Source code for georges_core.sequences.sequence

"""High-level interface for Zgoubi using sequences.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Any, List, Tuple, Mapping, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
from .. import particles as _particles
from ..particles import Proton as _Proton
from ..kinematics import Kinematics as _Kinematics
from .elements import Element as _Element
from .elements import ElementClass as _ElementClass
from .betablock import BetaBlock as _BetaBlock
from ..codes_io import load_madx_twiss_headers, load_madx_twiss_table, load_transport_input_file, \
from ..codes_io import BDSimOutput
from .. import ureg as _ureg

    from ..particles import ParticuleType as _ParticuleType

__all__ = ['SequenceException',

_BDSIM_TO_MAD_CONVENTION: Mapping[str, str] = {
    'Rcol': 'RectangularCollimator',
    'Ecol': 'EllipticalCollimator',

[docs]class SequenceException(Exception): """Exception raised for errors when using zgoubidoo.Sequence""" def __init__(self, m): self.message = m
class SequenceMetadataType(type): """TODO""" pass
[docs]@dataclass class SequenceMetadata(metaclass=SequenceMetadataType): """TODO""" data: _pd.Series = None kinematics: _Kinematics = None particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton n_particles: int = 1 def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __post_init__(self): # Try to infer the particle type from the metadata if is None: return try: self.particle = self.particle or getattr(_particles, str(['PARTICLE'].capitalize())) except KeyError: self.particle = _Proton # Try to infer the kinematics from the metadata try: self.kinematics = self.kinematics or _Kinematics(['PC'] * _ureg.GeV_c, particle=self.particle) except KeyError: pass try: self.kinematics = self.kinematics or _Kinematics(['ENERGY'] * _ureg.GeV, particle=self.particle) except KeyError: pass try: self.kinematics = self.kinematics or _Kinematics(['GAMMA'], particle=self.particle) except KeyError: pass try: self.n_particles = self.n_particles or int(['NPART']) except KeyError: pass
class SequenceType(type): """TODO""" pass
[docs]class Sequence(metaclass=SequenceType): """Sequence. """ def __init__(self, name: str = '', data=None, metadata: Optional[SequenceMetadata] = None, element_keys: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): """ Args: name: the name of the physics data: metadata: element_keys: """ self._name: str = name self._data: Any = data self._metadata = metadata or SequenceMetadata() self._element_keys = element_keys or { k: k for k in [ 'L', ] } def __repr__(self): return repr(self._data) @property def name(self) -> str: """Provides the name of the sequence.""" return self._name @property def metadata(self) -> SequenceMetadata: """Provides the metadata associated with the sequence.""" return self._metadata @property def kinematics(self) -> _Kinematics: """Provides the kinematics data associated with the sequence metadata.""" return self.metadata.kinematics @property def particle(self) -> _ParticuleType: """Provides the particle type associated with the sequence metadata.""" return self.metadata.particle @property def betablock(self) -> _BetaBlock: """TODO""" return _BetaBlock()
[docs] def to_df(self, df: Optional[_pd.DataFrame] = None, strip_units: bool = False) -> _pd.DataFrame: """TODO""" if self._data is None and df is None: return _pd.DataFrame() else: df = df if df is not None else _pd.DataFrame(self._data) if strip_units: def safe_convert(unit: str): def do(_): if _np.isnan(_): return _ else: return _.m_as(unit) return do df['AT_ENTRY'] = df['AT_ENTRY'].apply(safe_convert('meter')) df['AT_CENTER'] = df['AT_CENTER'].apply(safe_convert('meter')) df['AT_EXIT'] = df['AT_EXIT'].apply(safe_convert('meter')) try: df['L'] = df['L'].apply(safe_convert('meter')) except KeyError: pass try: df['ANGLE'] = df['ANGLE'].apply(safe_convert('radian')) except KeyError: pass try: df['K1'] = df['K1'].apply(safe_convert('1/m**2')) except KeyError: pass try: df['K2'] = df['K2'].apply(safe_convert('1/m**3')) except KeyError: pass try: df['E1'] = df['E1'].apply(safe_convert('radian')) except KeyError: pass try: df['E2'] = df['E2'].apply(safe_convert('radian')) except KeyError: pass try: df['TILT'] = df['TILT'].apply(safe_convert('radian')) except KeyError: pass return df
df = property(to_df)
[docs] def apply(self, func, axis=0): """ Args: func: axis: Returns: """ return self.df.apply(func, axis)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_madx_twiss(filename: str = 'twiss.outx', path: str = '.', columns: List = None, from_element: str = None, to_element: str = None, ) -> Sequence: """ TODO Args: filename: name of the Twiss table file path: path to the Twiss table file columns: the list of columns in the Twiss file from_element: to_element: Returns: Examples: TODO """ return TwissSequence(filename=filename, path=path, columns=columns, from_element=from_element, to_element=to_element, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_transport(filename: str = 'transport.txt', path: str = '.', ): """ TODO Args: filename: path: Returns: """ return TransportSequence(filename=filename, path=path)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_survey(): """ TODO Returns: """ return SurveySequence()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_bdsim(filename: str = 'output.root', path: str = '.', ): """ TODO Returns: """ return BDSIMSequence(filename=filename, path=path, from_element=None, to_element=None )
[docs]class PlacementSequence(Sequence): """Placement Sequence. """ def __init__(self, name: str = '', data: Optional[List[Tuple[_Element, _ureg.Quantity, _ureg.Quantity, _ureg.Quantity]]] = None, metadata: Optional[SequenceMetadata] = None, reference_placement: str = 'ENTRY', element_keys: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): """ Args: name: the name of the physics data: the list of commands composing the physics metadata: reference_placement: element_keys: """ super().__init__(name=name, data=data or [], metadata=metadata, element_keys=element_keys) self._reference_placement = reference_placement self._betablock: Optional[_BetaBlock] = None self._expanded = False @property def expanded(self): return self._expanded @property def betablock(self) -> _BetaBlock: return self._betablock @betablock.setter def betablock(self, betablock: _BetaBlock): self._betablock = betablock
[docs] def to_df(self, df: Optional[_pd.DataFrame] = None, strip_units: bool = False) -> _pd.DataFrame: """ Args: df: strip_units: Returns: """ if len(self._data) == 0: return _pd.DataFrame() if df is None: df = _pd.DataFrame([{**e[0].data, **{ 'AT_ENTRY': e[1], 'AT_CENTER': e[2], 'AT_EXIT': e[3] }} for e in self._data]) = df.set_index('NAME', inplace=True) return super().to_df(df, strip_units=strip_units)
df = property(to_df)
[docs] def add(self, element_or_sequence: Union[_Element, Sequence]): """ Args: element_or_sequence: Returns: """, at_entry=0, after=self._data[-1][0])
[docs] def place(self, element_or_sequence: Union[_Element, Sequence], at: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_entry: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_center: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_exit: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, before: Optional[str] = None, ) -> PlacementSequence: """ Args: element_or_sequence: at: at_center: at_entry: at_exit: after: before: Returns: """ if before is not None and after is not None: raise SequenceException("'preceeding' and 'following' cannot be defined at the same time.") ats = locals() if after is not None: for e in self._data: if e[0]['NAME'] == after: for k in ats: if k.startswith('at') and ats[k] is not None: ats[k] += e[3] if before is not None: for e in self._data: if e[0]['NAME'] == before: for k in ats: if k.startswith('at') and ats[k] is not None: ats[k] *= -1 ats[k] += e[1] -['L'] if ats['at'] is not None: ats[f"at_{self._reference_placement.lower()}"] = ats['at'] def compute(d): """Compute placement quantities.""" if d['at_entry'] is None: if d['at_center'] is not None: d['at_entry'] = d['at_center'] -[self._element_keys['L']] / 2.0 elif d['at_exit'] is not None: d['at_entry'] = d['at_exit'] -[self._element_keys['L']] if d['at_center'] is None: if d['at_entry'] is not None: d['at_center'] = d['at_entry'] +[self._element_keys['L']] / 2.0 elif d['at_exit'] is not None: d['at_center'] = d['at_exit'] -[self._element_keys['L']] / 2.0 if d['at_exit'] is None: if d['at_entry'] is not None: d['at_exit'] = d['at_entry'] +[self._element_keys['L']] elif d['at_center'] is not None: d['at_exit'] = d['at_center'] +[self._element_keys['L']] / 2.0 return d tmp = ats tmp2 = tmp while True: _ = compute(tmp) tmp, tmp2 = tmp2, _ if tmp == tmp2: break # Fixed point ats = tmp2 self._data.append((element_or_sequence, ats['at_entry'], ats['at_center'], ats['at_exit'])) return self
[docs] def place_after_last(self, element_or_sequence: Union[_Element, Sequence], at: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_entry: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_center: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_exit: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, ) -> PlacementSequence: """ Args: element_or_sequence: at: at_center: at_entry: at_exit: Returns: """ self._data.sort(key=lambda _: _[1]) offset = self._data[-1][3] if at is None and at_entry is None and at_center is None and at_exit is None: at = 0.0 * _ureg.m if at is not None: at += offset if at_entry is not None: at_entry += offset if at_center is not None: at_center += offset if at_exit is not None: at_exit += offset return, at=at, at_entry=at_entry, at_center=at_center, at_exit=at_exit)
[docs] def place_before_first(self, element_or_sequence: Union[_Element, Sequence], at: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_entry: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_center: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, at_exit: Optional[_ureg.Quantity] = None, ) -> PlacementSequence: """ Args: element_or_sequence: at: at_center: at_entry: at_exit: Returns: """ self._data.sort(key=lambda _: _[1]) offset = self._data[0][1] if at is not None: at = offset - at -['L'] if at_entry is not None: at_entry = offset - at_entry - element_or_sequence['L'] if at_center is not None: at_center = offset - at_center - element_or_sequence['L'] if at_exit is not None: at_exit = offset - at_exit - element_or_sequence['L'] return, at=at, at_entry=at_entry, at_center=at_center, at_exit=at_exit)
[docs] def expand(self, drift_element: _ElementClass = _Element.Drift) -> PlacementSequence: """ TODO Use namedtuples Args: drift_element: Returns: """ self._data.sort(key=lambda _: _[1]) at = 0 * _ureg.m expanded = [] for e in self._data: length = (e[1] - at).m_as('m') if length > 1e-6: expanded.append((drift_element(f"D_{e[0].NAME}", L=length * _ureg.m), at, at + length * _ureg.m / 2, at + length * _ureg.m, )) expanded.append(e) at = e[3] self._data = expanded self._expanded = True return self
[docs] def reverse(self) -> PlacementSequence: """ Returns: """ length = self._data[-1][3] self._data = self._data[::-1] self._data = [ (e, length - at_entry, length - at_center, length - at_exit) for e, at_entry, at_center, at_exit in self._data ] return self
[docs] def sort(self, reverse: bool = False) -> PlacementSequence: """ Args: reverse: Returns: """ self._data.sort(key=lambda e: e[2], reverse=reverse) return self
[docs] def join(self, other): pass
[docs]class TwissSequence(Sequence): """ TODO """ def __init__(self, filename: str = 'twiss.outx', path: str = '.', *, columns: List = None, from_element: str = None, to_element: str = None, element_keys: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): """ Args: filename: the name of the physics path: columns: from_element: to_element: element_keys: """ twiss_headers = load_madx_twiss_headers(filename, path) twiss_table = load_madx_twiss_table(filename, path, columns).loc[from_element:to_element] particle_name = twiss_headers['PARTICLE'].capitalize() p = getattr(_particles, particle_name if particle_name != 'Default' else 'Proton') k = _Kinematics(float(twiss_headers['PC']) * _ureg.GeV_c, particle=p) super().__init__(name=twiss_headers['NAME'], data=twiss_table, metadata=SequenceMetadata(data=twiss_headers, kinematics=k, particle=p), element_keys=element_keys ) @property def betablock(self) -> _BetaBlock: """TODO""" try: return _BetaBlock( BETA11=self.df.iloc[0]['BETA11'] * _ureg.m, ALPHA11=self.df.iloc[0]['ALPHA11'], BETA22=self.df.iloc[0]['BETA22'] * _ureg.m, ALPHA22=self.df.iloc[0]['ALPHA22'], DISP1=self.df.iloc[0]['DISP1'] * _ureg.m, DISP2=self.df.iloc[0]['DISP2'], DISP3=self.df.iloc[0]['DISP3'] * _ureg.m, DISP4=self.df.iloc[0]['DISP4'], EMIT1=self.metadata['EX'], EMIT2=self.metadata['EY'], EMIT3=self.metadata['ET'], ) except KeyError: try: return _BetaBlock( BETA11=self.df.iloc[0]['BETX'] * _ureg.m, ALPHA11=self.df.iloc[0]['ALFX'], BETA22=self.df.iloc[0]['BETY'] * _ureg.m, ALPHA22=self.df.iloc[0]['ALFY'], DISP1=self.df.iloc[0]['DX'] * _ureg.m, DISP2=self.df.iloc[0]['DPX'], DISP3=self.df.iloc[0]['DY'] * _ureg.m, DISP4=self.df.iloc[0]['DPY'], EMIT1=self.metadata['EX'], EMIT2=self.metadata['EY'], EMIT3=self.metadata['ET'], ) except KeyError: return _BetaBlock()
[docs] def to_df(self) -> _pd.DataFrame: """TODO""" return self._data
df = property(to_df)
[docs]class TransportSequence(Sequence): """ TODO """ from ..codes_io.transport import TransportInputFlavor, TransportInputOriginalFlavor def __init__(self, filename: str, path: str = '.', flavor: TransportInputFlavor = TransportInputOriginalFlavor, ): """ Args: filename: the name of the physics path: flavor: """ transport_input = load_transport_input_file(filename, path) data = [] sequence_metadata = SequenceMetadata() for line in transport_input: if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue d = line.rsplit(';', 1)[0].split() if d[0].startswith('-'): continue try: float(d[0]) except ValueError: continue data.append(transport_element_factory(d, sequence_metadata, flavor)[0]) super().__init__(name='TRANSPORT', data=[d for d in data if d is not None], metadata=sequence_metadata, )
[docs] def to_df(self): dicts = list(map(dict, self._data)) counters = {} for d in dicts: if d['NAME'] is None: counters[d['KEYWORD']] = counters.get(d['KEYWORD'], 0) + 1 d['NAME'] = f"{d['KEYWORD']}_{counters[d['KEYWORD']]}" return _pd.DataFrame(dicts).set_index('NAME')
df = property(to_df)
class SurveySequence(PlacementSequence): def __init__(self, filename: str, path: str = '.', ): """ Args: filename: the name of the physics path: """ transport_input = load_transport_input_file(filename, path) data = [] sequence_metadata = SequenceMetadata() for line in transport_input: if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue d = line.split() if d[0].startswith('-'): continue data.append(transport_element_factory(d, sequence_metadata)[0]) if sequence_metadata.kinematics is None: raise SequenceException("Invalid kinematics - Beam not found in input") super().__init__(name='TRANSPORT', data=[d for d in data if d is not None], metadata=sequence_metadata, ) def to_df(self): dicts = list(map(dict, self._data)) counters = {} for d in dicts: if d['NAME'] is None: counters[d['KEYWORD']] = counters.get(d['KEYWORD'], 0) + 1 d['NAME'] = f"{d['KEYWORD']}_{counters[d['KEYWORD']]}" return _pd.DataFrame(dicts).set_index('NAME') df = property(to_df)
[docs]class BDSIMSequence(Sequence): def __init__(self, filename: str = 'output.root', path: str = '.', from_element: str = None, to_element: str = None, ): """ Args: filename: the name of the physics path: from_element: to_element: """ # Load the model bdsim_data = BDSimOutput(filename=filename, path=path) bdsim_model = bdsim_data.model.df.loc[from_element:to_element] self.set_units(bdsim_model) # Load the beam properties bdsim_beam = bdsim_data.beam.beam_base.pandas(branches=['beamEnergy', 'particle']) particle_name = bdsim_beam["particle"].values[0].decode('utf-8').capitalize() particle_energy = bdsim_beam["beamEnergy"].values[0] * _ureg.GeV p = getattr(_particles, particle_name if particle_name != 'Default' else 'Proton') kin = _Kinematics(particle_energy, kinetic=False, particle=p) # Load the beam distribution beam_distribution = bdsim_data.event.primary.df.copy() beam_distribution['dpp'] = beam_distribution['p'].apply(lambda e: ((e/kin.momentum.m_as("GeV/c"))-1)) beam_distribution = beam_distribution[["x", 'y', 'xp', 'yp', 'dpp']] beam_distribution.rename(columns={ "xp": "px", "yp": "py" }, inplace=True) beam_distribution.columns = map(str.upper, beam_distribution.columns) beam_distribution['T'] = 0 beam_distribution.reset_index(inplace=True) # Remove the multi index super().__init__(name="BDSIM", data=bdsim_model, metadata=SequenceMetadata( data=_pd.Series({ 'BEAM_DISTRIBUTION': beam_distribution[['X', 'PX', 'Y', 'PY', 'T', 'DPP']], }), kinematics=kin, particle=p) )
[docs] @staticmethod def set_units(model: _pd.DataFrame = None): # Specify the units for c in model.columns: try: model[c] = model[c].apply(float) except ValueError: pass model['CLASS'] = model['TYPE'].apply(str.capitalize) model['CLASS'] = model['CLASS'].apply(lambda e: _BDSIM_TO_MAD_CONVENTION.get(e, e)) model.loc[model["CLASS"] == "RectangularCollimator", "APERTYPE"] = "rectangular" model.loc[model["CLASS"] == "Dump", "APERTYPE"] = "rectangular" model.loc[model["CLASS"] == "EllipticalCollimator", "APERTYPE"] = "elliptical" model['L'] = model['L'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.m) model['APERTURE1'] = model['APERTURE1'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.m) model['APERTURE2'] = model['APERTURE2'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.m) model['APERTURE'] = model[['APERTURE1', 'APERTURE2']].apply(list, axis=1) model['K1'] = model['K1'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.m ** -2) model['K1S'] = model['K1S'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.m ** -2) model['K2'] = model['K2'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.m ** -3) model['E1'] = model['E1'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.radian) model['E2'] = model['E2'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.radian) model['HGAP'] = model['HGAP'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.meter) model['TILT'] = model['TILT'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.radian) model['B'] = model['B'].apply(lambda e: e * _ureg.T)
[docs] def to_df(self, df: Optional[_pd.DataFrame] = None, strip_units: bool = False) -> _pd.DataFrame: return self._data
df = property(to_df)