Source code for zgoubidoo.commands.objet

"""Zgoubi commands for the generation of Objet's.

The description of the object, i.e., initial coordinates of the ensemble of particles, must be the first procedure
in the zgoubi input data file, zgoubi.dat.

Several types of automatically generated objects are available, they are described in the following pages and

    - non-random object, with various distributions : individual particles, grids, object for MATRIX, etc.
    - Monte Carlo distribution (see MCObjet), with various distributions as well : 6-D window, ellipsoids, etc.

A recurrent quantity appearing in these procedures is IMAX, the number of particles to be ray-traced.
The maximum value allowed for IMAX can be changed at leisure in the include file `MAXTRA.H` where it is defined
(that requires re-compiling zgoubi).

import numpy as _np
from .commands import Command as _Command
from .commands import CommandType as _CommandType
from .commands import ZgoubidooException as _ZgoubidooException
from .. import ureg as _ureg

[docs]class ObjetType(_CommandType): """Type system for Objet types.""" pass
[docs]class Objet(_Command, metaclass=ObjetType): """Generation of an object. """ KEYWORD = 'OBJET' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'BORO': (1.0 * _ureg.kilogauss *, 'Reference magnetic rigidity.'), } def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {"kilogauss * cm").magnitude:.12e} """ def __init__(self, label1='', label2='', *params, **kwargs): super().__init__(label1, label2, Objet.PARAMETERS, self.PARAMETERS, *params, **kwargs)
[docs]class Objet1(Objet): """Objet with initial coordinates drawn from a regular grid""" PARAMETERS = { 'KOBJ': 1, 'K2': 0, 'IY': (1, 'Total number of points in +- Y'), 'IT': (1, 'Total number of points in +- T'), 'IZ': (1, 'Total number of points in +- Z (or +Z only if K2=01)'), 'IP': (1, 'Total number of points in +- P (or +P only if K2=01)'), 'IX': (1, 'Total number of points in +- X'), 'ID': (1, 'Total number of points in +- D'), 'PY': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Step size in Y'), 'PT': (1.0 * _ureg.milliradian, 'Step size in T'), 'PZ': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Step size in Z'), 'PP': (1.0 * _ureg.milliradian, 'Step size in P'), 'PX': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Step size in X'), 'PD': (0.1, 'Step size in Delta(BRHO)/BORO'), 'YR': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference Y'), 'TR': (0.0 * _ureg.milliradian, 'Reference T'), 'ZR': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference Z'), 'PR': (0.0 * _ureg.milliradian, 'Reference P'), 'XR': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference X'), 'DR': (1.0, 'Reference D'), } def __str__(s) -> str: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.KOBJ}.0{s.K2} {s.IY} {s.IT} {s.IZ} {s.IP} {s.IX} {s.ID} {'centimeter').magnitude:.12e} {'milliradian').magnitude:.12e} {'centimeter').magnitude:.12e} {'milliradian').magnitude:.12e} {'centimeter').magnitude:.12e} {s.PD:.12e} {'centimeter').magnitude:.12e} {'milliradian').magnitude:.12e} {'centimeter').magnitude:.12e} {'milliradian').magnitude:.12e} {'centimeter').magnitude:.12e} {s.DR:.12e} """
[docs]class Objet2(Objet): """Objet with all initial coordinates entered explicitely. This object type can be used to simulate a bunch with an explicit list of coordinates. That's the method Zgoubidoo uses when tracking bunches. Examples: >>> zi = Input() >>> objet = Objet2() >>> objet.add() >>> zi += objet >>> zi >>> objet.clear() >>> objet """ PARAMETERS = { 'KOBJ': (2, ''), 'K2': (0, ''), 'IDMAX': (1, ''), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" Y_ = 30 T_ = 31 Z_ = 32 P_ = 33 # Used for FIT
[docs] def post_init(self, reference_y: float = 0.0, reference_t: float = 0.0, reference_z: float = 0.0, reference_p: float = 0.0, reference_x: float = 0.0, reference_d: float = 1.0, **kwargs): """Post initialization routine.""" self._PARTICULES = None self._reference_y = reference_y self._reference_t = reference_t self._reference_z = reference_z self._reference_p = reference_p self._reference_x = reference_x self._reference_d = reference_d
@property def IMAX(self): """ Returns: """ return self.PARTICULES.shape[0] @property def IEX(self): """ Returns: """ return self.PARTICULES[:, 6] @property def PARTICULES(self): """The particles list.""" if self._PARTICULES is None: self.add_references() return self._PARTICULES
[docs] def clear(self): """Reset the object's content, remove all particles.""" self._PARTICULES = None return self
def __iadd__(self, other): self.add(other) return self
[docs] def add(self, p): """ Args: p: Returns: """ if p is None: return self assert isinstance(p, _np.ndarray), "The particles container must be a numpy array." assert p.ndim == 2, "Invalid dimensions for the array of particles (must be 2)." if p.shape[1] == 4: # Y T Z P x = _np.zeros((p.shape[0], 1)) d = _np.ones((p.shape[0], 1)) iex = _np.ones((p.shape[0], 1)) distribution = _np.concatenate((p, x, d, iex), axis=1) elif p.shape[1] == 5: # Y T Z P D x = _np.zeros((p.shape[0], 1)) iex = _np.ones((p.shape[0], 1)) distribution = _np.concatenate((p[:, :-1], x, p[:, -1:], iex), axis=1) elif p.shape[1] == 6: # Y T Z P X D iex = _np.ones((p.shape[0], 1)) distribution = _np.concatenate((p, iex), axis=1) elif p.shape[1] == 7: # Y T Z P X D IEX distribution = p else: raise _ZgoubidooException("Invalid dimensions for particles vectors.") if self._PARTICULES is None: self._PARTICULES = distribution else: self._PARTICULES = _np.append(self._PARTICULES, distribution, axis=0) return self
[docs] def add_references(self, n: int = 1): """ Add a reference particle to the Objet. Args: n: the number of reference particles to add Returns: the object itself. """ p = _np.zeros((n, 7)) p[:, 0] = self._reference_y p[:, 1] = self._reference_t p[:, 2] = self._reference_z p[:, 3] = self._reference_p p[:, 4] = self._reference_x p[:, 5] = self._reference_d p[:, 6] = 1.0 # IEX self.add(p) return self
def __str__(self) -> str: c = f""" {super().__str__().strip()} {self.KOBJ}.0{self.K2} {self.IMAX} {self.IDMAX} """ p = self.PARTICULES[0, 0:6] c += f""" {p[0]:.12e} {p[1]:.12e} {p[2]:.12e} {p[3]:.12e} {p[4]:.12e} {p[5]:.12e} O """.lstrip() for p in self.PARTICULES[1:, 0:6]: c += f""" {p[0]:.12e} {p[1]:.12e} {p[2]:.12e} {p[3]:.12e} {p[4]:.12e} {p[5]:.12e} A """.lstrip() c += " ".join(map(lambda x: f"{int(x):d}", self.IEX)) + "\n" return c
[docs]class Objet3(Objet): """ Examples: Test """ PARAMETERS = { 'KOBJ': 3, 'NN': 1, # 00 to store the file as '[b_]zgoubi.fai' 'IT1': 1, 'IT2': 1, 'ITSTEP': 1, 'IP1': 1, 'IP2': 1, 'IPSTEP': 1, 'YF': 0, 'TF': 0, 'ZF': 0, 'PF': 0, 'XF': 0, 'DF': 0, 'TAG': '*', # No effect if '*' 'YR': 0, 'ZR': 0, 'PR': 0, 'XR': 0, 'DR': 0, 'InitC': 0, 'FNAME': 'zgoubi.fai', # (NN in KOBJ=3.NN determines storage FORMAT) } def __str__(s) -> str: if s.NN == 1: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.KOBJ}.{s.NN} {s.IT1} {s.IT2} {s.ITSTEP} {s.IP1} {s.IP2} {s.IPSTEP} {s.YF:.12e} {s.TF:.12e} {s.ZF:.12e} {s.PF:.12e} {s.XF:.12e} {s.DF:.12e} {s.TF:.12e} {s.TAG:.12e} {s.YR:.12e} {s.TR:.12e} {s.ZR:.12e} {s.PR:.12e} {s.XR:.12e} {s.DR:.12e} {s.TR:.12e} {s.InitC} {s.FNAME} """ else: raise _ZgoubidooException("NN != 1 not supported")
[docs]class Objet4(Objet): pass PARAMETERS = { 'KOBJ' : 3, 'NN' : 1, # 00 to store the file as '[b_]zgoubi.fai' 'IT1' : 1, 'IT2': 1, 'ITSTEP': 1, 'IP1': 1, 'IP2': 1, 'IPSTEP': 1, 'YF': 0, 'TF': 0, 'ZF': 0, 'PF': 0, 'XF': 0, 'DF': 0, 'TF': 0, 'TAG': '*', # No effect if '*' 'YR': 0, 'TR': 0, 'ZR': 0, 'PR': 0, 'XR': 0, 'DR': 0, 'TR': 0, 'InitC': 0, 'FNAME': 'zgoubi.fai', # (NN in KOBJ=3.NN determines storage FORMAT) } def __str__(s) -> str: if s.NN == 1: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IT1} {s.IT2} {s.ITSTEP} {s.IP1} {s.IP2} {s.IPSTEP} {s.YF:.12e} {s.TF:.12e} {s.ZF:.12e} {s.PF:.12e} {s.XF:.12e} {s.DF:.12e} {s.TF:.12e} {s.TAG:.12e} {s.YR:.12e} {s.TR:.12e} {s.ZR:.12e} {s.PR:.12e} {s.XR:.12e} {s.DR:.12e} {s.TR:.12e} {s.InitC} {s.FNAME} """ else: raise _ZgoubidooException("NN != 1 not supported")
[docs]class Objet5(Objet): """Generation of 11 particles, or 11*NN if I ≥ 2 (for use with MATRIX, IORD = 1). Examples: test """ PARAMETERS = { 'KOBJ': (5, 'Generation of groups 11 particles.'), 'NN': (1, 'Number of groups of 11 particles'), 'PY': 1e-3, 'PT': 1e-3, 'PZ': 1e-3, 'PP': 1e-3, 'PX': 1e-3, 'PD': 1e-3, 'YR': ([0, ], 'Y-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'TR': ([0, ], 'T-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'ZR': ([0, ], 'Z-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'PR': ([0, ], 'P-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'XR': ([0, ], 'X-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'DR': ([1, ], 'D-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'ALPHA_Y': 0, 'BETA_Y': 1 * _ureg.m, 'ALPHA_Z': 0, 'BETA_Z': 1 * _ureg.m, 'ALPHA_X': 0, 'BETA_X': 1 * _ureg.m, 'D_Y': 0 * _ureg.m, 'D_YP': 0, 'D_Z': 0 * _ureg.m, 'D_ZP': 0, } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s) -> str: assert len(s.YR) == len(s.TR) == len(s.ZR) == len(s.PR) == len(s.XR) == len(s.DR) == s.NN, 'Invalid lengths' command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().strip()} {s.KOBJ}.0{s.NN} {s.PY:.12e} {s.PT:.12e} {s.PZ:.12e} {s.PP:.12e} {s.PX:.12e} {s.PD:.12e} {s.YR[0]:.12e} {s.TR[0]:.12e} {s.ZR[0]:.12e} {s.PR[0]:.12e} {s.XR[0]:.12e} {s.DR[0]:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.NN == 1: c = f""" {s.ALPHA_Y:.12e} {s.BETA_Y.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.ALPHA_Z:.12e} {s.BETA_Z.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.ALPHA_X:.12e} {s.BETA_X.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.D_Y.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.D_YP:.12e} {s.D_Z.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.D_ZP:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif 1 < s.NN < 99: for i in range(1, s.NN): c = f""" {s.YR[i]:.12e} {s.TR[i]:.12e} {s.ZR[i]:.12e} {s.PR[i]:.12e} {s.XR[i]:.12e} {s.DR[i]:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command)) + '\n'
[docs]class Objet6(Objet): """Generation of 61 particles. Examples: >>> 1 + 1 # TODO """ PARAMETERS = { 'KOBJ': (6, 'Generation of groups 61 particles.'), 'PY': 1e-3, 'PT': 1e-3, 'PZ': 1e-3, 'PP': 1e-3, 'PX': 1e-3, 'PD': 1e-3, 'YR': (0.0, 'Y-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'TR': (0.0, 'T-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'ZR': (0.0, 'Z-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'PR': (0.0, 'P-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'XR': (0.0, 'X-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'DR': (1.0, 'D-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), } def __str__(self) -> str: command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {self.KOBJ} {self.PY:.12e} {self.PT:.12e} {self.PZ:.12e} {self.PP:.12e} {self.PX:.12e} {self.PD:.12e} {self.YR:.12e} {self.TR:.12e} {self.ZR:.12e} {self.PR:.12e} {self.XR:.12e} {self.DR:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command)) + '\n'
[docs]class Objet7(Objet): """ """ pass
[docs]class Objet8(Objet): """""" pass
[docs]class ObjetA(_Command): """Object from Monte-Carlo simulation of decay reaction. Examples: TODO """ KEYWORD = 'OBJETA' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""