Source code for georges_core.kinematics

"""Zgoubidoo relativistic physics module.

This module provides a collection of functions and classes to deal with relativistic physics computations. This mainly
concerns conversions between kinematic quantities. Full support for units (via ``pint``) is provided. Additionnally, a
helper class (``Kinematics``) provides automatic construction and conversion of kinematics quantities.

    >>> 1 + 1

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional
from functools import partial as _partial
import numpy as _np
from . import ureg as _ureg
from . import Q_ as _Q
from .particles import Proton as _Proton

    from .particles import ParticuleType as _ParticuleType

[docs]class KinematicsException(Exception): """Exception raised for errors in the Zgoubidoo physics module.""" def __init__(self, m): self.message = m
[docs]class Kinematics: """ """ def __init__(self, q: Union[float, _Q], particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton, kinetic: Optional[bool] = None): """ Args: q: particle: kinetic: """ self._q: Union[float, _Q] = q self._p: _ParticuleType = particle self._type: Optional[str] = None if _Q(q).dimensionality == self._type = 'range' elif _Q(q).dimensionality == _ureg.eV.dimensionality: if kinetic is True: self._type = 'ekin' elif kinetic is False: self._type = 'etot' else: if _Q(q) < particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2: self._type = 'ekin' else: self._type = 'etot' elif _Q(q).dimensionality == _ureg.eV_c.dimensionality: self._type = 'momentum' elif _Q(q).dimensionality == (_ureg.tesla * _ureg.m).dimensionality: self._type = 'brho' elif _Q(q).dimensionless: if q < 1: self._type = 'beta' else: self._type = 'gamma' else: raise KinematicsException("Invalid kinematic quantity.") def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return f""" {self._p.__name__} (.etot) Total energy: {self.etot} (.ekin) Kinetic energy: {self.ekin} (.momentum) Momentum: {self.momentum} (.brho): Magnetic rigidity: {'tesla meter')} (.range): Range in water (protons only): {self.range if self._p == _Proton else _np.nan} (.pv): Relativistic pv: {self.pv} (.beta): Relativistic beta: {self.beta} (.gamma): Relativistic gamma: {self.gamma} """ @property def particule(self): """Associated particle type.""" return self._p
[docs] def to(self, quantity: str) -> Union[float, _Q]: """ Args: quantity: Returns: """ if self._type == quantity: return self._q else: c = f"{self._type}_to_{quantity}" try: return globals()[c](self._q, particle=self._p) except KeyError: raise KinematicsException(f"Invalid conversion attempted: {c}.")
[docs] def to_range(self, magnitude: bool = False) -> Union[float, _Q]: """ Args: magnitude: Returns: """ if self._p != _Proton: return 0.0 _ ='range').to('cm') if magnitude: return _.magnitude else: return _
range = property(to_range) """TODO""" range_ = property(_partial(to_range, magnitude=True)) """TODO"""
[docs] def to_ekin(self, magnitude: bool = False) -> Union[float, _Q]: """ Args: magnitude: Returns: """ _ ='ekin').to('MeV') if magnitude: return _.magnitude else: return _
ekin = property(to_ekin) """TODO""" ekin_ = property(_partial(to_ekin, magnitude=True)) """TODO"""
[docs] def to_etot(self, magnitude: bool = False) -> Union[float, _Q]: """ Args: magnitude: Returns: """ _ ='etot').to('MeV') if magnitude: return _.magnitude else: return _
etot = property(to_etot) """TODO""" etot_ = property(_partial(to_etot, magnitude=True)) """TODO"""
[docs] def to_momentum(self, magnitude: bool = False) -> Union[float, _Q]: """ Args: magnitude: Returns: """ _ ='momentum').to('MeV_c') if magnitude: return _.magnitude else: return _
momentum = property(to_momentum) """Provides the *momentum*.""" momentum_ = property(_partial(to_momentum, magnitude=True)) """Provides the *momentum* (magnitude only)."""
[docs] def to_brho(self, magnitude: bool = False) -> Union[float, _Q]: """ Args: magnitude: Returns: """ _ ='brho').to('tesla meter') if magnitude: return _.magnitude else: return _
brho = property(to_brho) """Provides *brho*.""" brho_ = property(_partial(to_brho, magnitude=True)) """Provides *brho* (magnitude only)."""
[docs] def to_pv(self) -> float: """ Returns: """ return'pv')
pv = property(to_pv) """Provides *pv*."""
[docs] def to_beta(self) -> float: """ Returns: """ return'beta')
beta = property(to_beta) """Provides *beta*."""
[docs] def to_gamma(self) -> float: """ Returns: """ return'gamma')
gamma = property(to_gamma) """Provides *gamma*."""
[docs]def etot_to_ekin(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to kinetic energy. >>> etot_to_ekin(1168 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(229.72797000000014, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Kinetic energy of the particle """ return e - particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2
[docs]def etot_to_momentum(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to momentum. >>> etot_to_momentum(1168 * _ureg.MeV).to('MeV_c') <Quantity(695.6073588740122, 'megaelectronvolt_per_c')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Momentum of the particle """ return ekin_to_momentum(etot_to_ekin(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def etot_to_brho(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to magnetic rigidity (brho). >>> etot_to_brho(1168 * _ureg.MeV).to('T m') <Quantity(4.3416400410201015e+21, 'meter tesla')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Magnetic rigidity of the particle """ return ekin_to_brho(etot_to_ekin(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def etot_to_range(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to proton range in water; following IEC-60601. >>> etot_to_range(1168 * _ureg.MeV).to('cm') <Quantity(32.87609308294777, 'centimeter')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Proton range in water """ return ekin_to_range(etot_to_ekin(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def etot_to_pv(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to relativistic pv. >>> etot_to_pv(1168 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(414.27191585588946, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic pv of the particle """ return ekin_to_pv(etot_to_ekin(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def etot_to_beta(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to relativistic beta. >>> etot_to_beta(1168 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(0.595554245611312, ' ')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle """ return ekin_to_beta(etot_to_ekin(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def etot_to_gamma(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts total energy to relativistic gamma. >>> etot_to_beta(1168 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(1.2448415413171807, ' ')> Args: e: Total energy of the particle particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic gamma of the particle """ return ekin_to_gamma(etot_to_ekin(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def ekin_to_etot(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts kinetic energy to total energy >>> ekin_to_etot(100 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(1038.2721, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Total energy of the particle """ return e + particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2
[docs]def ekin_to_momentum(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts kinetic energy to momentum >>> ekin_to_momentum(100 * _ureg.MeV).to('MeV_c') <Quantity(444.58340724772927, 'megaelectronvolt_per_c')> >>> ekin_to_momentum(230 * _ureg.MeV).to('MeV_c') <Quantity(696.064029957015, 'megaelectronvolt_per_c')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Momentum of the particle """ return _np.sqrt(ekin_to_etot(e, particle) ** 2 - particle.M ** 2 * _ureg.c ** 4) / _ureg.c
[docs]def ekin_to_brho(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts kinetic energy to magnetic rigidity (brho). >>> ekin_to_brho(100 * _ureg.MeV).to('T m') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> ekin_to_brho(230 * _ureg.MeV).to('T m') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Magnetic rigidity of the particle """ return momentum_to_brho(ekin_to_momentum(e, particle), particle)
[docs]def ekin_to_range(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts kinetic energy to proton range in water; following IEC-60601. >>> ekin_to_range(100 * _ureg.MeV).to('cm') <Quantity(7.7269636143698905, 'centimeter')> >>> ekin_to_range(230 * _ureg.MeV).to('cm') <Quantity(32.9424672323197, 'centimeter')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Proton range in water """ if particle is not _Proton: raise KinematicsException("Conversion to range only works for protons.") b = 0.008539 c = 0.5271 d = 3.4917 e = e.m_as('MeV') return _np.exp((-c + _np.sqrt(c ** 2 - 4 * b * (d - _np.log(e)))) / (2 * b)) *
[docs]def ekin_to_pv(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts kinetic energy to relativistic pv. >>> ekin_to_pv(230 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(414.71945005821937, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic pv of the particle """ return ((e + particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2) ** 2 - (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2) ** 2) / (e + particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2)
[docs]def ekin_to_beta(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts the kinetic energy to relativistic beta. >>> ekin_to_beta(230 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(0.5958064663732597, '')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle """ gamma = (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2 + e) / (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2) return float((_np.sqrt((gamma ** 2 - 1) / gamma ** 2)).magnitude)
[docs]def ekin_to_gamma(e: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts the kinetic energy to relativistic gamma. >>> ekin_to_gamma(230 * _ureg.MeV) <Quantity(1.2451314678963628, '')> Args: e: kinetic energy particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic gamma of the particle """ return float(((particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2 + e) / (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2)).magnitude)
[docs]def momentum_to_etot(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts momentum to total energy. >>> momentum_to_etot(100 * _ureg.MeV_c).to('MeV') <Quantity(5.313897343302641, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Total energy of the particle """ return _np.sqrt((p ** 2 * _ureg.c ** 2) + ((particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2) ** 2))
[docs]def momentum_to_ekin(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts momentum to kinetic energy. >>> momentum_to_ekin(100 * _ureg.MeV_c).to('MeV') <Quantity(5.313897343302641, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Kinetic energy of the particle """ return momentum_to_etot(p, particle) - particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2
[docs]def momentum_to_brho(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts momentum to magnetic rigidity (brho). >>> momentum_to_brho(100 * _ureg.MeV_c).to('tesla * meter') <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Magnetic rigidity of the particle """ return p / particle.Q
[docs]def momentum_to_range(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts momentum to proton range in water; following IEC-60601. >>> momentum_to_range(696 * _ureg.MeV_c).to('cm') <Quantity(32.93315610400117, 'centimeter')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Range of the particle """ return ekin_to_range(momentum_to_ekin(p, particle), particle)
[docs]def momentum_to_pv(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts momentum to relativistic pv. >>> momentum_to_pv(696 * _ureg.MeV_c).to('megaelectronvolt') <Quantity(414.65669469180085, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic pv of the particle """ return ekin_to_pv(momentum_to_ekin(p, particle), particle)
[docs]def momentum_to_beta(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts momentum to relativistic beta. >>> momentum_to_beta(696 * _ureg.MeV_c) <Quantity(0.595771113062932, ' ')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle """ return float(ekin_to_beta(momentum_to_ekin(p, particle), particle))
[docs]def momentum_to_gamma(p: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts momentum to relativistic gamma. >>> momentum_to_gamma(696 * _ureg.MeV_c) <Quantity(1.2450908098255744, ' ')> Args: p: relativistic momentum particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic gamma of the particle """ return ekin_to_gamma(momentum_to_ekin(p, particle), particle)
[docs]def brho_to_etot(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to total energy. >>> brho_to_etot(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter).to('MeV') <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the total energy of the particle. """ return momentum_to_etot(brho_to_momentum(brho, particle), particle)
[docs]def brho_to_ekin(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to kinetic energy. >>> brho_to_ekin(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter).to('MeV') <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the kinetic energy of the particle. """ return momentum_to_ekin(brho_to_momentum(brho, particle))
[docs]def brho_to_momentum(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to momentum. >>> brho_to_momentum(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter).to('MeV/c') <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the momentum of the particle. """ return brho * particle.Q
[docs]def brho_to_range(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to range. >>> brho_to_range(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter).to('cm') <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the range of the particle. """ return momentum_to_range(brho_to_momentum(brho, particle), particle)
[docs]def brho_to_pv(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to relativistic pv. >>> brho_to_pv(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter).to('') <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic pv of the particle """ return momentum_to_pv(brho_to_momentum(brho, particle), particle)
[docs]def brho_to_beta(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to relativistic beta. >>> brho_to_beta(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter) <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle """ return momentum_to_beta(brho_to_momentum(brho, particle), particle)
[docs]def brho_to_gamma(brho: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts magnetic rigidity (brho) to relativistic gamma. >>> brho_to_gamma(3 * _ureg.tesla * _ureg.meter) <Quantity(0.33356409519815206, 'meter * tesla')> Args: brho: the magnetic rigidity particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic gamma of the particle """ return momentum_to_gamma(brho_to_momentum(brho, particle), particle)
[docs]def range_to_etot(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Examples: >>> range_to_etot(32 *'MeV') <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Total energy of the particle. """ return ekin_to_etot(range_to_ekin(r, particle), particle)
[docs]def range_to_ekin(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts proton range in water to kinetic energy following IEC60601. Examples: >>> range_to_ekin(32 *'MeV') <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the kinetic energy of the particle. """ if type(particle) is not type(_Proton): raise KinematicsException("Conversion from range only works for protons.") a = 0.00169 b = -0.00490 c = 0.56137 d = 3.46405 r ='cm').magnitude return _np.exp( a * _np.log(r) ** 3 + b * _np.log(r) ** 2 + c * _np.log(r) + d ) * _ureg.MeV
[docs]def range_to_momentum(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts proton range in water to momentum. >>> range_to_momentum(32 *'MeV / c') <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the momentum of the particle. """ return ekin_to_momentum(range_to_ekin(r, particle), particle)
[docs]def range_to_brho(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts proton range in water to magnetic rigidity (brho). >>> range_to_brho(32 *'T m') <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: The magnetic rigidity (brho) of the particle. """ return ekin_to_brho(range_to_ekin(r, particle), particle)
[docs]def range_to_pv(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts proton range in water to relativistic pv. >>> range_to_pv(32 *'') <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: the relativistic pv of the particle. """ return ekin_to_pv(range_to_ekin(r, particle), particle)
[docs]def range_to_beta(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts proton range in water to relativistic beta. >>> range_to_beta(32 * <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle. """ return ekin_to_beta(range_to_ekin(r, particle), particle)
[docs]def range_to_gamma(r: _Q, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts proton range in water to relativistic beta. >>> range_to_gamma(32 * <Quantity(226.12911179644985, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: r: proton range in water particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle. """ return ekin_to_gamma(range_to_ekin(r, particle), particle)
[docs]def beta_to_etot(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic beta to total energy. >>> beta_to_etot(0.3).to('MeV') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> beta_to_etot(0.9).to('MeV') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Total energy of the particle """ return beta_to_gamma(beta) * (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2)
[docs]def beta_to_ekin(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic beta to kinetic energy. >>> beta_to_ekin(0.3).to('MeV') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> beta_to_ekin(0.9).to('MeV') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Kinetic energy of the particle """ return (beta_to_gamma(beta) - 1) * (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2)
[docs]def beta_to_momentum(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic beta to momentum. >>> beta_to_momentum(0.3).to('MeV/c') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> beta_to_momentum(0.9).to('MeV/c') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Momentum of the particle """ return ekin_to_momentum(beta_to_ekin(beta), particle=particle)
[docs]def beta_to_brho(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic beta to magnetic rigidity. >>> beta_to_brho(0.3).to('T m') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> beta_to_brho(0.9).to('T m') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Magnetic rigidity of the particle """ return ekin_to_brho(beta_to_ekin(beta), particle=particle)
[docs]def beta_to_range(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic beta to range. >>> beta_to_range(0.3).to('cm') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> beta_to_range(0.9).to('cm') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Range of the particle """ return ekin_to_range(beta_to_ekin(beta), particle=particle)
[docs]def beta_to_pv(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic beta to relativistic pv. >>> beta_to_pv(100 * _ureg.MeV).to('T m') <Quantity(1.4829706197870007, 'meter tesla')> >>> beta_to_pv(230 * _ureg.MeV).to('T m') <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic pv of the particle """ return ekin_to_pv(beta_to_ekin(beta), particle=particle)
[docs]def beta_to_gamma(beta: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts relativistic beta to relativistic gamma. >>> beta_to_gamma(0.5) <Quantity(1.1547005383792517, '')> >>> beta_to_gamma(2.294157338705618) <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: beta: relativistic beta particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic gamma of the particle """ return 1 / (_np.sqrt(1 - beta ** 2))
[docs]def gamma_to_etot(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts relativistic gamma to total energy. >>> gamma_to_etot(1.5) <Quantity(1.1547005383792517, '')> >>> gamma_to_etot(1.2) <Quantity(2.3218196835259093, 'meter tesla')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Total energy of the particle """ return gamma_to_ekin(gamma, particle) + particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2
[docs]def gamma_to_ekin(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic gamma to kinetic energy. >>> gamma_to_ekin(100.0).to('MeV') <Quantity(92888.93096999999, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Kinetic energy of the particle """ return (gamma - 1) * (particle.M * _ureg.c ** 2)
[docs]def gamma_to_momentum(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic gamma to momentum. >>> gamma_to_momentum(100.0).to('MeV/c') <Quantity(92888.93096999999, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Momentum of the particle """ return ekin_to_momentum(gamma_to_ekin(gamma, particle), particle)
[docs]def gamma_to_brho(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic gamma to magnetic rigidity. >>> gamma_to_brho(100.0).to('T m') <Quantity(92888.93096999999, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Magnetic rigidity of the particle """ return ekin_to_brho(gamma_to_ekin(gamma, particle), particle)
[docs]def gamma_to_range(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic gamma to range (protons only). >>> gamma_to_range(100.0).to('T m') <Quantity(92888.93096999999, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Range of the particle """ return ekin_to_range(gamma_to_ekin(gamma, particle), particle)
[docs]def gamma_to_pv(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> _Q: """ Converts relativistic gamma to relativistic pv. >>> gamma_to_pv(100.0).to('T m') <Quantity(92888.93096999999, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic pv of the particle """ return ekin_to_pv(gamma_to_ekin(gamma, particle), particle)
[docs]def gamma_to_beta(gamma: float, particle: _ParticuleType = _Proton) -> float: """ Converts relativistic gamma to relativistic beta. >>> gamma_to_beta(1.5) <Quantity(92888.93096999999, 'megaelectronvolt')> Args: gamma: relativistic gamma particle: the particle type (default: proton) Returns: Relativistic beta of the particle """ return _np.sqrt((gamma**2 - 1) / gamma**2)