Source code for zgoubidoo.commands.mcobjet

"""Zgoubidoo's interfaces to Monte-Carlo object definition commands.

More details here.
from .commands import Command as _Command
from .objet import ObjetType as _ObjetType
from .. import ureg as _ureg

[docs]class MCObjet(_Command, metaclass=_ObjetType): """Monte-Carlo generation of a 6-D object.""" KEYWORD = 'MCOBJET' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'BORO': (1.0 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.m, 'Reference rigidity'), 'IMAX': (1, 'Number of particles to be generated'), 'KY': (2, '1 - Uniform, 2 - Gaussian, 3 - Parabolic'), 'KT': (2, '1 - Uniform, 2 - Gaussian, 3 - Parabolic'), 'KZ': (2, '1 - Uniform, 2 - Gaussian, 3 - Parabolic'), 'KP': (2, '1 - Uniform, 2 - Gaussian, 3 - Parabolic'), 'KX': (2, '1 - Uniform, 2 - Gaussian, 3 - Parabolic'), 'KD': (1, '1 - Uniform, 2 - Exponential, 3 - Kinematic'), 'Y0': (0 *, 'Mean value'), 'T0': (0 * _ureg.rad, 'Mean value'), 'Z0': (0 *, 'Mean value'), 'P0': (0 * _ureg.rad, 'Mean value'), 'X0': (0 *, 'Mean value'), 'D0': (1, 'Mean value'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs]class MCObjet1(MCObjet): """ """ pass
[docs]class MCObjet2(MCObjet): """ """ pass
[docs]class MCObjet3(MCObjet): """Monte-Carlo generation of a 6-D object. """ PARAMETERS = { 'ALPHA_Y': (0.0, 'Horizontal (Y) alpha function'), 'BETA_Y': (1.0 * _ureg.m, 'Horizontal (Y) beta function'), 'EMIT_Y': (1e-9 * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian, 'Horizontal (Y) normalized emittance'), 'D_Y': (0.0 * _ureg.m, 'Horizontal (Y) dispersion'), 'D_YP': (0.0, 'Horizontal (Y) dispersion prime'), 'N_CUTOFF_Y': (10, 'Cut-off value for the horizontal distribution'), 'N_CUTOFF2_Y': (0, 'Secondary cut-off value for the horizontal distribution'), 'ALPHA_Z': (0.0, 'Vertical (Z) alpha function'), 'BETA_Z': (1.0 * _ureg.m, 'Vertical (Z) beta function'), 'EMIT_Z': (1e-9 * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian, 'Vertical (Z) normalized emittance'), 'D_Z': (0.0 * _ureg.m, 'Vertical (Z) dispersion'), 'D_ZP': (0.0, 'Vertical (Z) dispersion prime'), 'N_CUTOFF_Z': (10, 'Cut-off value for the vertical distribution'), 'N_CUTOFF2_Z': (0, 'Secondary cut-off value for the vertical distribution'), 'ALPHA_X': (0.0, 'Longitudinal (X) alpha function'), 'BETA_X': (1.0 * _ureg.m, 'Longitudinal (X) beta function'), 'EMIT_X': (1e-9 * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian, 'Longitudinal (X) normalized emittance'), 'N_CUTOFF_X': (10, 'Cut-off value for the longitudinal distribution'), 'N_CUTOFF2_X': (0, 'Secondary cut-off value for the longitudinal distribution'), 'I1': (1, 'Random sequence seed'), 'I2': (2, 'Random sequence seed'), 'I3': (3, 'Random sequence seed'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s) -> str: return f""" '{s.KEYWORD}' {s.LABEL1} {s.LABEL2} {s.BORO.m_as('kilogauss cm'):.12e} 3 {int(s.IMAX):d} {s.KY} {s.KT} {s.KZ} {s.KP} {s.KX} {s.KD} {s.Y0.m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.T0.m_as('radian'):.12e} {s.Z0.m_as("cm"):.12e} {s.P0.m_as('radian'):.12e} {s.X0.m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.D0:.12e} {s.ALPHA_Y:.12e} {s.BETA_Y.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.EMIT_Y.m_as('m radian'):.12e} {s.N_CUTOFF_Y} {s.N_CUTOFF2_Y if s.N_CUTOFF_Y < 0 else ''} {s.D_Y.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.D_YP:.12e} {s.ALPHA_Z:.12e} {s.BETA_Z.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.EMIT_Z.m_as('m radian'):.12e} {s.N_CUTOFF_Z} {s.N_CUTOFF2_Z if s.N_CUTOFF_Z < 0 else ''} {s.D_Z.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.D_ZP:.12e} {s.ALPHA_X:.12e} {s.BETA_X.m_as('m'):.12e} {s.EMIT_X.m_as('m radian'):.12e} {s.N_CUTOFF_X} {s.N_CUTOFF2_X if s.N_CUTOFF_X < 0 else ''} {s.I1} {s.I2} {s.I3} """