Source code for zgoubidoo.commands.magnetique

"""Zgoubidoo's interfaces to purefly magnetic Zgoubi commands.

More details here.

from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
import parse as _parse
import lmfit
from .particules import ParticuleType as _ParticuleType
from .commands import CommandType as _CommandType
from .actions import FitType as _FitType
from .commands import Command as _Command
from .commands import Marker as _Marker
from .actions import Fit as _Fit
from .actions import Fit2 as _Fit2
from .commands import ZgoubidooException as _ZgoubidooException
from .objet import Objet2 as _Objet2
from .particules import Proton as _Proton
from .. import ureg as _ureg
from .. import Q_ as _Q
from ..zgoubi import Zgoubi as _Zgoubi
from .patchable import Patchable as _Patchable
from .plotable import Plotable as _Plotable
from ..fieldmaps import FieldMap as _FieldMap
from ..units import _cm, _radian, _kilogauss, _degree, _ampere
import zgoubidoo
from georges_core.kinematics import Kinematics as _Kinematics
from georges_core.frame import Frame as _Frame

[docs]class MagnetType(_CommandType): """Type for magnetic element commands.""" pass
[docs]class Magnet(_Command, _Patchable, _Plotable, metaclass=MagnetType): """Base class for all magnetic elements. TODO """ PARAMETERS = { 'HEIGHT': (20 *, 'Height of the magnet (distance between poles), used by plotting functions.'), 'POLE_WIDTH': (30 *, 'Pole width (used for plotting only).'), 'PIPE_THICKNESS': (2 *, 'Thickness of the pipe, used by plotting functions.'), 'PIPE_COLOR': ('grey', 'Color of the pipe, used by plotting functions.'), 'REFERENCE_FIELD_COMPONENT': ('BZ', 'Orientation of the reference field (used by field maps)'), 'KINEMATICS': (None, 'A kinematics object.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, field_map: Optional[_FieldMap] = None, **kwargs): """ Args: field_map: **kwargs: Returns: """ self.field_map = field_map # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self._field_profile_model = None
@property def field_map(self) -> _FieldMap: """Attach a field map to the element.""" return self._field_map @field_map.setter def field_map(self, v: _FieldMap): # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self._field_map = v @property def field_profile_model(self): """A model for the field profile.""" return self._field_profile_model
[docs] def process_fit_field_profile(self, fit: lmfit.model.ModelResult): """ Args: fit: Returns: """ pass
[docs]class CartesianMagnetType(MagnetType): """Type for cartesian magnets.""" pass
[docs]class CartesianMagnet(Magnet, metaclass=CartesianMagnetType): """Base class for magnetic elements in cartesian coordinates. TODO """ PARAMETERS = { 'APERTURE_LEFT': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, left side (used for plotting only).'), 'APERTURE_RIGHT': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, right side (used for plotting only).'), 'APERTURE_TOP': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, top side (used for plotting only).'), 'APERTURE_BOTTOM': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, bottom side (used for plotting only).'), 'COLOR': ('black', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), 'LENGTH_IS_ARC_LENGTH': (False, ''), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): if self.LENGTH_IS_ARC_LENGTH: if self.KINEMATICS is None: raise _ZgoubidooException("Arc length conversion requested but KINEMATICS not provided.") arc_length = self.XL field = self.B0 if self.B1 is None else self.B1 rho = self.KINEMATICS.brho / field phi = arc_length / rho self.XL = 2 * rho * _np.sin(phi / 2)
@property def rotation(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.ALE or 0.0 * @property def length(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.XL @property def x_offset(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.XCE or 0.0 * @property def y_offset(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.YCE or 0.0 * @property def entry_patched(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._entry_patched is None: self._entry_patched = self.entry.__class__(self.entry) if self.KPOS in (0, 1, 2): self._entry_patched.translate_x(-(self.X_E or 0.0 * self._entry_patched.translate_x(self.x_offset) self._entry_patched.translate_y(self.y_offset) self._entry_patched.rotate_z(-self.rotation) elif self.KPOS == 3: self._entry_patched.translate_x(-(self.X_E or 0.0 * self._entry_patched.rotate_z( -_np.arcsin( (self.XL * self.B1) / (2 * self.KINEMATICS.brho)) ) return self._entry_patched @property def exit(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._exit is None: self._exit = self.entry_patched.__class__(self.entry_patched) self._exit.translate_x(self.length + (self.X_E or 0.0 * return self._exit @property def exit_patched(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._exit_patched is None: if self.KPOS is None or self.KPOS == 1: self._exit_patched = self.exit.__class__(self.exit) self._exit_patched.translate_x(-(self.X_S or 0.0 * elif self.KPOS == 0 or self.KPOS == 2: self._exit_patched = self.entry.__class__(self.entry) self._exit_patched.translate_x(self.XL or 0.0 * self._exit_patched.translate_x(-(self.X_S or 0.0 * elif self.KPOS == 3: self._exit_patched = self.exit.__class__(self.exit) self._exit_patched.rotate_z( -_np.arcsin( (self.XL * self.B1) / (2 * self.KINEMATICS.brho)) * _ureg.radian ) return self._exit_patched
[docs]class PolarMagnetType(MagnetType): """Type for polar magnets.""" pass
[docs]class PolarMagnet(Magnet, metaclass=PolarMagnetType): """Base class for magnetic elements in polar coordinates. TODO """ PARAMETERS = { 'POLE_WIDTH': 150 *, 'APERTURE_LEFT': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, left side (used for plotting only).'), 'APERTURE_RIGHT': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, right side (used for plotting only).'), 'APERTURE_TOP': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, top side (used for plotting only).'), 'APERTURE_BOTTOM': (10 *, 'Aperture size of the magnet, bottom side (used for plotting only).'), 'COLOR': 'blue', } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optionally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def adjust_tracks_variables(self, tracks: _pd.DataFrame): t = tracks[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1] radius = self.RM.m_as('m') angles = 100 * t['X'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ANGLE'] = angles tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'R'] = t['Y'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'R0'] = t['Yo'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'SREF'] = radius * angles + self.entry_s.m_as('m') tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'YT'] = t['Y'] - radius tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'YT0'] = t['Yo'] - radius tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ZT'] = t['Z'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ZT0'] = t['Zo'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'X'] = t['Y'] * _np.sin(angles) tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'X0'] = t['Yo'] * _np.sin(angles) tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'Y'] = t['Y'] * _np.cos(angles) - radius tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'Y0'] = t['Yo'] * _np.cos(angles) - radius
@property def angular_opening(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.AT or 0 * @property def reference_angles(self) -> List[_Q]: """ Returns: """ return [self.ACENT or 0 *] @property def entrance_efb(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.OMEGA_E or 0 * @property def exit_efb(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.OMEGA_S or 0 * @property def radius(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.RM or 0 * @property def length(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return'rad').magnitude * self.radius @property def entry_patched(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._entry_patched is None: self._entry_patched = self.entry.__class__(self.entry) self._entry_patched.translate_y(self.radius - (self.RE or 0 * self._entry_patched.rotate_z(-self.TE or 0 * return self._entry_patched @property def center(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._center is None: self._center = self.entry_patched.__class__(self.entry_patched) self._center.translate_y(-self.radius) return self._center @property def exit(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._exit is None: self._exit = self._exit.translate_y(self.radius) self._exit.rotate_z(-self.angular_opening) return self._exit @property def exit_patched(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._exit_patched is None: self._exit_patched = self.exit.__class__(self.exit) self._exit_patched.translate_y((self.RS or 0 * - self.radius) self._exit_patched.rotate_z(self.TS or 0 * return self._exit_patched
[docs] @staticmethod def drift_length_from_polar(radius: _Q, magnet_angle: _Q, poles_angle: _Q) -> _Q: """ Args: radius: the reference radius of the magnet magnet_angle: total angular opening of the magnet (i.e. of the field-map) poles_angle: angular opening of the poles Returns: """ return radius * _np.tan(((magnet_angle - poles_angle) / 2).to('radian').magnitude)
[docs] @staticmethod def efb_offset_from_polar(radius: _Q, magnet_angle: _Q, poles_angle: _Q) -> _Q: """ Args: radius: the reference radius of the magnet magnet_angle: total angular opening of the magnet (i.e. of the field-map) poles_angle: angular opening of the poles Returns: """ return radius / _np.cos(((magnet_angle - poles_angle) / 2).to('radian').magnitude)
[docs] @staticmethod def efb_angle_from_polar(magnet_angle: _Q, poles_angle: _Q) -> _Q: """ Args: magnet_angle: total angular opening of the magnet (i.e. of the field-map) poles_angle: angular opening of the poles Returns: """ return -(magnet_angle - poles_angle) / 2
@property def entry_wedge_angle(self) -> List[_Q]: return [self.THETA_E] @property def exit_wedge_angle(self) -> List[_Q]: return [self.THETA_S]
[docs]class PolarMultiMagnet(PolarMagnet): @property def reference_angles(self) -> List[_Q]: return self.ACN
[docs]class AGSMainMagnet(CartesianMagnet): r"""AGS main magnet. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description The AGS main magnet is a combined function dipole with straight axis (lines of constant field are straight lines). The field computation routines for AGSMM are the same as for MULTIPOL (details in section 1.3.7, page 26), however AGSMM has the following four particularities : * There are only three multipole components present in AGSMM : dipole, quadrupole and sextupole. * The dipole field B0 is drawn from the reference rigidity, Bρref , and follows the latter so to preserve :math:`\rho = B\rho_{ref}/B0` and the orbit deviation L/ρ. In particular, * in the absence of acceleration, Bρref ≡ BORO, with BORO the quantity appearing in the object definition using [MC]OBJET, * in presence of acceleration using CAVITE, Bρref is changed to BORO×Dref at each passage in the cavity, with Dref the relative synchronous momentum increase, a quantity that zgoubi updates at cavity traversal. * The field indices, quadrupole K1 and sextupole K2, are derived from the reference rigidity, Bρref , via momentum-dependent polynomials, taken from Ref. [39], and following in that the methods found in the MAD model of the AGS [40]. * The AGS main dipole has back-leg windings, used for instance for injection and extraction orbit bumps. The number of winding turns and the number of ampere-turns are part of the data in the input data list. The intensity in the windings is accounted for in the conversion from total ampere-turns in the magnet to momentum and then to magnetic field. Note : A consequence of items 2 and 3 is that no field value is required in defining the AGS main magnets in the zgoubi.dat input data list. """ KEYWORD = 'AGSMM' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (2, "Print field and coordinates along trajectories", 1), 'MOD': (1, "Type of dipole magnet"), 'dL': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "UNUSED"), 'R0': (10.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips'), 'dB1': (0, 'Relative error on dipole component'), 'dB2': (0, 'Relative error on quadrupole component'), 'dB3': (0, 'Relative error on sextupole component'), 'NBLW': (0, 'Number of back-leg windings', 20), 'WMOD': (1, 'Back-leg winding model',), 'NW': ([0], 'Number of windings',), 'I': ([0] * _ureg.ampere, 'Current of windings',), 'X_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field', 21), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent', 22), 'E2': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Quadrupole fringe field extent', 23), 'E3': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Sextupole fringe field extent', 24), 'NCE': (0, 'UNUSED', 30), 'C0_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 31), 'C1_E': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 32), 'C2_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 33), 'C3_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 34), 'C4_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 35), 'C5_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 36), 'X_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field', 40), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent', 41), 'S2': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Quadrupole fringe field extent', 21), 'S3': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Sextupole fringe field extent', 21), 'NCS': (0, 'UNUSED', 50), 'C0_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 51), 'C1_S': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 52), 'C2_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 53), 'C3_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 54), 'C4_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 55), 'C5_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 56), 'R1': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'Skew angle of field component R1', 60), 'R2': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'Skew angle of field component R2', 60), 'R3': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'Skew angle of field component R3', 60), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 70), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type', 80), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset', 81), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset', 82), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'misalignment rotation', 83), 'XS': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'X shift', 81), 'YS': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Y shift', 81), 'ZR': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Z rotation', 81), 'ZS': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Z shift', 81), 'YR': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Y rotation', 81), 'COLOR': ('#FF0000', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if _cm(self.X_E) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_E.magnitude != 0: self.X_E = 2 * self.R0 if _cm(self.X_S) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_S.magnitude != 0: self.X_S = 2 * self.R0 def __str__(s): command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {s.MOD} {_cm(s.dL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {s.dB1:.12e} {s.dB2:.12e} {s.dB3:.12e} {s.NBLW}[.{s.WMOD}] """ command.append(c) c = f"" for i in range(s.NBLW): c += f" {s.NW[i]} {_ampere(s.I[i]):.12e}" command.append(c) c = f""" {_cm(s.X_E):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} {_cm(s.E2):.12e} {_cm(s.E3):.12e} {s.NCE} {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.X_S):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} {_cm(s.S2):.12e} {_cm(s.S3):.12e} {s.NCS} {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_radian(s.R1):.12e} {_radian(s.R2):.12e} {_radian(s.R3):.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)} """ command.append(c) if s.KPOS in (1, 3): c = f""" {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """ else: c = f""" {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XS):.12e} {_cm(s.YS):.12e} {_cm(s.ZR):.12e} {_cm(s.ZS):.12e} {_cm(s.YR):.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class AGSQuadrupole(CartesianMagnet): """AGS quadrupole. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description The AGS quadrupoles are regular quadrupoles. The simulation of ``AGSQUAD`` uses the same field modelling as ``MULTIPOL``, section 1.3.7, page 25. However amperes are provided as input to ``AGSQUAD`` rather than fields, the reason being that some of the AGS quadrupoles have two superimposed coil circuits, with separate power supplies. It has been dealt with this particularity by allowing for an additional set of multi- pole data in ``AGSQUAD``, compared to ``MULTIPOL``. The field in ``AGSQUAD`` is computed using transfer functions from the ampere-turns in the coils to magnetic field that account for the non-linearity of the magnetic permeability [33]. """ KEYWORD = 'AGSQUAD' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (2, "Print field and coordinates along trajectories", 1), 'XL': (10.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Magnet length (straight reference frame)", 10), 'R0': (10.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips', 11), 'IW1': (0 * _ureg.ampere, 'Current in windings', 12), 'IW2': (0 * _ureg.ampere, 'Current in windings', 13), 'IW3': (0 * _ureg.ampere, 'Current in windings', 14), 'dIW1': (0, 'Relative error on current', 15), 'dIW2': (0, 'Relative error on current', 16), 'dIW3': (0, 'Relative error on current', 17), 'X_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field', 20), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent', 21), 'NCE': (0, 'UNUSED', 30), 'C0_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 31), 'C1_E': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 32), 'C2_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 33), 'C3_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 34), 'C4_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 35), 'C5_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 36), 'X_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field', 40), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent', 41), 'NCS': (0, 'UNUSED', 50), 'C0_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 51), 'C1_S': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 52), 'C2_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 53), 'C3_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 54), 'C4_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 55), 'C5_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 56), 'R1': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'Roll angle', 60), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 70), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type', 80), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset', 81), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset', 82), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'misalignment rotation', 83), 'COLOR': ('#FF0000', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if _cm(self.X_E) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_E.magnitude != 0: self.X_E = 2 * self.R0 if _cm(self.X_S) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_S.magnitude != 0: self.X_S = 2 * self.R0 def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {_ampere(s.IW1):.12e} {_ampere(s.IW2):.12e} {_ampere(s.IW3):.12e} {s.dIW1 :.12e} {s.dIW1 :.12e} {s.dIW2 :.12e} {_cm(s.X_E):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} {s.NCE} {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.X_S):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} {s.NCS} {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_radian(s.R1):.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Aimant(PolarMagnet): """Generation of dipole mid-plane 2-D map, polar frame. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'AIMANT' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'NFACE': 2, 'IC': 0, # 1, 2: print field map 'IL': 0, # 1, 2: print field and coordinates on trajectores 'IAMAX': 0, 'IRMAX': 0, 'B0': 0, 'N': 0, 'B': 0, 'G': 0, 'AT': 0, 'ACENT': 0, 'RM': 0, 'RMIN': 0, 'RMAX': 0, 'LAM_E': 0, 'XI_E': 0, 'NCE': 0, 'C0_E': 0, 'C1_E': 0, 'C2_E': 0, 'C3_E': 0, 'C4_E': 0, 'C5_E': 0, 'SHIFT_E': 0, 'OMEGA_E': 0, 'THETA_E': 0, 'R1_E': 1e9, 'U1_E': -1e9, 'U2_E': 1e9, 'R2_E': 1e9, 'LAM_S': 0, 'XI_S': 0, 'NCS': 0, 'C0_S': 0, 'C1_S': 0, 'C2_S': 0, 'C3_S': 0, 'C4_S': 0, 'C5_S': 0, 'SHIFT_S': 0, 'OMEGA_S': 0, 'THETA_S': 0, 'R1_S': 1e9, 'U1_S': -1e9, 'U2_S': 1e9, 'R2_S': 1e9, 'LAM_L': 0, 'XI_L': 0, 'NCL': 0, 'C0_L': 0, 'C1_L': 0, 'C2_L': 0, 'C3_L': 0, 'C4_L': 0, 'C5_L': 0, 'SHIFT_L': 0, 'OMEGA_L': 0, 'THETA_L': 0, 'R1_L': 1e9, 'U1_L': -1e9, 'U2_L': 1e9, 'R2_L': 1e9, 'RM3': 0, 'NBS': 0, 'R0': 0, 'DELTAB': 0, 'THETA_0': 0, 'IORDRE': 4, 'XPAS': 0.1, 'KPOS': 2, 'RE': 0, 'TE': 0, 'RS': 0, 'TS': 0, 'DP': 0, 'SHIM_R1': [], 'SHIM_R2': [], 'SHIM_THETA1': [], 'SHIM_THETA2': [], 'SHIM_LAMBDA': [], 'SHIM_GAMMA': [], 'SHIM_ALPHA': [], 'SHIM_BETA': [], 'SHIM_MU': [], } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): command = [] if s.NFACE not in (2, 3): raise _ZgoubidooException(f"Error : Zgoubido does not support NFACE = {s.NFACE}") c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.NFACE} {s.IC} {s.IL} {s.IAMAX} {s.IRMAX} {s.B0:.12e} {s.N:.12e} {s.B:.12e} {s.G:.12e} {s.AT:.12e} {s.ACENT:.12e} {s.RM:.12e} {s.RMIN:.12e} {s.RMAX:.12e} {s.LAM_E:.12e} {s.XI_E:.12e} {s.NCE} {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {s.SHIFT_E:.12e} {s.OMEGA_E:.12e} {s.THETA_E:.12e} {s.R1_E:.12e} {s.U1_E:.12e} {s.U2_E:.12e} {s.R2_E:.12e} {s.LAM_S:.12e} {s.XI_S:.12e} {s.NCS} {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {s.SHIFT_S:.12e} {s.OMEGA_S:.12e} {s.THETA_S:.12e} {s.R1_S:.12e} {s.U1_S:.12e} {s.U2_S:.12e} {s.R2_S:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.NFACE == 3: c = f""" {s.LAM_L:.12e} {s.XI_L:.12e} {s.NCL} {s.C0_L:.12e} {s.C1_L:.12e} {s.C2_L:.12e} {s.C3_L:.12e} {s.C4_L:.12e} {s.C5_L:.12e} {s.SHIFT_L:.12e} {s.OMEGA_L:.12e} {s.THETA_L:.12e} {s.R1_L:.12e} {s.U1_L:.12e} {s.U2_L:.12e} {s.R2_L:.12e} {s.RM3:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.NBS == 0: command.append(f""" {s.NBS} """) elif s.NBS == -2: c = f""" {s.NBS} {s.R0:.12e} {s.DELTAB:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.NBS == -1: c = f""" {s.NBS} {s.THETA_0:.12e} {s.DELTAB:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.NBS >= 1: command.append(f""" {s.NBS}""") shim_r1 = len(s.SHIM_R1) shim_r2 = len(s.SHIM_R2) shim_theta1 = len(s.SHIM_THETA1) shim_theta2 = len(s.SHIM_THETA2) shim_lambda = len(s.SHIM_LAMBDA) shim_gamma = len(s.SHIM_GAMMA) shim_alpha = len(s.SHIM_ALPHA) shim_beta = len(s.SHIM_BETA) shim_mu = len(s.SHIM_MU) if shim_r1 \ == shim_r2 \ == shim_theta1 \ == shim_theta2 \ == shim_lambda \ == shim_gamma \ == shim_alpha \ == shim_beta \ == shim_mu: for i, j, k, l in zip(s.SHIM_R1, s.SHIM_R2, s.SHIM_THETA1, s.SHIM_LAMBDA): command.append(f""" {i:.12e} {j:.12e} {k:.12e} {l:.12e} """) for i, j, k, l in zip(s.GAMMA, s.ALPHA, s.MU, s.BETA): command.append(f""" {i:.12e} {j:.12e} {k:.12e} {l:.12e} """) else: raise _ZgoubidooException('Error : The shim parameters lists must have the same lenghts') c = f""" {s.IORDRE} {s.XPAS:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2.") if s.KPOS == 2: if s.RE == 0: s.RE = s.RM if s.RS == 0: s.RS = s.RM c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.RE:.12e} {s.TE:.12e} {s.RS:.12e} {s.TS:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 1: c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.DP:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class Bend(CartesianMagnet): """Bending magnet, Cartesian frame. .. note:: This is mostly a **sector bend** element defined in cartesian coordinates. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description TODO """ KEYWORD = 'BEND' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, "Print field and coordinates along trajectories", 1), 'XL': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Magnet length (straight reference frame)", 10), 'SK': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Skew angle", 11), 'B1': (0.0 * _ureg.kilogauss, "Dipole field", 12), 'X_E': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Integration zone extension (entrance face)"), 'LAM_E': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Fringe field extension (entrance face)"), 'W_E': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Wedge angle (entrance face)"), 'C0_E': (0.0, 'Entrance fringe field coefficient C0'), 'C1_E': (1.0, 'Entrance fringe field coefficient C1'), 'C2_E': (0.0, 'Entrance fringe field coefficient C2'), 'C3_E': (0.0, 'Entrance fringe field coefficient C3'), 'C4_E': (0.0, 'Entrance fringe field coefficient C4'), 'C5_E': (0.0, 'Entrance fringe field coefficient C5'), 'X_S': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Integration zone extension (exit face)"), 'LAM_S': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Fringe field extension (exit face)"), 'W_S': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Wedge angle (exit face)"), 'C0_S': (0.0, 'Exit fringe field coefficient C0'), 'C1_S': (1.0, 'Exit fringe field coefficient C1'), 'C2_S': (0.0, 'Exit fringe field coefficient C2'), 'C3_S': (0.0, 'Exit fringe field coefficient C3'), 'C4_S': (0.0, 'Exit fringe field coefficient C4'), 'C5_S': (0.0, 'Exit fringe field coefficient C5'), 'XPAS': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Integration step"), 'KPOS': (2, "Alignment parameter"), 'XCE': 0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'YCE': 0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'ALE': 0.0 * _ureg.radian, 'COLOR': '#4169E1', 'LENGTH_IS_ARC_LENGTH': True, } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if self.LAM_S.magnitude == 0: self.X_S = 0.0 * if self.LAM_E.magnitude == 0: self.X_E = 0.0 *
def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {int(s.IL):d} {'cm').magnitude:.12e} {'radian').magnitude:.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B1):.12e} {'cm').magnitude:.12e} {'cm').magnitude:.12e} {'radian').magnitude:.12e} 6 {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {'cm').magnitude:.12e} {'cm').magnitude:.12e} {'radian').magnitude:.12e} 6 {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS):.12e} {int(s.KPOS):d} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Decapole(CartesianMagnet): r"""Decapole magnet. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description The meaning of parameters for ``DECAPOLE`` is the same as for ``QUADRUPO``. In fringe field regions the magnetic field :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` and its derivatives up to fourth order are derived from the scalar potential expressed to the 5th order in Y and Z .. math:: V (X, Y,Z) = G(X) (Y^4Z - 2Y^2Z^3 + \frac{Z^5}{5}) with :math:`G0=\frac{B_0}{R_0^4}` The modelling of the fringe field form factor G(X) is described under ``QUADRUPO``, p. 128. Outside fringe field regions, or everywhere in sharp edge decapole (:math:`λ_E = λ_S = 0`) , :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` in the magnet is given by .. math:: \begin{align} B_X &= 0 \\ B_Y &= 4G_0(Y^2 − Z^2)YZ \\ B_Z &= G_0(Y^4 − 6Y^2Z^2 + Z^4) \end{align} """ KEYWORD = 'DECAPOLE' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (2, "Print field and coordinates along trajectories", 1), 'XL': (10.0 * _ureg.centimeter, "Magnet length (straight reference frame)", 10), 'R0': (10.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips', 11), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tips', 12), 'X_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field', 20), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent', 21), 'NCE': (0, 'UNUSED', 30), 'C0_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 31), 'C1_E': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 32), 'C2_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 33), 'C3_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 34), 'C4_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 35), 'C5_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 36), 'X_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field', 40), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent', 41), 'NCS': (0, 'UNUSED', 50), 'C0_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 51), 'C1_S': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 52), 'C2_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 53), 'C3_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 54), 'C4_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 55), 'C5_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 56), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 60), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type', 70), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset', 71), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset', 72), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'misalignment rotation', 73), 'COLOR': ('#FF0000', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(self): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {int(self.IL):d} {_cm(self.XL):.12e} {_cm(self.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(self.B0):.12e} {_cm(self.XE):.12e} {_cm(self.LAM_E):.12e} 6 {self.C0:.12e} {self.C1:.12e} {self.C2:.12e} {self.C3:.12e} {self.C4:.12e} {self.C5:.12e} {_cm(self.XS):.12e} {_cm(self.LAM_S):.12e} 6 {self.C0:.12e} {self.C1:.12e} {self.C2:.12e} {self.C3:.12e} {self.C4:.12e} {self.C5:.12e} {_cm(self.XPAS)} {int(self.KPOS):d} {_cm(self.XCE):.12e} {_cm(self.YCE):.12e} {_radian(self.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Dipole(PolarMagnet): """Dipole magnet, polar frame. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description ``DIPOLE`` provides a model of a dipole field, possibly with transverse field indices. The field along a particle trajectory is computed as the particle motion proceeds, straightforwardly from the dipole geometrical boundaries. Field simulation in ``DIPOLE`` is the same as used in ``DIPOLE-M`` and ``AIMANT`` for computing a field map; the essential difference in ``DIPOLE`` is in its skipping that intermediate stage of field map generation found in ``DIPOLE-M`` and ``AIMANT``. ``DIPOLE`` has a version, ``DIPOLES``, that allows overlapping of fringe fields in a configuration of neighboring magnets. The dimensioning of the magnet is defined by (Fig. 11, p. 82): - AT : total angular aperture - RM : mean radius used for the positioning of field boundaries The 2 or 3 effective field boundaries (EFB), from which the dipole field is drawn, are defined from geometric boundaries, the shape and position of which are determined by the following parameters: - ACENT: arbitrary inner angle, used for EFB’s positioning; - ω: azimuth of an EFB with respect to ACENT; - θ: angle of an EFB with respect to its azimuth (wedge angle) : radius of curvature of an EFB; - R1, R2 U1, U2: extent of the linear part of an EFB. The magnetic field is calculated in polar coordinates. At any position (R, θ) along the particle trajectory the value of the vertical component of the mid-plane field is calculated using R−RM􏰖 􏰕R−RM􏰖2 􏰕R−RM􏰖3􏰛 BZ(R,θ)=F(R,θ)∗B0∗ 1+N∗ RM +B∗ RM +G∗ RM (4.4.8) where N, B and G are respectively the first, second and third order field indices and F(R,θ) is the fringe field coefficient (it determines the “flutter” in periodic structures). Calculation of the Fringe Field Coefficient With each EFB a realistic extent of the fringe field, λ (normally equal to the gap size), is associated and a fringe field coefficient F is calculated. In the following λ stands for either λE (Entrance), λS (Exit) or λL (Lateral EFB). F is an exponential type fringe field (Fig. 12, p. 84) given by [34] F=1 1+expP(s) wherein s is the distance to the EFB and depends on (R, θ), and P(s)=C0 +C1􏰓s􏰔+C2􏰓s􏰔2 +C3􏰓s􏰔3 +C4􏰓s􏰔4 +C5􏰓s􏰔5 λλλλλ It is also possible to simulate a shift of the EFB, by giving a non zero value to the parameter shift. s is then changed to s−shift in the previous equation. This allows small variations of the magnetic length. Let FE (respectively FS , FL) be the fringe field coefficient attached to the entrance (respectively exit, lateral) EFB. At any position on a trajectory the resulting value of the fringe field coefficient (eq. 4.4.8) is 102 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE AVAILABLE PROCEDURES F(R,θ)=FE ∗FS ∗FL In particular, FL ≡ 1 if no lateral EFB is requested. Calculation of the Mid-plane Field and Derivatives BZ (R, θ) in Eq. 4.4.8 is computed at the n × n nodes (n = 3 or 5 in practice) of a “flying” interpolation grid in the median plane centered on the projection m0 of the actual particle position M0 as schemed in Fig. 20. A polynomial interpolation is involved, of the form BZ(R,θ)=A00 +A10θ+A01R+A20θ2 +A11θR+A02R2 that yields the requested derivatives, using Akl = 1 ∂k+lBZ k!l! ∂θk∂rl Note that, the source code contains the explicit analytical expressions of the coefficients Akl solutions of the normal equations, so that the operation is not CPU time consuming. B2 interpolation grid δ s particle trajectory B1mm1 B3 0 Figure 20: Interpolation method. m0 and m1 are the projections in the median plane of particle positions M0 and M1 and separated by δs, projection of the integration step. Extrapolation Off Median Plane From the vertical field B⃗ and derivatives in the median plane, first a transformation from polar to Cartesian coordinates is performed, following eqs (1.4.9 or 1.4.10), then, extrapolation off median plane is performed by means of Taylor expansions, following the procedure described in section 1.3.3. .. rubric:: Zgoubidoo usage and example >>> m = Dipole() >>> """ KEYWORD = 'DIPOLE' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'AT': (0 *, 'Total angular extent of the dipole (positive value in all cases)', 2), 'RM': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference radius', 3), 'ACENT': (0 *, 'Azimuth for positioning of EFBs', 4), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Reference field', 5), 'N': (0, 'Field index (radial quadrupolar)', 6), 'B': (0, 'Field index (radial sextupolar)', 7), 'G': (0, 'Field index (radial octupolar)', 8), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance fringe field extent (normally ≃ gap size)', 9), 'C0_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 12), 'C1_E': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 13), 'C2_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 14), 'C3_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 15), 'C4_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 16), 'C5_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 17), 'SHIFT_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 18), 'OMEGA_E': (0 *, '', 19), 'THETA_E': (0 *, 'Entrance face wedge angle', 20), 'R1_E': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB radius', 21), 'U1_E': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB linear extent', 22), 'U2_E': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB linear extent', 23), 'R2_E': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB radius', 24), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit fringe field extent (normally ≃ gap size)', 25), 'C0_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 26), 'C1_S': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 27), 'C2_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 28), 'C3_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 29), 'C4_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 30), 'C5_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 31), 'SHIFT_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 32), 'OMEGA_S': (0 *, '', 33), 'THETA_S': (0 *, 'Exit face wedge angle', 34), 'R1_S': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB radius', 35), 'U1_S': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB linear extent', 36), 'U2_S': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB linear extent', 37), 'R2_S': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB radius', 38), 'LAM_L': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Lateral fringe field extent (normally ≃ gap size)', 39), 'XI_L': (0, 'Flag to activate/deactivate the lateral EFB (0 to deactivate)', 40), 'C0_L': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 41), 'C1_L': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 42), 'C2_L': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 43), 'C3_L': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 44), 'C4_L': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 45), 'C5_L': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 46), 'SHIFT_L': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 47), 'OMEGA_L': (0 *, '', 48), 'THETA_L': (0 *, 'Lateral field boundary wedge angle', 49), 'R1_L': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Lateral EFB radius', 50), 'U1_L': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Lateral EFB linear extent', 51), 'U2_L': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Lateral EFB linear extent', 52), 'R2_L': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Lateral EFB radius', 53), 'RM3': (1e9 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference radius of the lateral EFB', 54), 'IORDRE': (2, '', 55), 'RESOL': (10, '', 56), 'XPAS': (1 * _ureg.millimeter, 'Integration step', 57), 'KPOS': (2, '', 58), 'RE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 64), 'TE': (0 * _ureg.radian, '', 65), 'RS': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 66), 'TS': (0 * _ureg.radian, '', 67), 'DP': (0.0, '', 63), 'COLOR': '#4169E1', } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if _degree(self.OMEGA_E) == 0: self.OMEGA_E = self.AT / 2 if _degree(self.OMEGA_S) == 0: self.OMEGA_S -= self.AT / 2 if _degree(self.ACENT) == 0: self.ACENT = self.AT / 2 if _cm(self.RE) == 0: self.RE = self.RM if _cm(self.RS) == 0: self.RS = self.RM
def __str__(s): command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_degree(s.AT):.20e} {_cm(s.RM):.12e} {_degree(s.ACENT):.20e} {_kilogauss(s.B0):.12e} {s.N:.12e} {s.B:.12e} {s.G:.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} -1.0 6 {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_E):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_E):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_E):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_E):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_E):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_E):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_E):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} -1.0 6 {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_S):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_S):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_S):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_S):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_S):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_S):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_S):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_L):.12e} {s.XI_L} 6 {s.C0_L:.12e} {s.C1_L:.12e} {s.C2_L:.12e} {s.C3_L:.12e} {s.C4_L:.12e} {s.C5_L:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_L):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_L):.12e} {_degree(s.THETA_L):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_L):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_L):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_L):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_L):.12e} {_cm(s.RM3):.12e} {s.IORDRE} {s.RESOL:.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)}""" command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2.") if s.KPOS == 2: if s.RE == 0: s.RE = s.RM if s.RS == 0: s.RS = s.RM c = f""" {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.RE):.12e} {_radian(s.TE):.12e} {_cm(s.RS):.12e} {_radian(s.TS):.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 1: c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.DP:.12e} 0.0 0.0 0.0 """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs] def fit(self, kinematics: _Kinematics, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton, entry_coordinates: _np.array = None, exit_coordinate: float = 0.0, method: _FitType = _Fit2, zgoubi: Optional[_Zgoubi] = None, debug=False): """ Args: kinematics: the reference energy of the magnet particle: the particule type entry_coordinates: references 6D coordinates at the magnet entry exit_coordinate: the coordinate at the magnet exit method: the Zgoubi fitting command zgoubi: the `Zgoubi` instance used to launch the runs debug: verbose parent Returns: the `Dipole` itself (allows method chaining). """ if entry_coordinates is None: entry_coordinates = _np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) z = zgoubi or _Zgoubi() zi = zgoubidoo.Input(f"FIT_{self.LABEL1}_MAGNET") zi += _Objet2('BUNCH', BORO=kinematics.brho).add(entry_coordinates) zi += particle() zi += _Marker('START') zi += self zi += _Marker('END') fit = method(PENALTY=1e-12, PARAMS=[ _Fit.Parameter(line=zi, place=self.LABEL1, parameter=Dipole.B0_), ], CONSTRAINTS=[ _Fit.EqualityConstraint( line=zi, place='END', variable=_Fit.FitCoordinates.Y, value=exit_coordinate ), ] ).generate_label('FIT_') zi += fit def cb(f): """Post execution callback.""" r = f.result() if not fit.results[0][1].success: raise _ZgoubidooException(f"Unable to fit {self.__class__.__name__}.") if debug: print('\n'.join(r['result'])) self.B0 = fit.results[0][1][1, 'final'] self._fit = fit z(zi, identifier={'FITTING': self.LABEL1}, cb=cb) return self
[docs]class DipoleM(PolarMagnet): """TODO. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description """ KEYWORD = 'DIPOLE-M' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'NFACE': 2, 'IC': 0, # 1, 2: print field map 'IL': 0, # 1, 2: print field and coordinates on trajectores 'IAMAX': 0, 'IRMAX': 0, 'B0': 0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'N': 0, 'B': 0, 'G': 0, 'AT': 0, 'ACENT': 0, 'RM': 0, 'RMIN': 0, 'RMAX': 0, 'LAM_E': 0, 'XI_E': 0, 'NCE': 0, 'C0_E': 0, 'C1_E': 0, 'C2_E': 0, 'C3_E': 0, 'C4_E': 0, 'C5_E': 0, 'SHIFT_E': 0, 'OMEGA_E': 0, 'THETA_E': 0, 'R1_E': 1e9, 'U1_E': -1e9, 'U2_E': 1e9, 'R2_E': 1e9, 'LAM_S': 0, 'XI_S': 0, 'NCS': 0, 'C0_S': 0, 'C1_S': 0, 'C2_S': 0, 'C3_S': 0, 'C4_S': 0, 'C5_S': 0, 'SHIFT_S': 0, 'OMEGA_S': 0, 'THETA_S': 0, 'R1_S': 1e9, 'U1_S': -1e9, 'U2_S': 1e9, 'R2_S': 1e9, 'LAM_L': 0, 'XI_L': 0, 'NCL': 0, 'C0_L': 0, 'C1_L': 0, 'C2_L': 0, 'C3_L': 0, 'C4_L': 0, 'C5_L': 0, 'SHIFT_L': 0, 'OMEGA_L': 0, 'THETA_L': 0, 'R1_L': 1e9, 'U1_L': -1e9, 'U2_L': 1e9, 'R2_L': 1e9, 'RM3': 0, 'NBS': 0, 'R0': 0, 'DELTAB': 0, 'THETA_0': 0, 'IORDRE': 4, 'XPAS': 0.1, 'KPOS': 2, 'RE': 0, 'TE': 0, 'RS': 0, 'TS': 0, 'DP': 0, 'SHIM_R1': [], 'SHIM_R2': [], 'SHIM_THETA1': [], 'SHIM_THETA2': [], 'SHIM_LAMBDA': [], 'SHIM_GAMMA': [], 'SHIM_ALPHA': [], 'SHIM_BETA': [], 'SHIM_MU': [], } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): command = [] if s.NFACE not in (2, 3): raise _ZgoubidooException(f"Error : Zgoubido does not support NFACE = {s.NFACE}") c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.NFACE} {s.IC} {s.IL} {s.IAMAX} {s.IRMAX} {'kilogauss').magnitude:.12e} {s.N:.12e} {s.B:.12e} {s.G:.12e} {s.AT:.12e} {s.ACENT:.12e} {s.RM:.12e} {s.RMIN:.12e} {s.RMAX:.12e} {s.LAM_E:.12e} {s.XI_E:.12e} {s.NCE} {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {s.SHIFT_E:.12e} {s.OMEGA_E:.12e} {s.THETA_E:.12e} {s.R1_E:.12e} {s.U1_E:.12e} {s.U2_E:.12e} {s.R2_E:.12e} {s.LAM_S:.12e} {s.XI_S:.12e} {s.NCS} {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {s.SHIFT_S:.12e} {s.OMEGA_S:.12e} {s.THETA_S:.12e} {s.R1_S:.12e} {s.U1_S:.12e} {s.U2_S:.12e} {s.R2_S:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.NFACE == 3: c = f""" {s.LAM_L:.12e} {s.XI_L:.12e} {s.NCL} {s.C0_L:.12e} {s.C1_L:.12e} {s.C2_L:.12e} {s.C3_L:.12e} {s.C4_L:.12e} {s.C5_L:.12e} {s.SHIFT_L:.12e} {s.OMEGA_L:.12e} {s.THETA_L:.12e} {s.R1_L:.12e} {s.U1_L:.12e} {s.U2_L:.12e} {s.R2_L:.12e} {s.RM3:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.NBS == 0: command.append(f""" {s.NBS} """) elif s.NBS == -2: c = f""" {s.NBS} {s.R0:.12e} {s.DELTAB:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.NBS == -1: c = f""" {s.NBS} {s.THETA_0:.12e} {s.DELTAB:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.NBS >= 1: command.append(f""" {s.NBS}""") shim_r1 = len(s.SHIM_R1) shim_r2 = len(s.SHIM_R2) shim_theta1 = len(s.SHIM_THETA1) shim_theta2 = len(s.SHIM_THETA2) shim_lambda = len(s.SHIM_LAMBDA) shim_gamma = len(s.SHIM_GAMMA) shim_alpha = len(s.SHIM_ALPHA) shim_beta = len(s.SHIM_BETA) shim_mu = len(s.SHIM_MU) if shim_r1\ == shim_r2 \ == shim_theta1 \ == shim_theta2 \ == shim_lambda \ == shim_gamma \ == shim_alpha \ == shim_beta \ == shim_mu: for i, j, k, l in zip(s.SHIM_R1, s.SHIM_R2, s.SHIM_THETA1, s.SHIM_LAMBDA): command.append(f""" {i:.12e} {j:.12e} {k:.12e} {l:.12e} """) for i, j, k, l in zip(s.GAMMA, s.ALPHA, s.MU, s.BETA): command.append(f""" {i:.12e} {j:.12e} {k:.12e} {l:.12e} """) else: raise _ZgoubidooException('Error : The shim parameters lists must have the same lenghts') c = f""" {s.IORDRE} {s.XPAS:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2.") if s.KPOS == 2: if s.RE == 0: s.RE = s.RM if s.RS == 0: s.RS = s.RM c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.RE:.12e} {s.TE:.12e} {s.RS:.12e} {s.TS:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 1: c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.DP:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class Dipoles(PolarMultiMagnet): """Dipole magnet N-tuple, polar frame. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description TODO """ KEYWORD = 'DIPOLES' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'N': (1, 'Number of magnets (maximum 5).', 2), 'AT': (0.0 *, 'Total angular extent of the N dipoles.', 3), 'RM': (0.0 *, 'Reference radius: mean radius used for the positioning of field boundaries', 4), 'ACN': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Azimuth for dipole positioning', 5), 'DRM': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Offset for the reference radius of each magnet : RM_i = RM +DELTA_RM', 6), 'B0': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Dipole fields of each magnets.', 7), 'BI': ([[], [], [], [], []], 'Lists of field coefficients for each magnets.', 8), # à partir d'ici, on doit faire +ind pour tous les numéros de fit 'G0_E': ( [0.00000001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Reference gaps for the entrance fringe fields of each magnets.', 9), 'K_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field parameter kappa', 10), # 11 c'est pour le NC 'C0_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 12), 'C1_E': ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 13), 'C2_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 14), 'C3_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 15), 'C4_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 16), 'C5_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 17), 'SHIFT_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 18), 'OMEGA_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, '', 19), 'THETA_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Entrance face wedge angle', 20), 'R1_E': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB radius', 21), 'U1_E': ([-1e9, -1e9, -1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB linear extent', 22), ####-1e9 ? 'U2_E': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB linear extent', 23), 'R2_E': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB radius', 24), 'G0_S': ( [0.00000001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Reference gaps for the exit fringe fields of each magnet.', 25), 'K_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field parameter kappa', 26), 'C0_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 28), # 27 pour le NC 'C1_S': ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 29), 'C2_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 30), 'C3_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 31), 'C4_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 32), 'C5_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 33), 'SHIFT_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 34), 'OMEGA_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, '', 35), 'THETA_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Entrance face wedge angle', 36), 'R1_S': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB radius', 37), 'U1_S': ([-1e9, -1e9, -1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB linear extent', 38), ####-1e9 ? 'U2_S': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB linear extent', 39), 'R2_S': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB radius', 40), 'G0_L': ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED Reference gaps for the lateral fringe fields of each dipole.', 41), 'K_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field parameter kappa', 42), ####POUR FIT : ne pas oublier NC unused 'C0_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C0', 44), 'C1_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C1', 45), 'C2_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C2', 46), 'C3_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C3', 47), 'C4_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C4', 48), 'C5_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C5', 49), 'SHIFT_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Shift of the EFB', 50), 'OMEGA_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED ', 51), 'THETA_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED Entrance face wedge angle', 52), 'R1_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB radius', 53), 'U1_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB linear extent', 54), 'U2_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB linear extent', 55), 'R2_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB radius', 56), 'RM3': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Unused.', 57), 'KIRD': ( 2, 'Analytical computation (KIRD = 0) or numerical interpolation (KIRD = 2,4, 25) of field derivatives', 58), # 111 (pour chaque dipole supplémentaire, faire +53 pour le fit) 'RESOL': (2, '', 59), 'XPAS': (1.0 * _ureg.millimeter, 'Integration step', 60), 'KPOS': (2, '', 61), 'RE': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 62), 'TE': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, '', 63), 'RS': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 64), 'TS': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, '', 65), 'DP': (0.0, '', 62), 'COLOR': '#4169E1', } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ for i in range(self.N): if _degree(self.OMEGA_E[i]) == 0: self.OMEGA_E[i] = self.AT / (2 * self.N) + i * self.AT / self.N if _degree(self.OMEGA_S[i]) == 0: self.OMEGA_S[i] -= (self.AT - self.AT / (2 * self.N) - i * self.AT / self.N) if _degree(self.ACN[i]) == 0: self.ACN[i] = self.AT / (2 * self.N) + i * self.AT / self.N if _cm(self.RE) == 0: self.RE = self.RM if _cm(self.RS) == 0: self.RS = self.RM
def __str__(s): command = list() command.append(f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {s.N} {_degree(s.AT):.20e} {_cm(s.RM):.12e} """) for i in range(0, s.N): command.append(f""" {_degree(s.ACN[i]):.20e} {_cm(s.DRM[i]):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B0[i]):.12e} {len(s.BI[i])} {' '.join(map(str, s.BI[i]))} {_cm(s.G0_E[i]):.12e} {s.K_E[i]:.12e} 4 {s.C0_E[i]:.12e} {s.C1_E[i]:.12e} {s.C2_E[i]:.12e} {s.C3_E[i]:.12e} {s.C4_E[i]:.12e} {s.C5_E[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_E[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_E[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.G0_S[i]):.12e} {s.K_S[i]:.12e} 4 {s.C0_S[i]:.12e} {s.C1_S[i]:.12e} {s.C2_S[i]:.12e} {s.C3_S[i]:.12e} {s.C4_S[i]:.12e} {s.C5_S[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_S[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_S[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.G0_L[i]):.12e} {s.K_L[i]:.12e} 4 {s.C0_L[i]:.12e} {s.C1_L[i]:.12e} {s.C2_L[i]:.12e} {s.C3_L[i]:.12e} {s.C4_L[i]:.12e} {s.C5_L[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_L[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_L[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.RM3[i]):.12e} """) c = f""" {s.KIRD} {s.RESOL} {_cm(s.XPAS):.12e} {s.KPOS} """ command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2.") if s.KPOS == 2: if s.RE == 0: s.RE = s.RM if s.RS == 0: s.RS = s.RM c = f""" {_cm(s.RE):.12e} {_radian(s.TE):.12e} {_cm(s.RS):.12e} {_radian(s.TS):.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 1: c = f""" {s.DP:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class Dodecapole(CartesianMagnet): r"""Dodecapole magnet. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description The meaning of parameters for ``DODECAPO`` is the same as for ``QUADRUPO``. In fringe field regions the magnetic field :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` and its derivatives up to fourth order are derived from the scalar potential approximated to the 6th order in Y and Z .. math:: V(X,Y,Z) = G(X)(Y^4 − \frac{10}{3} Y^2 Z^2 + Z^4) YZ with :math:`G_0 = \frac{B_0}{R_0^5}` The modelling of the fringe field form factor G(X) is described under ``QUADRUPO``, p. 152. Outside fringe field regions, or everywhere in sharp edge dodecapole (:math:`λ_E = λ_S = 0`), :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` in the magnet is given by .. math:: \begin{align} B_X &= 0 \\ B_Y &= G_0 (5 Y^4 − 10 Y^2 Z^2 + Z^4) Z \\ B_Z &= G_0 (Y^4 − 10 Y^2 Z^2 + 5 Z^4) Y \end{align} """ KEYWORD = 'DODECAPO' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'XL': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Magnet length', 10), 'R0': (10.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips', 11), 'B0': (0.0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip', 12), 'XE': (0.0* _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone extent for the fringe field', 20), 'LAM_E': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent (λ_E = 0 for sharp edge)', 21), # NCE: (0, 'UNUSED', 7) 'C0': (0.0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 31), 'C1': (1.0, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 32), 'C2': (0.0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 33), 'C3': (0.0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 34), 'C4': (0.0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 35), 'C5': (0.0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 36), 'XS': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone extent for the fringe field', 40), 'LAM_S': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent', 41), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 60), 'KPOS': (1, 'Alignment parameter: 1 (element aligned) or 2 (misaligned)', 70), 'XCE': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'X shift', 71), 'YCE': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Y shift', 72), 'ALE': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, 'Tilt', 73), 'COLOR': ('green', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B0):.12e} {_cm(s.XE):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} 6 {s.C0:.12e} {s.C1:.12e} {s.C2:.12e} {s.C3:.12e} {s.C4:.12e} {s.C5:.12e} {_cm(s.XS):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} 6 {s.C0:.12e} {s.C1:.12e} {s.C2:.12e} {s.C3:.12e} {s.C4:.12e} {s.C5:.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS):.12e} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Drift(CartesianMagnet): """ Field free drift space. TODO >>> Drift(XL=10 * """ KEYWORD = 'DRIFT' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, ''), 'XL': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Drift length'), 'SPLIT': (True, 'Split the drift in multiple steps.'), 'SPLITS': (10, 'If SPLITS > 1, the drift will be split in multiple steps.'), 'COLOR': (None, 'Color used when plotting the element.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(self): if self.SPLIT: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {self.XL.m_as('cm'):.12e} split {self.SPLITS} {self.IL} """ else: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {self.XL.m_as('cm'):.12e} """ @property def entry_s(self) -> Optional[_ureg.Quantity]: """ Returns: """ if self.reference_trajectory is not None: r = self.reference_trajectory['S'] return (r.min() - (r.iloc[1] - r.iloc[0])) * _ureg.m else: return 0.0 * _ureg.m
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, stream: str): """TODO""" template = """ '{}' {label1:w} {XL_:.12e} """ return _parse.parse(' '.join(template.split()), ' '.join(stream.split()))
[docs] def adjust_tracks_variables(self, tracks: _pd.DataFrame): t = tracks[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'SREF'] = t['X'] + self.entry_s.m_as('m') tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'YT'] = t['Y'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'YT0'] = t['Yo'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ZT'] = t['Z'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ZT0'] = t['Zo'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'BX'] = 0 tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'BY'] = 0 tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'BZ'] = 0 tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'EX'] = 0 tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'EY'] = 0 tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'EZ'] = 0
[docs]class ESL(Drift): """Field free drift space ("espace libre").""" pass
[docs]class Emma(CartesianMagnet): """2-D Cartesian or cylindrical mesh field map for EMMA FFAG. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'EMMA' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class FFAG(PolarMultiMagnet): r"""FFAG magnet, N-tuple. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description ``FFAG`` works much like ``DIPOLES`` as to the field modelling, apart from the radial dependence of the field, :math:`B = B_0 (\frac{r}{r_0})^k`, so-called “scaling”. Note that ``DIPOLES`` does similar job by using a Taylor r-expansion of :math:`B_0(\frac{r}{r_0})^k`. The FFAG procedure allows overlapping of fringe fields of neighboring dipoles, thus simulating in some sort the field in a dipole N-tuple - as for instance in an FFAG doublet or triplet. A detailed application, with five dipoles, can be found in Ref. [44]. This is done in the way described below. The dimensioning of the magnet is defined by : - AT : total angular aperture - RM : mean radius used for the positioning of field boundaries For each one of the N = 1 to (maximum) 5 dipoles of the N-tuple, the two effective field boundaries (entrance and exit EFBs) from which the dipole field is drawn are defined from geometric boundaries, the shape and position of which are determined by the following parameters (in the same manner as in ``DIPOLE``, ``DIPOLE-M`` ) (see Fig. 11-A page 98, and Fig. 31): - :math:`ACN_i` : arbitrary inner angle, used for EFBs positioning - ω : azimuth of an EFB with respect to ACN - θ : angle of an EFB with respect to its azimuth (wedge angle) - R1, R2 : radius of curvature of an EFB - U1, U2 : extent of the linear part of an EFB *Calculation of the Field From a Single Dipole* The magnetic field is calculated in polar coordinates. At all (R, θ) in the median plane (z = 0), the magnetic field due a single one (index i) of the dipoles of a N-tuple FFAG magnet is written $$B_{Z_i}(R, θ) = B_{Z_{0,i}} F_i(R, θ) (R/RM)^{K_i}$$ wherein :math:`B_{Z_{0,i}}` is a reference field, at reference radius :math:`RM_i`, whereas F(R,θ) is calculated as described below. *Calculation of* :math:`F_i(R, θ)` The fringe field coefficient :math:`F_i(R, θ)` associated with a dipole is computed as in the procedure ``DIPOLES`` (eq. 6.4.16), including (rigorously if the interpolation method is used, see page 125, or to order zero if the analytic method is used, see page 125) radial dependence of the gap size $$g(R) = g_0 (RM/R)^κ (6.4.19) $$ so to simulate the effect of gap shaping on :math:`B_{Z_i}(R,θ)|_R` field fall-off, over the all radial extent of a scaling FFAG dipole (with normally - but not necessarily in practice - κ ≈ Ki). *Calculation of the Field Resulting From All N Dipoles* For the rest, namely, calculation of the full field at particle position from the N dipoles, analytical calculation or numerical interpolation of the mid-plane field derivatives, extrapolation off median plane, etc., things are performed exactly as in the case of the ``DIPOLES`` procedure (see page 125). *Sharp Edge* Sharp edge field fall-off at a field boundary can only be simulated if the following conditions are fulfilled : - Entrance (resp. exit) field boundary coincides with entrance (resp. exit) dipole limit (it means in particular see Fig. 11, :math:`ω^+ = ACENT` (resp. :math:`ω^- = −(AT − ACENT`)), together with θ = 0 at entrance (resp. exit) EFBs) - Analytical method for calculation of the mid-plane field derivatives is used. """ KEYWORD = 'FFAG' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'N': (1, 'Number of dipoles in the FFAG N -tuple (maximum 5)', 2), 'AT': (0.0 *, 'Total angular extent of the N dipoles', 3), 'RM': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference radius: mean radius used for the positioning of field boundaries', 4), # For each magnet in the N-tuple 'ACN': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Azimuth for dipole positioning', 5), 'DRM': ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Offset for the reference radius of each dipole RM_i = RM + DRM', 6 ), 'BZ0': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field of each dipole', 7), 'K': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Field index for each dipole', 8), 'G0_E': ( [0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001] *, 'Reference gaps for the entrance fringe fields of each dipole.', 9 ), 'K_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field parameter kappa', 10), 'C0_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 12), 'C1_E': ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 13), 'C2_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 14), 'C3_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 15), 'C4_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 16), 'C5_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 16), 'SHIFT_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 18), 'OMEGA_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, '', 19), 'THETA_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Entrance face wedge angle', 20), 'R1_E': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB radius', 21), 'U1_E': ([-1e9, -1e9, -1e9, -1e9, -1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB linear extent', 22), 'U2_E': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB linear extent', 23), 'R2_E': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance EFB radius', 24), 'G0_S': ( [0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001] *, 'Reference gaps for the exit fringe fields of each dipole.', 25 ), 'K_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field parameter kappa', 26), 'C0_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 28), 'C1_S': ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 29), 'C2_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 30), 'C3_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 31), 'C4_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 32), 'C5_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 33), 'SHIFT_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 34), 'OMEGA_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, '', 35), 'THETA_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Entrance face wedge angle', 36), 'R1_S': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB radius', 37), 'U1_S': ([-1e9, -1e9, -1e9, -1e9, -1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB linear extent', 38), 'U2_S': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB linear extent', 39), 'R2_S': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit EFB radius', 40), 'G0_L': ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED Reference gaps for the lateral fringe fields of each dipole.', 41 ), 'K_L': ([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1], 'UNUSED Fringe field parameter kappa', 42), 'C0_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C0', 44), 'C1_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C1', 45), 'C2_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C2', 46), 'C3_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C3', 47), 'C4_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C4', 48), 'C5_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C5', 49), 'SHIFT_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Shift of the EFB', 50), 'OMEGA_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED ', 51), 'THETA_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED Entrance face wedge angle', 52), 'R1_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB radius', 53), 'U1_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB linear extent', 54), 'U2_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB linear extent', 55), 'R2_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB radius', 56), # General parameters # The fit index depends on the number of magnets in the FFAG N -tuple (+52 for each new magnet) 'KIRD': ( 2, 'Analytical computation (KIRD = 0) or numerical interpolation (KIRD = 2,4, 25) of field derivatives', 57 ), 'RESOL': (2, '', 58), 'XPAS': (1.0 * _ureg.millimeter, 'Integration step', 59), 'KPOS': (2, '', 60), 'RE': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 61), 'TE': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, '', 62), 'RS': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 63), 'TS': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, '', 64), 'DP': (0.0, '', 61), 'COLOR': '#4169E1', } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ for i in range(self.N): if _degree(self.OMEGA_E[i]) == 0: self.OMEGA_E[i] = self.AT / (2 * self.N) + i * self.AT / self.N if _degree(self.OMEGA_S[i]) == 0: self.OMEGA_S[i] -= (self.AT - self.AT / (2 * self.N) - i * self.AT / self.N) if _degree(self.ACN[i]) == 0: self.ACN[i] = self.AT / (2 * self.N) + i * self.AT / self.N if _cm(self.RE) == 0: self.RE = self.RM if _cm(self.RS) == 0: self.RS = self.RM
def __str__(s): command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {s.N} {_degree(s.AT):.20e} {_cm(s.RM):.12e} """ command.append(c) for i in range(0, s.N): c = f""" {_degree(s.ACN[i]):.20e} {_cm(s.DRM[i]):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.BZ0[i]):.12e} {s.K[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.G0_E[i]):.12e} {s.K_E[i]:.12e} 6 {s.C0_E[i]:.12e} {s.C1_E[i]:.12e} {s.C2_E[i]:.12e} {s.C3_E[i]:.12e} {s.C4_E[i]:.12e} {s.C5_E[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_E[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_E[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_E[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.G0_S[i]):.12e} {s.K_S[i]:.12e} 6 {s.C0_S[i]:.12e} {s.C1_S[i]:.12e} {s.C2_S[i]:.12e} {s.C3_S[i]:.12e} {s.C4_S[i]:.12e} {s.C5_S[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_S[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_S[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_S[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.G0_L[i]):.12e} {s.K_L[i]:.12e} 6 {s.C0_L[i]:.12e} {s.C1_L[i]:.12e} {s.C2_L[i]:.12e} {s.C3_L[i]:.12e} {s.C4_L[i]:.12e} {s.C5_L[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_L[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_L[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_L[i]):.12e} """ command.append(c) c = f""" {s.KIRD} {s.RESOL} {_cm(s.XPAS):.12e} {s.KPOS} """ command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2.") if s.KPOS == 2: if s.RE == 0: s.RE = s.RM if s.RS == 0: s.RS = s.RM c = f""" {_cm(s.RE):.12e} {_radian(s.TE):.12e} {_cm(s.RS):.12e} {_radian(s.TS):.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 1: c = f""" {s.DP:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class FFAGSpirale(PolarMultiMagnet): r"""Spiral FFAG magnet, N-tuple. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description ``FFAG-SPI`` works much like ``FFAG`` as to the field modelling, with essentially a different axial dependence. The ``FFAG-SPI`` procedure allows overlapping of fringe fields of neighboring dipoles, thus simulating in some sort the field in a dipole N-tuple (similar to Fig. 31, page 137). This allows for instance accounting for fringe field effects, or clamps, as schemed in Fig. 32. The dimensioning of the magnet is defined by : - AT : total angular aperture - RM : mean radius used for the positioning of field boundaries For each one of the N = 1 to (maximum) 5 dipoles of the N-tuple, the two effective field boundaries (entrance and exit EFBs) from which the dipole field is drawn are defined from geometric boundaries, the shape and position of which are determined by the following parameters: - :math:`ACN_i` : arbitrary inner angle, used for EFBs positioning - ω : azimuth of an EFB with respect to ACN - ξ : spiral angle with :math:`ACN_i` and ω as defined in Fig. 32 (similar to what can be found in Figs. 31 and 11-A). *Calculation of the Field From a Single Dipole* The magnetic field is calculated in polar coordinates. At all (R, θ) in the median plane (Z = 0), the magnetic field due a single one (index i) of the dipoles of a N-tuple spiral FFAG magnet is written $$B_{Z_i}(R, θ) = B_{Z_{0,i}} F_i(R, θ) (R/RM )^{K_i}$$ wherein :math:`B_{Z_{0,i}}` is a reference field, at reference radius :math:`RM_i`, whereas :math:`F(R,θ)` is calculated as described below. *Calculation of* :math:`F_i(R, θ)` The fringe field coefficient :math:`F_i(R, θ)` associated with a dipole is computed as in the procedure ``DIPOLES`` (eq. 6.4.16), including radial dependence of the gap size : $$g(R) = g_0 (RM/R)^κ$$ so to simulate the effect of gap shaping on :math:`B_{Z_i}(R,θ)|_R` field fall-off, over the all radial extent of the dipole (with normally - yet not necessarily in practice - κ ≈ Ki). *Calculation of the Full Field From All N Dipoles* For the rest, namely calculation of the full field at particle position, as resulting from the N dipoles, calculation of the mid-plane field derivatives, extrapolation off median plane, etc., things are performed in the same manner as for the ``DIPOLES`` procedure (see page 125). """ KEYWORD = 'FFAG-SPI' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'N': (1, 'Number of dipoles in the FFAG n-tuple (maximum 5)', 2), 'AT': (0.0 *, 'Total angular extent of the N dipoles', 3), 'RM': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference radius: mean radius used for the positioning of field boundaries', 4), # For each magnet in the n-tuple 'ACN': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Azimuth for dipole positioning', 5), 'DRM': ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Reference radius offset of each dipole : RM_i = RM + DRM', 6 ), 'BZ0': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at the reference radius of each dipole', 7), 'K': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Field index for each dipole', 8), 'G0_E': ( [0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001] *, 'Reference gaps for the entrance fringe fields of each dipole.', 9 ), 'K_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field parameter kappa', 10), 'NCE': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED', 11), 'C0_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 12), 'C1_E': ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 13), 'C2_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 14), 'C3_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 15), 'C4_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 16), 'C5_E': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 17), 'SHIFT_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 18), 'OMEGA_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Azimuth of an EFB with respect to ACN', 19), 'XI_E': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Spiral angle', 20), 'G0_S': ( [0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001, 0.00000001] *, 'Reference gaps for the exit fringe fields of each dipole.', 25 ), 'K_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field parameter kappa', 26), 'NCS': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED', 27), 'C0_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 28), 'C1_S': ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 29), 'C2_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 30), 'C3_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 31), 'C4_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 32), 'C5_S': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 33), 'SHIFT_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'Shift of the EFB', 34), 'OMEGA_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Azimuth of an EFB with respect to ACN', 35), 'XI_S': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'Spiral angle', 36), 'G0_L': ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED Reference gaps for the lateral fringe fields of each dipole.',41 ), 'K_L': ([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1], 'UNUSED Fringe field parameter kappa', 42), 'NCL': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED', 43), 'C0_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C0', 44), 'C1_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C1', 45), 'C2_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C2', 46), 'C3_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C3', 47), 'C4_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C4', 48), 'C5_L': ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'UNUSED Fringe field coefficient C5', 49), 'SHIFT_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Shift of the EFB', 50), 'OMEGA_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED ', 51), 'THETA_L': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] *, 'UNUSED Entrance face wedge angle', 52), 'R1_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB radius', 53), 'U1_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB linear extent', 54), 'U2_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB linear extent', 55), 'R2_L': ([1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9, 1e9] * _ureg.centimeter, 'UNUSED Lateral EFB radius', 56), # General parameters # The fit index depends on the number of magnets in the FFAG_SPI N-tuple (+52 for each new magnet) 'KIRD': ( 2, 'Analytical computation (KIRD = 0) or numerical interpolation (KIRD = 2,4, 25) of field derivatives', 57 ), 'RESOL': (2, '', 58), 'XPAS': (1.0 * _ureg.millimeter, 'Integration step', 59), # 'KPOS': (2, '', 60), # KPOS = 2 for FFA-SPI 'RE': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 61), 'TE': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, '', 62), 'RS': (0.0 * _ureg.centimeter, '', 63), 'TS': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, '', 64), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def adjust_tracks_variables(self, tracks: _pd.DataFrame): t = tracks[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1] radius = self.RM.m_as('m') angles = 100 * t['X'] + self.AT.m_as('radians') / 2 tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ANGLE'] = angles tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'R'] = t['Y'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'R0'] = t['Yo'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'SREF'] = radius * angles + self.entry_s.m_as('m') tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'YT'] = t['Y'] - radius tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'YT0'] = t['Yo'] - radius tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ZT'] = t['Z'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'ZT0'] = t['Zo'] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'X'] = t['Y'] * _np.sin(angles) tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'X0'] = t['Yo'] * _np.sin(angles) tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'Y'] = t['Y'] * _np.cos(angles) - radius tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'Y0'] = t['Yo'] * _np.cos(angles) - radius
@property def reference_angles(self) -> List[_Q]: return [acn + self.AT / 2 for acn in self.ACN] @property def entry_wedge_angle(self) -> List[_Q]: return self.XI_E @property def exit_wedge_angle(self) -> List[_Q]: return self.XI_S def __str__(s): command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {s.N} {s.AT.m_as('degree'):.12e} {s.RM.m_as('cm'):.12e} """ command.append(c) for i in range(0, s.N): c = f""" {s.ACN[i].m_as('degree'):.12e} {s.DRM[i].m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.BZ0[i].m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.K[i]:.12e} {s.G0_E[i].m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.K_E[i]:.12e} {s.NCE[i]} {s.C0_E[i]:.12e} {s.C1_E[i]:.12e} {s.C2_E[i]:.12e} {s.C3_E[i]:.12e} {s.C4_E[i]:.12e} {s.C5_E[i]:.12e} {s.SHIFT_E[i].m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.OMEGA_E[i].m_as('degree'):.12e} {s.XI_E[i].m_as('degree'):.12e} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {s.G0_S[i].m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.K_S[i]:.12e} {s.NCS[i]} {s.C0_S[i]:.12e} {s.C1_S[i]:.12e} {s.C2_S[i]:.12e} {s.C3_S[i]:.12e} {s.C4_S[i]:.12e} {s.C5_S[i]:.12e} {s.SHIFT_S[i].m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.OMEGA_S[i].m_as('degree'):.12e} {s.XI_S[i].m_as('degree'):.12e} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {_cm(s.G0_L[i]):.12e} {s.K_L[i]:.12e} {s.NCL[i]} {s.C0_L[i]:.12e} {s.C1_L[i]:.12e} {s.C2_L[i]:.12e} {s.C3_L[i]:.12e} {s.C4_L[i]:.12e} {s.C5_L[i]:.12e} {_cm(s.SHIFT_L[i]):.12e} {_degree(s.OMEGA_L[i]):.20e} {_degree(s.THETA_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R1_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U1_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.U2_L[i]):.12e} {_cm(s.R2_L[i]):.12e} """ command.append(c) command.append(f""" {s.KIRD} {s.RESOL:.12e} {s.XPAS.m_as('cm'):.12e} """) c = f""" 2 {s.RE.m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.TE.m_as('radian'):.12e} {s.RS.m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.TS.m_as('radian'):.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class Multipole(CartesianMagnet): """Magnetic multipole. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description The simulation of multipolar magnetic field M⃗ by MULTIPOL proceeds by addition of the dipolar (B1), quadrupolar (B2), sextupolar (B3), etc., up to 20-polar (B10) components, and of their derivatives up to fourth order. The independent components B1, B2, B3, ..., B10 and their derivatives up to the fourth order are calculated as described in section 1.3.7. The entrance and exit fringe fields are treated separately. They are characterized by the integration zone XE at entrance and XS at exit, as for QUADRUPO, and by the extent λE at entrance, λS at exit. The fringe field extents for the dipole component are λE and λS. The fringe field for the quadrupolar (sextupolar, ..., 20-polar) component is given by a coefficient E2 (E3, ..., E10) at entrance, and S2 (S3, ..., S10) at exit, such that the extent is λE * E2 (λE * E3, ..., λE * E10) at entrance and λS * S2 (λS * S3, ..., λS * S10) at exit. If λE = 0 (λS = 0) the multipole lens is considered to have a sharp edge field at entrance (exit), and then, XE (XS) is forced to zero (for the mere purpose of saving computing time). If Ei = 0 (Si = 0) (i = 2, 10), the entrance (exit) fringe field for the multipole component i is considered as a sharp edge field. In sharp edge field model, the wedge angle vertical first order focusing effect (if B1 is non zero) is simulated at magnet entrance and exit by a kick P2 = P1 − Z1 tan(ε/ρ) applied to each particle (P1, P2 are the vertical angles upstream and downstream of the EFB, Z1 is the vertical particle position at the EFB, ρ the local horizontal bending radius and ε the wedge angle experienced by the particle ; ε depends on the horizontal angle T). Any multipole component Bi can be rotated independently by an angle RXi around the longitudinal X- axis, for the simulation of positioning defects, as well as skew lenses. Magnet (mis-)alignment is assured by KPOS. KPOS also allows some degrees of automatic alignment useful for periodic structures (section 4.6.7). """ KEYWORD = 'MULTIPOL' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'XL': (0 *, 'Magnet length', 2), 'R0': (10.0 *, 'Radius of the pole tips', 3), 'B1': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for dipolar component.', 4), 'B2': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for quadrupolar component.', 5), 'B3': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for sextupolar component.', 6), 'B4': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for octupolar component.', 7), 'B5': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for decapolar component.', 8), 'B6': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for dodecapolar component.', 9), 'B7': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for 14-polar component.', 10), 'B8': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for 16-polar component.', 11), 'B9': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for 18-polar component.', 12), 'B10': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tip for 20-polar component.', 13), 'X_E': (0 *, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field.'), 'LAM_E': (0 *, 'Entrance face fringe field extent'), 'E2': (1, 'Quadrupole entrance fringe field extent (E_2 * LAM_E).'), 'E3': (1, 'Sextupolar entrance fringe field extent (E_3 * LAM_E).'), 'E4': (1, 'Octupolar entrance fringe field extent (E_4 * LAM_E).'), 'E5': (1, 'Decapolar entrance fringe field extent (E_5 * LAM_E).'), 'E6': (1, 'Dodecapolar entrance fringe field extent (E_6 * LAM_E).'), 'E7': (1, '14-polar entrance fringe field extent (E_7 * LAM_E).'), 'E8': (1, '16-polar entrance fringe field extent (E_8 * LAM_E).'), 'E9': (1, '18-polar entrance fringe field extent (E_9 * LAM_E).'), 'E10': (1, '20-polar entrance fringe field extent (E_10 * LAM_E).'), 'C0_E': (0, 'Zeroth-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'C1_E': (1, 'First-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'C2_E': (0, 'Second-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'C3_E': (0, 'Third-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'C4_E': (0, 'Fourth-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'C5_E': (0, 'Fifth-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'X_S': (0 *, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field.'), 'LAM_S': (0 *, 'Exit face fringe field extent'), 'S2': (1, 'Quadrupole exit fringe field extent (E_2 * LAM_S).'), 'S3': (1, 'Sextupolar exit fringe field extent (E_3 * LAM_S).'), 'S4': (1, 'Octupolar exit fringe field extent (E_4 * LAM_S).'), 'S5': (1, 'Decapolar exit fringe field extent (E_5 * LAM_S).'), 'S6': (1, 'Dodecapolar exit fringe field extent (E_6 * LAM_S).'), 'S7': (1, '14-polar exit fringe field extent (E_7 * LAM_S).'), 'S8': (1, '16-polar exit fringe field extent (E_8 * LAM_S).'), 'S9': (1, '18-polar exit fringe field extent (E_9 * LAM_S).'), 'S10': (1, '20-polar exit fringe field extent (E_10 * LAM_S).'), 'C0_S': (0, 'Zeroth-order Enge coefficient for entrance fringe field.'), 'C1_S': (1, 'First-order Enge coefficient for exit fringe field.'), 'C2_S': (0, 'Second-order Enge coefficient for exit fringe field.'), 'C3_S': (0, 'Third-order Enge coefficient for exit fringe field.'), 'C4_S': (0, 'Fourth-order Enge coefficient for exit fringe field.'), 'C5_S': (0, 'Fifth-order Enge coefficient for exit fringe field.'), 'R1': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the dipolar component'), 'R2': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the quadrupolar component'), 'R3': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the sextupolar component'), 'R4': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the octupolar component'), 'R5': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the decapolar component'), 'R6': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the dodecapolar component'), 'R7': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the 14-polar component'), 'R8': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the 16-polar component'), 'R9': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the 18-polar component'), 'R10': (0 *, 'Skew angle of the 20-polar component'), 'XPAS': (1.0 *, 'Integration step.'), 'KPOS': (1, ''), 'XCE': (0 *, ''), 'YCE': (0 *, ''), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, ''), 'COLOR': ('green', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {s.B1.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B2.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B3.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B4.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B5.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B6.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B7.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B8.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B9.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {s.B10.m_as('kilogauss'):.12e} {_cm(s.X_E):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} {s.E2:.12e} {s.E3:.12e} {s.E4:.12e} {s.E5:.12e} {s.E6:.12e} {s.E7:.12e} {s.E8:.12e} {s.E9:.12e} {s.E10:.12e} 6 {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.X_S):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} {s.S2:.12e} {s.S3:.12e} {s.S4:.12e} {s.S5:.12e} {s.S6:.12e} {s.S7:.12e} {s.S8:.12e} {s.S9:.12e} {s.S10:.12e} 6 {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_radian(s.R1):.12e} {_radian(s.R2):.12e} {_radian(s.R3):.12e} {_radian(s.R4):.12e} {_radian(s.R5):.12e} {_radian(s.R6):.12e} {_radian(s.R7):.12e} {_radian(s.R8):.12e} {_radian(s.R9):.12e} {_radian(s.R10):.12e} {s.XPAS.m_as('cm')} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """
Multipol = Multipole
[docs]class Octupole(CartesianMagnet): """Octupole magnet. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'OCTUPOLE' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 0), 'XL': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Magnet length', 10), 'R0': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips', 11), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tips', 12), 'X_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field', 20), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent', 21), 'C0_E': 0, 'C1_E': 1, 'C2_E': 0, 'C3_E': 0, 'C4_E': 0, 'C5_E': 0, 'X_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field'), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent'), 'C0_S': 0, 'C1_S': 1, 'C2_S': 0, 'C3_S': 0, 'C4_S': 0, 'C5_S': 0, 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 60), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type', 70), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset', 71), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset', 72), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'misalignment rotation', 73), 'COLOR': ('#FF33E9', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if _cm(self.X_E) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_E.magnitude != 0: self.X_E = 2 * self.R0 if _cm(self.X_S) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_S.magnitude != 0: self.X_S = 2 * self.R0
def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B0):.12e} {_cm(s.X_E):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} 6 {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.X_S):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} 6 {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """ @property def gradient(self): """Octopolar gradient (field at pole tip divided by the bore radius.""" return self.B0 / self.R0 @gradient.setter def gradient(self, g): self.B0 = g * self.R0
[docs]class PS170(Magnet): """Simulation of a round shape dipole magnet. TODO Examples: >>> PS170('PS170', IL=2, XL=2 * _ureg.m, R0 = 1.5 * _ureg.m, B0 = 1 * _ureg.tesla) """ KEYWORD = 'PS170' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'print field and coordinates along trajectories'), 'XL': (1 * _ureg.m, 'Length of the element'), 'R0': (1 * _ureg.m, ', radius of the circular dipole'), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.tesla, 'field'), 'XPAS': (1.0 *, 'Integration step'), 'KPOS': (0, ), 'XCE': (0 *, ''), 'YCE': (0 *, ''), 'ALE': (0 *, ''), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(self) -> str: if self.KPOS not in (0, 1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be in (0, 1, 2)") return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {int(self.IL):d} {_cm(self.XL):.12e} {_cm(self.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(self.B0):.12e} {_cm(self.XPAS):.12e} {int(self.KPOS):d} {_cm(self.XCE):.12e} {_cm(self.YCE):.12e} {_radian(self.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Quadisex(CartesianMagnet): """Sharp edge magnetic multipoles. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'QUADISEX' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': 0, 'XL': 0, 'R0': 0, 'B0': 0, 'N': 0, 'EB1': 0, 'EB2': 0, 'EG1': 0, 'EG2': 0, 'XPAS': 0.1, 'KPOS': 1, 'XCE': 0, 'YCE': 0, 'ALE': 0, } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {s.XL:.12e} {s.R0:.12e} {s.B0:.12e} {s.N:.12e} {s.EB1:.12e} {s.EB2:.12e} {s.EG1:.12e} {s.EG2:.12e} {s.XPAS:.12e} """ command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2") if s.KPOS == 1: c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.XCE:.12e} {s.YCE:.12e} {s.ALE:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 2: c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.XCE:.12e} {s.YCE:.12e} {s.ALE:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class Quadrupole(CartesianMagnet): """Quadrupole magnet. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'QUADRUPO' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'XL': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Magnet length', 10), 'R0': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips', 11), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tips', 12), 'X_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field', 20), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent', 21), 'C0_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 31), 'C1_E': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 32), 'C2_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 33), 'C3_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 34), 'C4_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 35), 'C5_E': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 36), 'X_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field', 40), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent', 41), 'C0_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C0', 51), 'C1_S': (1, 'Fringe field coefficient C1', 52), 'C2_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C2', 53), 'C3_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C3', 54), 'C4_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C4', 55), 'C5_S': (0, 'Fringe field coefficient C5', 56), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 60), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type', 70), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset', 71), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset', 72), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'misalignment rotation', 73), 'COLOR': ('#FF0000', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if _cm(self.X_E) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_E.magnitude != 0: self.X_E = 2 * self.R0 if _cm(self.X_S) == 0 and _cm(self.R0) != 0 and self.LAM_S.magnitude != 0: self.X_S = 2 * self.R0
def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B0):.12e} {_cm(s.X_E):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} 6 {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.X_S):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} 6 {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """ @property def gradient(self): """Quadrupolar gradient (field at pole tip divided by the bore radius.""" return self.B0 / self.R0 @gradient.setter def gradient(self, g): self.B0 = g * self.R0
[docs]class SexQuad(CartesianMagnet): """Sharp edge magnetic multipole. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'SEXQUAD' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': 0, 'XL': 0, 'R0': 0, 'N': 0, 'EB1': 0, 'EB2': 0, 'EG1': 0, 'EG2': 0, 'XPAS': 0.1, 'KPOS': 1, 'XCE': 0, 'YCE': 0, 'ALE': 0, } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): command = [] c = f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {s.XL:.12e} {s.R0:.12e} {s.B0:.12e} {s.N:.12e} {s.EB1:.12e} {s.EB2:.12e} {s.EG1:.12e} {s.EG2:.12e} {s.XPAS:.12e} """ # Coefficients for the calculation of B. # if Y > 0 : B = EB1 and G = EG1; # if Y < 0: B = EB2 and G = EG2. command.append(c) if s.KPOS not in (1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be equal to 1 or 2") if s.KPOS == 1: # XCE, YCE and ALE set to 0 and unused c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.XCE:.12e} {s.YCE:.12e} {s.ALE:.12e} """ command.append(c) elif s.KPOS == 2: # Elements are misaligned c = f""" {s.KPOS} {s.XCE:.12e} {s.YCE:.12e} {s.ALE:.12e} """ command.append(c) return ''.join(map(lambda _: _.rstrip(), command))
[docs]class Sextupole(CartesianMagnet): """Sextupole magnet. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'SEXTUPOL' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories', 1), 'XL': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Magnet length', 10), 'R0': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius of the pole tips', 11), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Field at pole tips', 12), 'XE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field', 20), 'LAM_E': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face fringe field extent', 21), 'C0_E': 0, 'C1_E': 1, 'C2_E': 0, 'C3_E': 0, 'C4_E': 0, 'C5_E': 0, 'XS': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field'), 'LAM_S': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face fringe field extent'), 'C0_S': 0, 'C1_S': 1, 'C2_S': 0, 'C3_S': 0, 'C4_S': 0, 'C5_S': 0, 'XPAS': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step', 60), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type', 70), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset', 71), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset', 72), 'ALE': 0 * _ureg.radian, 'COLOR': ('#00FF00', 'Magnet color for plotting.'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B0):.12e} {_cm(s.XE):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_E):.12e} 6 {s.C0_E:.12e} {s.C1_E:.12e} {s.C2_E:.12e} {s.C3_E:.12e} {s.C4_E:.12e} {s.C5_E:.12e} {_cm(s.XS):.12e} {_cm(s.LAM_S):.12e} 6 {s.C0_S:.12e} {s.C1_S:.12e} {s.C2_S:.12e} {s.C3_S:.12e} {s.C4_S:.12e} {s.C5_S:.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Solenoid(CartesianMagnet): """Solenoid. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description The solenoidal m􏰛agnet has an effective length XL, a mean radius R0 and an asymptotic field B0 = μ0 NI/XL, wherein BX is the longitudinal field component, and NI the number of Ampere-Turns. The distance of ray-tracing beyond the effective length XL, is XE at the entrance, and XS at the exit. """ KEYWORD = 'SOLENOID' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories'), 'XL': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Magnet length'), 'R0': (1.0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Radius'), 'B0': (0 * _ureg.kilogauss, 'Asymptotic field'), 'XE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Entrance face integration zone for the fringe field'), 'XS': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Exit face integration zone for the fringe field'), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter, 'Integration step'), 'KPOS': (1, 'Misalignment type'), 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'x offset'), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter, 'y offset'), 'ALE': 0 * _ureg.radian, } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IL} {_cm(s.XL):.12e} {_cm(s.R0):.12e} {_kilogauss(s.B0):.12e} {_cm(s.XE):.12e} {_cm(s.XS):.12e} {_cm(s.XPAS)} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE):.12e} {_cm(s.YCE):.12e} {_radian(s.ALE):.12e} """
[docs]class Undulator(Magnet): """Undulator magnet. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'UNDULATOR' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class Venus(Magnet): """Simulation of a rectangular shaped dipole magnet. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'VENUS' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, ), 'XL': (100 * _ureg.centimeter,), 'YL': (100 * _ureg.centimeter,), 'B0': (10 * _ureg.kilogauss,), 'XPAS': (0.1 * _ureg.centimeter,), 'KPOS': 1, 'XCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter,), 'YCE': (0 * _ureg.centimeter,), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian,), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(self) -> str: if self.KPOS not in (0, 1, 2): raise _ZgoubidooException("KPOS must be in (0, 1, 2)") return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {int(self.IL):d} {_cm(self.XL):.12e} {_cm(self.YL):.12e} {_kilogauss(self.B0):.12e} {_cm(self.XPAS):.12e} {int(self.KPOS):d} {_cm(self.XCE):.12e} {_cm(self.YCE):.12e} {_radian(self.ALE):.12e} """