Source code for zgoubidoo.commands.electrique

"""Zgoubidoo's interfaces to purefly electric Zgoubi commands.

More details here.
from .. import ureg as _ureg
from .commands import Command as _Command
from .plotable import Plotable as _Plotable
from .patchable import Patchable as _Patchable

[docs]class Cavite(_Command, _Patchable, _Plotable): """Accelerating cavity.""" KEYWORD = 'CAVITE' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IOPT': (0, "Model."), 'FREQ': (0.0 * _ureg.Hz, "RF frequency"), 'V': (0.0 * _ureg.volt, "RF voltage"), 'PHI_S': (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Phase"), 'XL': (0.0 *, "Cavity length"), 'CHAMBERS': ('+1', "Use Chambers' model."), 'COLOR': 'yellow', } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit).""" def __str__(s): return f""" {super().__str__().rstrip()} {int(s.IOPT):d} PRINT {s.XL.m_as('m'):.12e} {'Hz').magnitude:.12e} {s.V.m_as('volt'):.12e} {s.PHI_S.m_as('radian'):.12e} {s.CHAMBERS} """
# Alias Cavity = Cavite
[docs]class EBMult(_Command): """Electro-magnetic multipole.""" KEYWORD = 'EBMULT' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data.""" PARAMETERS = { 'IL': (0, ""), 'XL': (), 'R0': (), 'E1': (), 'E2': (), 'E3': (), 'E4': (), 'E5': (), 'E6': (), 'E7': (), 'E8': (), 'E9': (), 'E10': (), }
# Aliases EBMultipole = EBMult
[docs]class EL2Tub(_Command): """Two-tube electrostatic lens.""" KEYWORD = 'EL2TUB' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class ELMir(_Command): """Electrostatic N-electrode mirror/lens,straight slits.""" KEYWORD = 'ELMIR' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class ELMirCircular(_Command): """Electrostatic N-electrode mirror/lens, circular slits.""" KEYWORD = 'ELMIRC' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class ELMulti(_Command): """Electric multipole.""" KEYWORD = 'ELMULT' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class ELRevol(_Command): """1-D uniform mesh electric field map.""" KEYWORD = 'ELREVOL' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""
[docs]class Unipot(_Command): """Unipotential cylindrical electrostatic lens.""" KEYWORD = 'UNIPOT' """Keyword of the command used for the Zgoubi input data."""