Source code for zgoubidoo.commands.fieldmaps

"""Zgoubidoo's interfaces to field map tracking commands.

More details here.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, List, Mapping, Union
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
from .commands import Command as _Command
from .actions import Action as _Action
from .magnetique import CartesianMagnet as _CartesianMagnet
from .. import ureg as _ureg
from .. import Q_ as _Q
from ..units import _cm, _radian
from ..zgoubi import Zgoubi as _Zgoubi
from ..zgoubi import ZgoubiException as _ZgoubiException
import zgoubidoo
import plotly.graph_objects as _go
from georges_core.frame import Frame as _Frame
    from ..input import Input as _Input

[docs]class Brevol(_Command): """1-D uniform mesh magnetic field map. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'BREVOL' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class CartesianMesh(_Command): """2-D Cartesian uniform mesh magnetic field map. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'CARTEMES' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IC': (2, 'Print the map'), 'IL': (2, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories'), 'BNORM': (1.0, 'Field normalization coefficient'), 'XN': (1.0, 'X coordinate normalization coefficient'), 'YN': (1.0, 'Y coordinate normalization coefficient'), 'TITL': ("CARTEMES_FIELD_MAP", "Title. Start with 'FLIP' to get field map X-flipped"), 'IX': (1, 'Number of longitudinal nodes of the map'), 'JY': (1, 'Number of transverse nodes of the map'), 'FNAME': ("", 'File name'), 'ID': (0, 'Integration boundary'), 'A': (0.0,), 'B': (0.0,), 'C': (0.0,), 'AP': ([0.0]), 'BP': ([0.0]), 'CP': ([0.0]), 'IORDRE': (25, 'Degree of interpolation polynomial'), 'XPAS': (1 *, 'Integration step'), 'KPOS': (1, 'Alignment'), 'XCE': (0 *, 'Misalignment X shift'), 'YCE': (0 *, 'Misalignment Y shift'), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, 'Misalignment tilt'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s) -> str: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IC} {s.IL} {s.BNORM} {s.XN} {s.YN} {s.TITL} {s.IX} {s.JY} {s.FNAME} {s.ID} {s.A} {s.B} {s.C} {s.IORDRE} {_cm(s.XPAS)} {s.KPOS} {_cm(s.XCE)} {_cm(s.YCE)} {_radian(s.ALE)} """
[docs]class Map2D(_Command): """2-D Cartesian uniform mesh field map - arbitrary magnetic field. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'MAP2D' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class Map2DElectric(_Command): """2-D Cartesian uniform mesh field map - arbitrary electric field. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'MAP2D-E' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class Poisson(_Command): """Read magnetic field data from POISSON parent. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'POISSON' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class PolarMesh(_Command): """2-D polar mesh magnetic field map. TODO """ KEYWORD = 'POLARMES' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class Tosca(_CartesianMagnet): """2-D and 3-D Cartesian or cylindrical mesh field map. .. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description TOSCA is dedicated to the reading and treatment of 2-D or 3-D Cartesian or cylindrical mesh field maps as delivered by the TOSCA magnet computer code standard parent. A pair of flags, MOD, MOD2, determine whether Cartesian or Z-axis cylindrical mesh is used, and the nature of the field map data set. The total number of field data files to be read is determined by the MOD flag (see below) and by the parameter IZ that appears in the data list following the keyword. Each of these files contains the field components BX,BY,BZonan(X,Y)mesh.IZ=1fora2-Dmap,andinthiscaseBXandBY are assumed zero all over the map7. For a 3-D map with mid-block symmetry, described with a set of 2-D maps at various Z, then MOD=0 and IZ ≥ 2, and thus, the first data file whose name follows in the data list is supposed to contain the median block field (assuming Z = 0 and BX = BY = 0), while the remaining IZ − 1 file(s) contain the IZ − 1 additional planes in increasing Z order. For arbitrary 3-D maps, no symmetry assumed, then MOD=1 and the total number of maps (whose names follow in the data list) is IZ, such that map number [IZ/2] + 1 is the Z = 0 elevation one. The field map data file has to be be filled with a format that fits the FORTRAN reading sequence. IX (JY , KZ) is the number of longitudinal (transverse horizontal, vertical) nodes of the 3-D uniform mesh. For letting zgoubi know that these are binary files, FNAME must begin with ‘B ’ or ‘b ’. In addition to the MOD=1, 2 cases above, one can have MOD=12 and in that case a single file contains the all 3-D field map. See table below and the FORTRAN subroutine fmapw.f and its entries FMAPR, FMAPR2, for more details, in particular the formatting of the field map data file(s). The field B = (BX , BY , BZ ) is normalized by means of BNORM in a similar way as in CARTEMES. As well the coordinates X and Y (and Z in the case of a 3-D field map) are normalized by the X-[, Y-, Z-]NORM coefficient (useful to convert to centimeters, the working units in zgoubi). At each step of the trajectory of a particle inside the map, the field and its derivatives are calculated - in the case of 2-D map, by means of a second or fourth order polynomial interpolation, depending on IORDRE (IORDRE = 2, 25 or 4), as for CARTEMES, - in the case of 3-D map, by means of a second order polynomial interpolation with a 3 × 3 × 3-point parallelepipedic grid, as described in section 1.4.4. Entrance and/or exit integration boundaries between which the trajectories are integrated in the field may be defined, in the same way as in CARTEMES. .. rubric:: Zgoubidoo usage and example """ KEYWORD = 'TOSCA' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IC': (2, 'Print the map.'), 'IL': (2, 'Print field and coordinates along trajectories.'), 'BNORM': (1.0, 'Field normalization coefficient.'), 'XN': (1.0, 'X coordinate normalization coefficient.'), 'YN': (1.0, 'Y coordinate normalization coefficient.'), 'ZN': (1.0, 'Z coordinate normalization coefficient.'), 'TITL': ('FIELDMAP', 'Title.'), 'IX': (1, 'Number of nodes of the mesh in the X direction.'), 'IY': (1, 'Number of nodes of the mesh in the Y direction.'), 'IZ': (1, 'Number of nodes of the mesh in the Z direction.'), 'MOD': (0, 'Format reading mode.'), 'MOD2': (0, 'Format reading sub-mode.'), 'FNAME': ('TOSCA', 'File names.'), 'ID': (0, 'Integration boundary.'), 'A': (1,), 'B': (1,), 'C': (1,), 'IORDRE': (25, 'Degree of interpolation polynomial.'), 'XPAS': (1 *, 'Integration step.'), 'KPOS': (2, "Alignment parameter"), 'XCE': (0 *, ''), 'YCE': (0 *, ''), 'ALE': (0 * _ureg.radian, ''), 'RE': (0,), 'TE': (0,), 'RS': (0,), 'TS': (0,), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s) -> str: return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {s.IC:d} {s.IL:d} {s.BNORM:.12e} {s.XN:.12e} {s.YN:.12e} {s.ZN:.12e} {s.TITL} {s.IX:d} {s.IY:d} {s.IZ:d} {s.MOD:d}.{s.MOD2:d} {s.FNAME} {s.ID:d} {s.A:.12e} {s.B:.12e} {s.C:.12e} {s.IORDRE:d} {_cm(s.XPAS):.12e} {s.KPOS:d} {s.XCE.m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.YCE.m_as('cm'):.12e} {s.ALE.m_as('radian'):.12e} """
[docs] def adjust_tracks_variables(self, tracks: _pd.DataFrame): super().adjust_tracks_variables(tracks) t = tracks[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1] tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'SREF'] = t['X'] - t['X'].min() + self.entry_s.m_as('m') tracks.loc[tracks.LABEL1 == self.LABEL1, 'X'] = t['X'] - t['X'].min()
[docs] def load(self, zgoubi: Optional[_Zgoubi] = None): z = zgoubi or _Zgoubi() zi = zgoubidoo.Input(f"TOSCA_{self.LABEL1}") zi += self def cb(f): """Post execution callback.""" if not self.results[0][1].success: raise _ZgoubiException(f"Unable to load field map for keyword {self.__class__.__name__}.") self._length = self.results[0][1].results.iloc[-1]['LENGTH'] * z(zi, identifier={'TOSCA_LOAD': self.LABEL1}, cb=cb) z.wait() return self
[docs] def process_output(self, output: List[str], parameters: Mapping[str, Union[_Q, float]], zgoubi_input: _Input ) -> bool: """ Args: output: parameters: zgoubi_input: Returns: """ length: float = 0.0 for line in output: if line.strip().startswith("Length of element, XL ="): length = float(line.split()[5]) break self._results.append( ( parameters, _Action.CommandResult(success=True, results=_pd.DataFrame([{'LENGTH': length}])) ) ) return True
[docs] def plotly(self): """ Returns: """ fieldmap = _pd.read_csv(self.FNAME, skiprows=8, names=['Y', 'Z', 'X', 'BY', 'BZ', 'BX'], sep=r'\s+') fieldmap['X'] = fieldmap['X'] + self.length.m_as('cm') / 2 fieldmap['Z_ABS'] = fieldmap['Z'].apply(_np.abs) fieldmap = fieldmap[fieldmap['Z'] == fieldmap['Z_ABS'].min()] rotation_matrix = _np.linalg.inv(self.entry_patched.get_rotation_matrix()) origin = self.entry_patched.origin u =[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values, rotation_matrix) fieldmap['XG'] = (u[:, 0] + origin[0].m_as('cm')) / 100 fieldmap['YG'] = (u[:, 1] + origin[1].m_as('cm')) / 100 fieldmap['ZG'] = (u[:, 2] + origin[2].m_as('cm')) / 100 return _go.Histogram2d( histfunc='avg', nbinsx=100, nbinsy=100, x=fieldmap['XG'], y=fieldmap['YG'], z=fieldmap['BZ'], opacity=1.0, colorscale='Greys', )
@property def rotation(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.ALE or 0.0 * @property def length(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self._length @property def x_offset(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.XCE or 0.0 * @property def y_offset(self) -> _Q: """ Returns: """ return self.YCE or 0.0 * @property def entry_patched(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._entry_patched is None: self._entry_patched = self.entry.__class__(self.entry) if self.KPOS in (0, 1, 2): self._entry_patched.translate_x(self.x_offset) self._entry_patched.translate_y(self.y_offset) self._entry_patched.rotate_z(self.rotation) return self._entry_patched @property def exit(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._exit is None: self._exit = self.entry_patched.__class__(self.entry_patched) self._exit.translate_x(self.length) return self._exit @property def exit_patched(self) -> Optional[_Frame]: """ Returns: """ if self._exit_patched is None: if self.KPOS is None or self.KPOS == 1: self._exit_patched = self.exit.__class__(self.exit) elif self.KPOS == 0 or self.KPOS == 2: self._exit_patched = self.entry.__class__(self.entry) self._exit_patched.translate_x(self.length) return self._exit_patched