Source code for zgoubidoo.commands.beam

"""Zgoubidoo beam.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union
import os
from random import randint
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from zgoubidoo import Q_ as _Q
from zgoubidoo.commands import CommandType as _CommandType
from zgoubidoo.commands import Command as _Command
from zgoubidoo.commands import Comment as _Comment
from zgoubidoo.commands import particules as _particules
from zgoubidoo.commands import ParticuleType as _ParticuleType
from zgoubidoo.commands import Proton as _Proton
from zgoubidoo.commands import Objet2 as _Objet2
from zgoubidoo.commands import Objet5 as _Objet5
from zgoubidoo.commands import MCObjet3 as _MCObjet3
from zgoubidoo.commands import ObjetType as _ObjetType
from zgoubidoo.commands import ZgoubidooAttributeException as _ZgoubidooAttributeException
from zgoubidoo.commands import ZgoubidooException as _ZgoubidooException
from .. import Kinematics as _Kinematics
from ..mappings import ParametricMapping as _ParametricMapping
from ..mappings import MappedParametersListType as _MappedParametersListType
from .. import ureg as _ureg
    from georges_core.sequences import BetaBlock as _BetaBlock
    from georges_core.sequences import TwissSequence as _TwissSequence
    from georges_core.sequences import Sequence as _Sequence

[docs]class ZgoubidooBeamException(Exception): """Exception raised for errors when running Zgoubi.""" def __init__(self, m): self.message = m
[docs]class BeamType(_CommandType): """Type system for Objet types.""" pass
[docs]class Beam(_Command, metaclass=BeamType): """ Beam """ def __str__(self) -> str: return str(_Comment(f"Definition of {self.__class__.__name__}")) \ + str(self.generate_object()) \ + str(self._particle)
[docs] def post_init(self, objet_type: _ObjetType, kinematics: Union[_Kinematics, float, _Q], particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: objet_type: kinematics: particle: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ self._particle: _ParticuleType = particle self._objet_type: _ObjetType = objet_type if not isinstance(kinematics, _Kinematics): kinematics = _Kinematics(kinematics) self._kinematics: _Kinematics = kinematics
@property def particle(self) -> _ParticuleType: """The beam's particle type.""" return self._particle @property def kinematics(self): """The beam's kinematics properties.""" return self._kinematics @property def mappings(self) -> _MappedParametersListType: """TODO""" return [{}]
[docs] def generate_object(self): """ TODO Return: """ return self._objet_type(self.LABEL1, BORO=self._kinematics.brho)
def _set_from_betablock(self, betablock: _BetaBlock): """ Args: betablock: Returns: """ try: self.ALPHA_Y = betablock.ALPHA11 self.BETA_Y = betablock.BETA11 self.ALPHA_Z = betablock.ALPHA22 self.BETA_Z = betablock.BETA22 self.D_Y = betablock.DISP1 self.D_YP = betablock.DISP2 self.D_Z = betablock.DISP3 self.D_ZP = betablock.DISP4 except _ZgoubidooAttributeException: pass
[docs]class BeamZgoubiDistribution(Beam): """ TODO """ PARAMETERS = { 'SLICE': (0, "Active slice identifier. *Note*: this is not the number of slices, but the active slice number."), 'IMAX': (1, 'Number of particles to be generated'), 'ALPHA_Y': (0.0, 'Horizontal (Y) alpha function'), 'BETA_Y': (1.0 * _ureg.m, 'Horizontal (Y) beta function'), 'EMIT_Y': (1e-9 * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian, 'Horizontal (Y) normalized emittance'), 'D_Y': (0.0 * _ureg.m, 'Horizontal (Y) dispersion'), 'D_YP': (0.0, 'Horizontal (Y) dispersion prime'), 'N_CUTOFF_Y': (10, 'Cut-off value for the horizontal distribution'), 'N_CUTOFF2_Y': (0, 'Secondary cut-off value for the horizontal distribution'), 'ALPHA_Z': (0.0, 'Vertical (Z) alpha function'), 'BETA_Z': (1.0 * _ureg.m, 'Vertical (Z) beta function'), 'EMIT_Z': (1e-9 * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian, 'Vertical (Z) normalized emittance'), 'D_Z': (0.0 * _ureg.m, 'Vertical (Z) dispersion'), 'D_ZP': (0.0, 'Vertical (Z) dispersion prime'), 'N_CUTOFF_Z': (10, 'Cut-off value for the vertical distribution'), 'N_CUTOFF2_Z': (0, 'Secondary cut-off value for the vertical distribution'), 'ALPHA_X': (0.0, 'Longitudinal (X) alpha function'), 'BETA_X': (1.0 * _ureg.m, 'Longitudinal (X) beta function'), 'EMIT_X': (1e-9 * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian, 'Longitudinal (X) normalized emittance'), 'N_CUTOFF_X': (10, 'Cut-off value for the longitudinal distribution'), 'N_CUTOFF2_X': (0, 'Secondary cut-off value for the longitudinal distribution'), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, objet_type: _ObjetType = _MCObjet3, betablock: _BetaBlock = None, slices: int = 1, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: objet_type: betablock: slices: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ super().post_init(objet_type=objet_type, **kwargs) self._slices: int = slices if betablock is not None: self._set_from_betablock(betablock)
@property def slices(self): """Number of slices.""" return self._slices @slices.setter def slices(self, n): """(Re)set the number of slices.""" self._slices = n @property def mappings(self) -> _MappedParametersListType: """TODO""" return _ParametricMapping( [ { f"{self.LABEL1}.SLICE": list(range(0, self._slices)) } ] ).combinations
[docs] def generate_object(self): """ TODO Return: """ return self._objet_type(self.LABEL1, BORO=self._kinematics.brho, IMAX=self.IMAX / self.slices, KY=2, KT=2, KZ=2, KP=2, ALPHA_Y=self.ALPHA_Y, BETA_Y=self.BETA_Y, D_Y=self.D_Y, D_YP=self.D_YP, EMIT_Y=self.EMIT_Z, ALPHA_Z=self.ALPHA_Z, BETA_Z=self.BETA_Z, D_Z=self.D_Z, D_ZP=self.D_ZP, EMIT_Z=self.EMIT_Z, ALPHA_X=self.ALPHA_X, BETA_X=self.BETA_X, EMIT_X=self.EMIT_X, I1=randint(0, 1e6), I2=randint(0, 1e6), I3=randint(0, 1e6), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_sequence(cls, sequence: _TwissSequence, statistics: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): """ Args: sequence: statistics: Returns: """ b = cls('BUNCH', particle=getattr(_particules, sequence.particle.__name__), kinematics=sequence.kinematics, betablock=sequence.betablock, **kwargs, ) b.IMAX = statistics or sequence.metadata.n_particles, b.EMIT_Y = sequence.metadata['EX'] * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian b.EMIT_Z = sequence.metadata['EY'] * _ureg.m * _ureg.radian return b
[docs]class BeamInputDistribution(Beam): """ A beam using an explicit beam distribution. """ PARAMETERS = { 'SLICE': (0, "Active slice identifier. Note: this is not the number of slices, but the active slice number."), 'REFERENCE': (0, "Setting to 1 will produce a beam with only the reference particle (the distribution is not " "lost"), } """Parameters of the command, with their default value, their description and optinally an index used by other commands (e.g. fit)."""
[docs] def post_init(self, objet_type: _ObjetType = _Objet2, distribution: Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array, str]] = None, slices: int = 1, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: objet_type: kinematics: particle: distribution: slices: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ super().post_init(objet_type=objet_type, **kwargs) self._slices: int = slices self._distribution: Optional[np.array] = None self.initialize_distribution(distribution, **kwargs)
[docs] def initialize_distribution(self, distribution: Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, str]] = None, **kwargs): """Try setting the internal pandas.DataFrame with a distribution. Args: distribution: """ if isinstance(distribution, str): self.add( BeamInputDistribution.generate_from_file( distribution, path=kwargs.get('path', '.') ) ) elif isinstance(distribution, (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)): self.add(distribution) return self
[docs] def add(self, distribution: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, str], **kwargs): """ Args: distribution: Returns: """ distr = None if isinstance(distribution, str): distr = BeamInputDistribution.generate_from_file( distribution, path=kwargs.get('path', '.') ) elif isinstance(distribution, pd.DataFrame): distr = distribution.values elif isinstance(distribution, np.ndarray): distr = distribution if distr is not None: assert isinstance(distr, np.ndarray), "The distribution container must be a numpy array." assert distr.ndim == 2, "Invalid dimensions for the array of particles (must be 2)." if distr.shape[1] == 4: # Y T Z P x = np.zeros((distr.shape[0], 1)) d = np.ones((distr.shape[0], 1)) iex = np.ones((distr.shape[0], 1)) distr = np.concatenate((distr, x, d, iex), axis=1) elif distr.shape[1] == 5: # Y T Z P D x = np.zeros((distr.shape[0], 1)) iex = np.ones((distr.shape[0], 1)) distr = np.concatenate((distr[:, :-1], x, distr[:, -1:], iex), axis=1) elif distr.shape[1] == 6: # Y T Z P X D iex = np.ones((distr.shape[0], 1)) distr = np.concatenate((distr, iex), axis=1) elif distr.shape[1] == 7: # Y T Z P X D IEX pass else: raise _ZgoubidooException("Invalid dimensions for particles vectors.") if self._distribution is None: self._distribution = distr else: self._distribution = np.append(self._distribution, distr, axis=0) return self
@property def slices(self): """Number of slices.""" return self._slices @slices.setter def slices(self, n): """(Re)set the number of slices.""" self._slices = n @property def active_slice(self): """The index of the active (current) slice.""" try: n_tot = self._distribution.shape[0] except TypeError: return None n_per_slices = int(np.floor(n_tot / self._slices)) d = self._distribution[self.SLICE * n_per_slices:(self.SLICE + 1) * n_per_slices] if len(d) == 0: return None else: return d
[docs] def generate_object(self): """ TODO Return: """ _ = self._objet_type(self.LABEL1, BORO=self._kinematics.brho) if self.REFERENCE == 0: _.add(self.active_slice) return _
@property def mappings(self) -> _MappedParametersListType: """TODO""" if self.REFERENCE == 1: return [{f"{self.LABEL1}.SLICE": 0, f"{self.LABEL1}.REFERENCE": 1}] else: return _ParametricMapping( [ { f"{self.LABEL1}.SLICE": list(range(0, self._slices)) }, { f"{self.LABEL1}.REFERENCE": [0] } ] ).combinations @property def distribution(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """The beam distribution.""" return self._distribution
[docs] def create_reference_statistics(self, n: int = 1): """ Args: n: Returns: """ o = self.generate_object().clear().add_references(n) self._distribution = np.array(o.PARTICULES) return self
[docs] def clear(self) -> Beam: """ Returns: """ self._distribution = None self._slices = 1 return self
[docs] def from_file(self, file: str, n: int = None, path: str = '.') -> Beam: """ Args: file: n: path: Returns: """ self.initialize_distribution(BeamInputDistribution.generate_from_file(file, path, n)) return self
[docs] def from_5d_sigma_matrix(self, n, **kwargs) -> Beam: """ Initialize a beam with a 5D particle distribution from a Sigma matrix. Args: n: **kwargs: Returns: """ distribution = BeamInputDistribution.generate_from_5d_sigma_matrix(n, **kwargs) self.initialize_distribution(distribution) return self
[docs] def from_twiss_parameters(self, n, **kwargs) -> Beam: """ Initialize a beam with a 5D particle distribution from Twiss parameters. Args: n: **kwargs: Returns: """ keys = {'X', 'PX', 'Y', 'PY', 'DPP', 'DPPRMS', 'BETAX', 'ALPHAX', 'BETAY', 'ALPHAY', 'EMITX', 'EMITY'} if any([k not in keys for k in kwargs.keys()]): raise ZgoubidooBeamException("Invalid argument for a twiss distribution.") betax = kwargs.get('BETAX', 1) alphax = kwargs.get('ALPHAX', 0) gammax = (1+alphax**2)/betax betay = kwargs.get('BETAY', 1) alphay = kwargs.get('ALPHAY', 0) gammay = (1 + alphay ** 2) / betay self.from_5d_sigma_matrix(n, x=kwargs.get('X', 0), px=kwargs.get('PX', 0), y=kwargs.get('Y', 0), py=kwargs.get('PY', 0), dpp=kwargs.get('DPP', 0), dpprms=kwargs.get('DPPRMS', 0), s11=betax * kwargs['EMITX'], s12=-alphax * kwargs['EMITX'], s22=gammax * kwargs['EMITX'], s33=betay * kwargs['EMITY'], s34=-alphay * kwargs['EMITY'], s44=gammay * kwargs['EMITY'] ) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_sequence(cls, sequence: _Sequence, **kwargs): """ Args: sequence: kwargs: Returns: """ return cls( particle=getattr(_particules, sequence.particle.__name__), kinematics=sequence.kinematics, **kwargs )
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_from_file(file: str, path: str = '.', n: Optional[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read a beam distribution from file. Args: file: path: n: Returns: """ return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, file))[:n].values
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_from_5d_sigma_matrix(n: int, x: float = 0, px: float = 0, y: float = 0, py: float = 0, dpp: float = 0, s11: float = 0, s12: float = 0, s13: float = 0, s14: float = 0, s15: float = 0, s22: float = 0, s23: float = 0, s24: float = 0, s25: float = 0, s33: float = 0, s34: float = 0, s35: float = 0, s44: float = 0, s45: float = 0, dpprms: float = 0, matrix=None, ): """ Args: n: x: px: y: py: dpp: s11: s12: s13: s14: s15: s22: s23: s24: s25: s33: s34: s35: s44: s45: dpprms: matrix: Returns: """ # For performance considerations, see # try: import numpy.random_intel generator = numpy.random_intel.multivariate_normal except ModuleNotFoundError: import numpy.random generator = numpy.random.multivariate_normal s21 = s12 s31 = s13 s32 = s23 s41 = s14 s42 = s24 s43 = s34 s51 = s15 s52 = s25 s53 = s35 s54 = s45 s55 = dpprms ** 2 if matrix is not None: assert matrix.shape == (5, 5) return generator( [x, px, y, py, dpp], matrix, int(n) ) else: return generator( [x, px, y, py, dpp], np.array([ [s11, s12, s13, s14, s15], [s21, s22, s23, s24, s25], [s31, s32, s33, s34, s35], [s41, s42, s43, s44, s45], [s51, s52, s53, s54, s55] ]), int(n) )
[docs]class BeamTwiss(Beam): """ A beam to be used for transfer map and Twiss computations. """ PARAMETERS = { 'PY': 1e-3, 'PT': 1e-3, 'PZ': 1e-3, 'PP': 1e-3, 'PX': 1e-3, 'PD': 1e-3, 'YR': ([0, ], 'Y-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'TR': ([0, ], 'T-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'ZR': ([0, ], 'Z-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'PR': ([0, ], 'P-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'XR': ([0, ], 'X-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'DR': ([1, ], 'D-coordinate of the reference trajectory'), 'ALPHA_Y': 0.0, 'BETA_Y': 1.0 * _ureg.m, 'ALPHA_Z': 0.0, 'BETA_Z': 1.0 * _ureg.m, 'ALPHA_X': 0.0, 'BETA_X': 1.0 * _ureg.m, 'D_Y': 0 * _ureg.m, 'D_YP': 0, 'D_Z': 0 * _ureg.m, 'D_ZP': 0, }
[docs] def post_init(self, betablock: _BetaBlock = None, sequence: _TwissSequence = None, objet_type: _ObjetType = _Objet5, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: betablock: sequence: objet_type: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ super().post_init(objet_type=objet_type, **kwargs) if betablock is not None and sequence is not None: raise ZgoubidooBeamException("Provide either betablock or sequence, not both.") if sequence is not None and betablock is None: betablock = sequence.betablock if betablock is not None: self._set_from_betablock(betablock)
[docs] def generate_object(self): """ TODO Return: """ return self._objet_type(self.LABEL1, BORO=self._kinematics.brho, PY=self.PY, PT=self.PT, PZ=self.PZ, PP=self.PP, PX=self.PX, PD=self.PD, YR=self.YR, TR=self.TR, ZR=self.ZR, PR=self.PR, XR=self.XR, DR=self.DR, ALPHA_Y=self.ALPHA_Y, BETA_Y=self.BETA_Y, ALPHA_Z=self.ALPHA_Z, BETA_Z=self.BETA_Z, ALPHA_X=self.ALPHA_X, BETA_X=self.BETA_X, D_Y=self.D_Y, D_YP=self.D_YP, D_Z=self.D_Z, D_ZP=self.D_ZP, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_sequence(cls, sequence: _TwissSequence, **kwargs): """ Args: sequence: kwargs: Returns: """ return cls( particle=getattr(_particules, sequence.particle.__name__), kinematics=sequence.kinematics, betablock=sequence.betablock, objet_type=_Objet5, **kwargs )