx, fy, fz]).T], axis=1)