Source code for zgoubidoo.input

"""Zgoubidoo's input module: interface for Zgoubi input file.

This module interfaces Zgoubi input files to the other components of Zgoubidoo. Its main feature is the `Input` class,
which allows to represent a set of Zgoubi input commands and serialize it into a valid input file. The input can also
be validated using a set of validators, following the Zgoubi input constraints.

The inputs are serialized and saved as `zgoubi.dat` in temporary directories. When serializing an input it is possible
to provide a parametric mapping (combinations of the variations of one or more parameters) to generate multiple Zgoubi
input files.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Callable, Sequence, Union, List, Tuple, Iterable, Any, Deque, Mapping
from collections import deque
import itertools
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from functools import partial, reduce
import tempfile
import logging
import shutil
import os
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
import parse as _parse
from georges_core.frame import Frame as _Frame
import zgoubidoo.converters as _zgoubi_converters
import zgoubidoo.commands
from .zgoubi import Zgoubi as _Zgoubi
from .commands.commands import ZgoubidooException as _ZgoubidooException
from zgoubidoo.commands import Command as _Command
from .commands.actions import End as _End
from .commands.beam import Beam as _Beam
from .commands.beam import BeamTwiss as _BeamTwiss
from .commands import particules as _particules
from .commands.particules import Particule as _Particule
from .commands.particules import ParticuleType as _ParticuleType
from .mappings import MappedParametersType as _MappedParametersType
from .mappings import MappedParametersListType as _MappedParametersListType
from .mappings import flatten as _flatten
from . import Kinematics as _Kinematics
    import georges_core.sequences
    from zgoubidoo.commands import CommandType
    from .commands.beam import BeamType as _BeamType

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PathsListType = List[Tuple[_MappedParametersType, Union[str, tempfile.TemporaryDirectory], bool]]
"""Type alias for a list of parametric keys and paths values."""

[docs]class ZgoubiInputException(Exception): """Exception raised for errors within Zgoubi Input.""" def __init__(self, m): self.message = m
[docs]class Input: """Main class interfacing Zgoubi input files data structure. A Zgoubidoo `Input` object represents the Zgoubi input file data structure. It is thus essentially a list of Zgoubidoo objects representing commands and elements for the generation of Zgoubi input files. The `Input` supports a `str` representation allowing to generate the Zgoubi input. Additionnally, calling the object will write the string representation to a Zgoubi input file. Args: name: name of the input to be created. line: if not `None` the new input will contain that `Command` sequence. Examples: >>> zi = Input(name='test_beamline') >>> len(zi) == 0 True >>> 'test_beamline' >>> zi() """ def __init__(self, name: str = 'beamline', line: Optional[Sequence[_Command]] = None, ): self._name: str = name line = line or list() self._line: Deque[_Command] = deque(line) self._paths: PathsListType = list() self._reference_frame: Optional[_Frame] = None self._survey_is_valid: bool = False def __del__(self): _logger.debug(f"Input object '{ }' for paths {self.paths} is being destroyed.")
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Provides the string representation, a valid Zgoubi input stream. Constructs the Zgoubi input sequence with the serialization of each command. An implicit `End` command is added in case it is not present. The `Input` name is used as a header. Returns: a valid Zgoubi input stream as a string. """ return, self._line)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __call__(self, *, mappings: Optional[_MappedParametersListType] = None, filename: str = ZGOUBI_INPUT_FILENAME, path: Optional[str] = None) -> Input: """ TODO Args: mappings: filename: path: Returns: """ self._paths = self.paths + self._generate(mappings=mappings, filename=filename, path=path) return self
def _generate(self, mappings: Optional[_MappedParametersListType] = None, filename: str = ZGOUBI_INPUT_FILENAME, path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> PathsListType: """Writes the string representation of the object onto files (Zgoubi input files). Args: mappings: TODO filename: the Zgoubi input file name (default: zgoubi.dat) path: an optional path for the temporary directories that will be created for the input files (default: uses temporary paths) Return: """ paths: PathsListType = list() mappings = mappings or [{}] if len(self.beam_mappings) > 0: mappings = list(map(lambda _: {**_[0], **_[1]}, itertools.product(mappings, self.beam_mappings))) initial_state: _MappedParametersType = {} for mapping in mappings: if mapping in self.mappings: # Prevent duplicate entries but allows existing mappings to be regenerated for i, p in enumerate(self._paths): if p[0] == mapping: del self._paths[i] previous_state = self.adjust(mapping) if initial_state is None: initial_state = previous_state if path is not None: path = path.rstrip('/') + '/' target_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix=path) paths.append((mapping, target_dir, False)) Input.write(self, filename, self.adjust(initial_state) return paths
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Length of the input sequence. Returns: the number of elements in the sequence. """ return len(self._line)
[docs] def __iadd__(self, command: _Command) -> Input: """Append a command at the end of the input sequence. Args: command: the command to be appended. Returns: the input sequence (in-place operation). """ self._line.append(command) return self
[docs] def __isub__(self, other: Union[str, _Command]) -> Input: """Remove a command from the input sequence. Args: other: the `Command` to be removed or the LABEL1 of the command to be removed as a string. Returns: the `Input` itself (in-place operation). """ if isinstance(other, str): self._line = [c for c in self._line if c.LABEL1 != other] else: self._line = [c for c in self._line if c != other] return self
[docs] def __getitem__(self, items: Union[slice, int, float, str, CommandType, type, Iterable[Union[CommandType, type, str]]] ) -> Union[_Command, Input]: """Multi-purpose dictionnary-like elements access and filtering. A triple interafce is provided: - **numerical index**: provides the element from its numeric index (starting at 0, looked-up in the `line` property of the input (the returned object is a `Command`); - **slicing**: provides a powerful slicing feature, using either object slice or string slice (or a mix of both); see example below (the returned object is a copy of the sliced input); - **element access**: returns a filtered input containing only the given elements. The elements are given either in the form of a list of strings (or a single string), representing the class name of the element or in the form of a list of classes (or a single class). Args: items: index based accessor, slice or elements types for filtering access (see above). Returns: - with numerical index returns the object located at that position (an instance of a `Command`); - with slicing returns a copy of the input, with the slicing applied (an instance of a `Input`); - with element access returns a filtering copy of the input (an instance of a `Input`). """ # Behave like element access if isinstance(items, (int, float)): return self._line[int(items)] # Behave like slicing if isinstance(items, slice): start = items.start end = items.stop if isinstance(items.start, (_Command, str)): start = self.index(items.start) if isinstance(items.stop, (_Command, str)): end = self.index(items.stop) + 1 return Input(name=f"{self._name}_sliced_from_{getattr(items.start, 'LABEL1', items.start)}" f"_to_{getattr(items.stop, 'LABEL1', items.stop)}", line=list(itertools.islice(self._line, start, end, items.step)), ) else: # Behave like a filtering if not isinstance(items, (tuple, list)): items = (items,) l, i = self._filter(items) items = tuple(map(lambda x: x.__name__ if isinstance(x, type) else x, items)) return Input(name=f"{self._name}_filtered_by_{items}" .replace(',', '_') .replace(' ', '') .replace("'", '') .replace("(", '') .replace(")", '') .rstrip('_'), line=l, )
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> _Command: """ Args: item: Returns: """ for e in self._line: if e.LABEL1 == item: return e raise AttributeError(f"Command with LABEL1 = {item} not found in the input sequence.")
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): # -> NoReturn """ Args: key: value: Returns: """ if key.startswith('_'): self.__dict__[key] = value else: for e in self._line: try: setattr(e, key, value) except _ZgoubidooException: pass
[docs] def __contains__(self, items: Union[str, CommandType, Tuple[Union[str, CommandType]]]) -> int: """ Args: items: Returns: """ if not isinstance(items, tuple): items = (items,) l, i = self._filter(items) return len(l)
def _filter(self, items: Union[str, CommandType, Tuple[Union[str, CommandType]]]) -> tuple: """ Args: items: Returns: """ try: items = tuple(map( lambda x: getattr(zgoubidoo.commands, x.capitalize()) if isinstance(x, str) else x, items )) except AttributeError: return list(), tuple() return list(filter(lambda x: reduce(lambda u, v: u or v, [isinstance(x, i) for i in items]), self._line)), items
[docs] def apply(self, f: Callable[[_Command], _Command]) -> Input: """Apply (map) a function on each command of the input sequence. The function must take a single command as unique parameter and return the (modified) command. Args: f: the calable function. Returns: the input sequence (in place operation). """ self._line = list(map(f, self._line)) return self
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Cleanup temporary paths. Performs the cleanup to remove the temporary paths and the Zgoubi data files (input file, but also other parent files). This is essentially the inverse of calling the input. Note that coding the input multiple times will automatically cleanup previous sets of temporary directories. Examples: >>> zi = Input() >>> pm = ParametricMapping() >>> zi(mappings=pm) # Writes input files in newly created tempoary directories >>> zi.cleanup() # Cleanup the temporary directories and Zgoubi input files """ for p in self._paths: try: p[1].cleanup() except AttributeError: pass self.apply(lambda _: _.clean_output_and_results()) self._paths = []
[docs] def validate(self, validators: Optional[List[Callable]]) -> bool: """ Args: validators: Returns: """ if validators is not None: for v in validators: v(self) return True
[docs] def update(self, parameters: _pd.DataFrame) -> Input: """ TODO This is essentially an update following a fit. Args: parameters: Returns: """ for i, r in parameters.iterrows(): setattr(self[r['element_id'] - 1], r['parameter'] + '_', r['final'].magnitude) return self
[docs] def adjust(self, mapping: _MappedParametersType) -> _MappedParametersType: """ Args: mapping: Returns: """ initial_values = {} for k, v in mapping.items(): try: _ = k.split('.') except AttributeError: _ = k if len(_) > 1: assert len(_) == 2, "Parametric mapping labels must be a tuple of 2 strings." if _[0] == 'ALL_LINE': initial_values[k] = None setattr(self, _[1], v) else: initial_values[k] = getattr(getattr(self, _[0]), _[1].rstrip('_')) setattr(getattr(self, _[0]), _[1], v) return initial_values
[docs] def index(self, obj: Union[str, _Command]) -> int: """Index of an object in the sequence. Provides an index for a given object within a sequence. Args: obj: the object; can be an instance of a Zgoubidoo Command or a string representing the element's LABEL1. Returns: the index of the object in the input sequence. Raises: ValueError if the object is not present in the input sequence. """ if isinstance(obj, _Command): return self.line.index(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): for i, e in enumerate(self.line): if e.LABEL1 == obj: return i raise ValueError(f"Element {obj} not found.")
[docs] def zgoubi_index(self, obj: Union[str, _Command]) -> int: """Index of an object in the sequence (following Zgoubi elements numbering). Provides an index for a given object within a sequence. This index is a valid Zgoubi command numbering index and can be used as such, for example, as a parameter to the Fit command. Args: obj: the object; can be an instance of a Zgoubidoo Command or a string representing the element's LABEL1. Returns: the index of the object in the input sequence. Raises: ValueError if the object is not present in the input sequence. """ return self.index(obj) + (1 if self.beam is not None else 0) + 1
[docs] def replace(self, element, other) -> Input: """ Args: element: other: Returns: """ self.line[self.index(element)] = other return self
[docs] def insert_before(self, element, other) -> Input: """ Args: element: other: Returns: """ self.line.insert(self.index(element), other) return self
[docs] def insert_after(self, element, other) -> Input: """ Args: element: other: Returns: """ self.line.insert(self.index(element)+1, other) return self
[docs] def remove(self, prefix: str) -> Input: """ Args: prefix: Returns: """ self._line = list(filter(lambda _: not (_.LABEL1 == prefix or _.LABEL1.startswith(prefix + '_')), self.line)) return self
[docs] def get_attributes(self, attribute: str = "LABEL1") -> List[str]: """List a given command attribute in the input sequence. In case some elements in the input sequence do not have that attribute, None is used. Args: attribute: the name of the attribute. Returns: the list of the values of the given attribute across the input sequence. """ return [getattr(e, attribute, None) for e in self._line]
labels = property(get_attributes) """List of the LABEL1 property of each element of the input sequence.""" labels1 = property(get_attributes) """Same as ``labels``.""" labels2 = property(partial(get_attributes, attribute='LABEL2')) """List of the LABEL2 property of each element of the input sequence.""" @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the input sequence. Returns: the name of the input sequence or None. """ return self._name @property def paths(self) -> PathsListType: """Paths where the input has been written. Returns: a list of paths. """ return self._paths @property def mappings(self) -> List[_MappedParametersType]: """List of mappings existing for the input sequence.""" return [p[0] for p in self.paths] @property def keywords(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns: """ return [e.KEYWORD for e in self._line] @property def line(self) -> Deque[_Command]: """ Returns: """ return self._line @property def valid_survey(self) -> bool: """Boolean indicating if the line has been surveyed.""" return self._reference_frame is not None @property def survey_reference_frame(self) -> _Frame: """Provides the reference frame which was used for the prior survey of the line.""" return self._reference_frame @property def beam(self) -> Optional[_Beam]: """ Returns: Raises: TODO """ _ = self[_Beam] if len(_) > 1: raise ZgoubiInputException("Multiple beams found in input.") else: return next(iter(_), None) @property def beam_mappings(self) -> _MappedParametersListType: """ Returns: """ if self.beam is None: return [] else: return self.beam.mappings
[docs] def survey(self, reference_frame: _Frame = None, with_reference_trajectory: bool = False, reference_kinematics: Optional[_Kinematics] = None, reference_particle: Optional[Union[_Particule, _ParticuleType]] = None, reference_closed_orbit: Optional[_np.ndarray] = None, output: bool = False ) -> _pd.DataFrame: """Perform a survey on the input sequence. Args: reference_frame: a Zgoubidoo Frame object acting as the global reference frame. with_reference_trajectory: reference_kinematics: reference_particle: reference_closed_orbit: output: Returns: the surveyed input sequence. """ self._reference_frame = reference_frame or _Frame() return zgoubidoo.survey(self, reference_frame=reference_frame, with_reference_trajectory=with_reference_trajectory, reference_kinematics=reference_kinematics, reference_particle=reference_particle, reference_closed_orbit=reference_closed_orbit, output=output )
@property def valid_survey(self): """ Returns: """ return self._survey_is_valid
[docs] def set_valid_survey(self): """ Returns: """ self._survey_is_valid = True
[docs] def clear_survey(self): """ Returns: """ zgoubidoo.clear_survey(self) self._survey_is_valid = False self._reference_frame = None
[docs] def execute(self): """ Returns: """ return _Zgoubi()(self).collect()
[docs] def save(self, destination: str = '.', what: Optional[List[str]] = None, executed_only: bool = True): """Save input and/or parent Zgoubi files to a user specified directory. This is essentially a functionality allowing the user to save data files for further (external) post-processing. Args: destination: path to the destination where the files will be saved what: a list of files to be saved (default: only zgoubi.dat) executed_only: if True, will save only the files for the paths that have been executed by Zgoubi """ files = what or [ ZGOUBI_INPUT_FILENAME, ] for m, p, e in self.paths: if executed_only and not e: continue mapping_string = '' for k, v in m.items(): if len(mapping_string) != 0: mapping_string += '__' mapping_string += f"{k}_{v}" mapped_destination = os.path.join(destination, mapping_string) if m != {}: os.mkdir(mapped_destination) for f in files: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(, f), os.path.join(mapped_destination, f) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_sequence(cls, sequence: georges_core.sequences.Sequence, options: Optional[dict] = None, converters: Optional[dict] = None, elements_database: Optional[dict] = None, beam: Optional[_BeamType] = _BeamTwiss, beam_options: Optional[Mapping] = None, with_survey: bool = True, with_survey_reference: bool = True, ): """ Args: sequence: options: converters: elements_database: beam: beam_options: with_survey: with_survey_reference: Returns: """ zgoubi_converters = {k.split('_')[0].upper(): v for k, v in getmembers(_zgoubi_converters, isfunction) if k.endswith('to_zgoubi')} conversion_functions = {**zgoubi_converters, **(converters or {})} elements_database = elements_database or {} options = options or {} converted_sequence = deque( sequence.apply( lambda _: elements_database.get(, conversion_functions.get(_['KEYWORD'], lambda _, __, ___: []) (_, sequence.kinematics, options.get(_['KEYWORD'], {})) ), axis=1 ).values ) if beam is not None: converted_sequence.appendleft( (beam.from_sequence(sequence, **(beam_options or {'LABEL1': 'BEAM'})), ) # Note the tuple here ) _ = cls(, line=list(_flatten(converted_sequence)), ) _.KINEMATICS = sequence.kinematics if with_survey: _.survey(with_reference_trajectory=with_survey_reference, reference_kinematics=sequence.kinematics, reference_particle=getattr(_particules, sequence.particle.__name__) ) return _
@staticmethod def write(_: Input, filename: str = ZGOUBI_INPUT_FILENAME, path: str = '.', mode: str = 'w', validators: Optional[List[Callable]] = None) -> int: f""" Write a Zgoubi Input object to file after performing optional validation. Args: _: a Zgoubidoo Input object filename: the file name (default: {ZGOUBI_INPUT_FILENAME}) path: path for the file (default: .) mode: the mode for the writer (default: 'w' - overwrite) validators: callables used to validate the input """ _.validate(validators) with open(os.path.join(path, filename), mode) as f: return f.write(str(_))
[docs] @staticmethod def build(name: str = 'beamline', line: Optional[Deque[_Command]] = None) -> str: """Build a string representing the complete input. A string is built based on the Zgoubi serialization of all elements (commands) of the input sequence. Args: name: the name of the resulting Zgoubi input. line: the input sequence. Returns: a string in a valid Zgoubi input format. """ extra_end = None if len(line) == 0 or not isinstance(line[-1], _End): extra_end = [_End()] return ''.join(map(str, [name] + (list(line) or []) + (extra_end or [])))
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, stream: str, debug: bool = False) -> Input: """ Args: stream: debug: Returns: """ return cls( line=[getattr(zgoubidoo.commands,"'{KEYWORD}'", c)['KEYWORD'].capitalize()).build(c, debug) for c in "\n".join([_.strip() for _ in stream.split('\n')]).strip('\n').split('\n\n')] )
[docs]class ZgoubiInputValidator: """Validation methods for Zgoubi Input. Follows the rules as defined in the Zgoubi code and manual. """
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_objet_is_first_command(_: Input) -> bool: """ Validate that the first input command is a (mc)objet. Args: _: the input to validate Returns: True if the validation is successful; otherwise a `ZgoubiInputException` is raised. """ line = _.line if len(_) > 0 and not isinstance(line[0], (zgoubidoo.commands.Objet, zgoubidoo.commands.MCObjet)): raise ZgoubiInputException("The first command in the input is not an Objet. (or MCObjet).") return True
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_objets_do_not_exceed_imax(_: Input) -> bool: """ Validate that all objets and mcobjets have their IMAX value below the maximum value. Args: _: the input to validate Returns: True is the validation is successful; otherwise a `ZgoubiInputException` is raised. """ objets = _[zgoubidoo.commands.Objet, zgoubidoo.commands.MCObjet] for o in objets: if (o.IMAX or 0.0) > ZGOUBI_IMAX: raise ZgoubiInputException(f"Objet {o.label1} IMAX exceeds maximum value ({ZGOUBI_IMAX}).") return True