Source code for georges.manzoni.elements.magnets

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as _np

from ... import ureg as _ureg
from ..integrators import MadXIntegrator, MadXParaxialDriftIntegrator
from ..kernels import batched_vector_matrix
from .elements import ManzoniElement as _ManzoniElement

[docs] class Marker(_ManzoniElement): """ Define a Marker """ INTEGRATOR = None
[docs] def propagate(self, beam_in: _np.ndarray, beam_out: _np.ndarray = None, parameters: list = None): _np.copyto(dst=beam_out, src=beam_in, casting="no") return beam_in, beam_out
[docs] class Matrix(_ManzoniElement): """ Define a Matrix element. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Matrix with their default values. Examples: >>> m1 = Matrix('M1', MATRIX=_np.eye(6)) >>> m1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Matrix: {'NAME': 'M1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'MATRIX': array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])} """ INTEGRATOR = None PARAMETERS = { "MATRIX": (_np.eye(6), "Transfer matrix."), }
[docs] def propagate( self, beam_in: _np.ndarray, beam_out: Optional[_np.ndarray] = None, global_parameters: list = None, ) -> Tuple[_np.ndarray, _np.ndarray]: if self.integrator not in [MadXIntegrator, MadXParaxialDriftIntegrator]: beam_in[:, [-2, -1]] = beam_in[:, [-1, -2]] bvm = batched_vector_matrix(beam_in, beam_out, self.MATRIX) if self.integrator not in [MadXIntegrator, MadXParaxialDriftIntegrator]: bvm[0][:, [-1, -2]] = bvm[0][:, [-2, -1]] bvm[1][:, [-1, -2]] = bvm[1][:, [-2, -1]] return bvm
@property def parameters(self) -> list: return [ self.MATRIX, ]
[docs] class Gap(_ManzoniElement): """ Define a gap where no physical geometry is placed Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Gap with their default values. Examples: >>> g1 = Gap('G1', L=1*_ureg.m) >>> g1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Gap: {'NAME': 'G1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': []} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Drift length."), "APERTYPE": (None, "Aperture type (CIRCULAR, ELLIPTICAL, RECTANGULAR or PHASE_SPACE)"), "APERTURE": ([], ""), } """Parameters of the element, with their default value and their descriptions."""
[docs] def propagate( self, beam_in: _np.ndarray, beam_out: _np.ndarray = None, global_parameters: list = None, ) -> Tuple[_np.ndarray, _np.ndarray]: if self.L.magnitude == 0: _np.copyto(dst=beam_out, src=beam_in, casting="no") return beam_in, beam_out else: return self.integrator.propagate(self, beam_in, beam_out, global_parameters)
@property def parameters(self) -> list: return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("meter"), ], ), )
[docs] class Drift(Gap): """ Definition of a Drift. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Drift with their default values. Examples: >>> d1 = Drift('D1', L=1*_ureg.m, APERTYPE='CIRCULAR', APERTURE=[5*]) >>> d1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Drift: {'NAME': 'D1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': 'CIRCULAR', 'APERTURE': [<Quantity(5, 'centimeter')>]} """ PARAMETERS = { "APERTYPE": (None, "Aperture type (CIRCULAR, ELLIPTICAL, RECTANGULAR or PHASE_SPACE)"), "APERTURE": ([], ""), }
[docs] class SRotation(_ManzoniElement): """ Definition of a SRotation. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the SRotation with their default values. Examples: >>> s1 = SRotation('S1', ANGLE=10*_ureg.degrees) >>> s1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SRotation: {'NAME': 'S1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'ANGLE': <Quantity(10, 'degree')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "ANGLE": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Angle of rotation along the s-axis."), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: return list( map( float, [ self.ANGLE.m_as("radian"), ], ), )
[docs] class Magnet(_ManzoniElement): PARAMETERS = { "APERTYPE": (None, "Aperture type (CIRCULAR, ELLIPTICAL, RECTANGULAR or PHASE_SPACE)"), "APERTURE": ([], ""), "KINEMATICS": (None, "Reference kinematics"), }
[docs] class Quadrupole(Magnet): """ Define a Quadrupole magnet. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Quadrupole with their default values. Examples: >>> q1 = Quadrupole('Q1', L=1*_ureg.m, K1=3*_ureg.m**-2) >>> q1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Quadrupole: {'NAME': 'Q1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'meter')>, 'K1': <Quantity(3, '1 / meter ** 2')>, 'K1S': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter ** 2')>, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Quadrupole length."), "K1": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, "Normalized gradient."), "K1S": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, "Normalized skew gradient."), "TILT": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Magnet tilt angle."), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: k1 = self.K1.m_as("m**-2") k1s = self.K1S.m_as("m**-2") tilt = self.TILT.m_as("radian") if k1s != 0.0 or tilt != 0.0: tilt -= _np.arctan2(k1s, k1) / 2 k1 = _np.sqrt(k1**2 + k1s**2) return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("m"), k1, tilt, ], ), )
[docs] class Bend(Magnet): """ Define a Bend magnet. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Bend with their default values. Examples: >>> b1 = Bend('B1', L=1*_ureg.m, ANGLE=30*_ureg.degrees, E1=5*_ureg.degrees, HGAP=2*, K1=3*_ureg.m**-2) >>> b1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Bend: {'NAME': 'B1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'ANGLE': <Quantity(30, 'degree')>, 'K0': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter')>, 'K1': <Quantity(3, '1 / meter ** 2')>, 'K2': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter ** 3')>, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'meter')>, 'E1': <Quantity(5, 'degree')>, 'E2': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'HGAP': <Quantity(2, 'centimeter')>, 'FINT': 0.0, 'FINTX': 0.0} """ PARAMETERS = { "ANGLE": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Bending angle."), "K0": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-1, "Dipolar normalized gradient"), "K1": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, "Quadrupolar normalized gradient."), "K2": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-3, "Sextupolar normalized gradient."), "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet length."), "E1": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Entrance face angle."), "E2": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Exit face angle."), "TILT": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Magnet tilt angle."), "HGAP": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet gap."), "FINT": (0.0, "Fringe field integral."), "FINTX": (0.0, "Exit fringe field integral."), }
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_fringe(h: float, e: float, hgap: float, fint: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: fringe_x = h * _np.tan(e) corr = h * (2 * hgap) * fint psi = e - corr * (1.0 / _np.cos(e)) * (1 + _np.sin(e) ** 2) fringe_y = -h * _np.tan(psi) return fringe_x, fringe_y
@property def length(self) -> float: return self.L.m_as("m") @property def edges(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.E1.m_as("radian"), self.E2.m_as("radian") @property def fringe_field_integrals(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: fint = self.FINT fintx = self.FINTX if self.FINTX >= 0 else fint # For exact compatibility with MAD-X return fint, fintx @property def parameters(self) -> list: # Generic parameters length = self.length h = self.ANGLE.m_as("radian") / self.length if self.K0.m_as("m**-1") is None or self.K0.m_as("m**-1") == 0: k0 = h else: k0 = self.K0.m_as("m**-1") hgap = self.HGAP.m_as("m") e1, e2 = self.edges fint, fintx = self.fringe_field_integrals entrance_fringe_x, entrance_fringe_y = Bend.compute_fringe(h, e1, hgap, fint) exit_fringe_x, exit_fringe_y = Bend.compute_fringe(h, e2, hgap, fintx) return list( map( float, [ length, # 0 self.ANGLE.m_as("radian"), # 1 self.K1.m_as("m**-2"), # 2 self.K2.m_as("m**-3"), # 3 self.TILT.m_as("radian"), # 4 h, # 5 k0, # 6 entrance_fringe_x, # 7 entrance_fringe_y, # 8 exit_fringe_x, # 9 exit_fringe_y, # 10 ], ), )
[docs] class SBend(Bend): """ Definition of a SBend """ pass
[docs] class RBend(Bend): """ Definition of a RBend """ @property def length(self) -> float: length = self.L.m_as("m") angle = self.ANGLE.m_as("rad") if angle > 1e-8: return length * angle / (2.0 * _np.sin(angle / 2.0)) else: return length @property def edges(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: alpha = self.ANGLE.m_as("radian") / 2.0 return self.E1.m_as("radian") + alpha, self.E2.m_as("radian") + alpha
[docs] class Fringein(Bend): """ Define a Fringe field at the entrance of a bending magnet. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Fringein with their default values. Examples: >>> f1 = Fringein('F1', L=1*, ANGLE=30*_ureg.degrees, E1=5*_ureg.degrees, ... HGAP=2*, K1=3*_ureg.m**-2, R1=1* >>> f1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Fringein: {'NAME': 'F1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'ANGLE': <Quantity(30, 'degree')>, 'K0': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter')>, 'K1': <Quantity(3, '1 / meter ** 2')>, 'K2': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter ** 3')>, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'millimeter')>, 'E1': <Quantity(5, 'degree')>, 'E2': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'HGAP': <Quantity(2, 'centimeter')>, 'FINT': 0.0, 'FINTX': 0.0, 'R1': <Quantity(1, 'centimeter')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "ANGLE": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Bending angle."), "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet length."), "K1": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, "Quadrupolar normalized gradient."), "E1": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Entrance face angle."), "HGAP": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet gap."), "FINT": (0.0, "Fringe field integral."), "R1": (_np.inf * _ureg.m, "Entrance face curvature radius"), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: # Generic parameters return list( map( float, [ self.length, # 0 self.ANGLE.m_as("radian"), # 1 self.K1.m_as("m**-2"), # 2 self.E1.m_as("radian"), # 3 self.HGAP.m_as("m"), # 4 self.FINT, # 5 self.R1.m_as("m"), # 6 ], ), )
[docs] class Fringeout(Bend): """ Define a Fringe field at the exit of a bending magnet. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Fringeout with their default values. Examples: >>> f2 = Fringeout('F2', L=1*, ANGLE=30*_ureg.degrees, E2=5*_ureg.degrees, ... HGAP=2*, K1=3*_ureg.m**-2, R2=1* >>> f2 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Fringeout: {'NAME': 'F2', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'ANGLE': <Quantity(30, 'degree')>, 'K0': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter')>, 'K1': <Quantity(3, '1 / meter ** 2')>, 'K2': <Quantity(0.0, '1 / meter ** 3')>, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'millimeter')>, 'E1': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'E2': <Quantity(5, 'degree')>, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'HGAP': <Quantity(2, 'centimeter')>, 'FINT': 0.0, 'FINTX': 0.0, 'R2': <Quantity(1, 'centimeter')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "ANGLE": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Bending angle."), "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet length."), "K1": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, "Quadrupolar normalized gradient."), "E2": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Exit face angle."), "HGAP": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet gap."), "FINTX": (0.0, "Exit fringe field integral."), "R2": (_np.inf * _ureg.m, "Entrance face curvature radius"), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: return list( map( float, [ self.length, # 0 self.ANGLE.m_as("radian"), # 1 self.K1.m_as("m**-2"), # 2 self.E2.m_as("radian"), # 3 self.HGAP.m_as("m"), # 4 self.FINTX, # 5 self.R2.m_as("m"), # 6 ], ), )
[docs] class DipEdge(Magnet): """ Define a DipEdge element. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the DipEdge with their default values. Examples: >>> d1 = DipEdge('D1', H=1***-1) >>> d1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DipEdge: {'NAME': 'D1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'H': <Quantity(1, '1 / millimeter')>, 'E1': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>, 'HGAP': <Quantity(0.0, 'meter')>, 'FINT': 0.0} """ PARAMETERS = { "H": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-1, "Inverse of the curvature radius."), "E1": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "Entrance face angle."), "HGAP": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet gap."), "FINT": (0.0, "Fringe field integral."), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: h = self.H.m_as("m**-1") e1 = self.E1.m_as("radian") hgap = self.HGAP.m_as("m") fint = self.FINT return list(Bend.compute_fringe(h, e1, hgap, fint))
[docs] class Solenoid(Magnet): pass
[docs] class Multipole(Magnet): """ Define a Multipole magnet. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Multipole with their default values. Examples: >>> m1 = Multipole('M1', L=10*, K1=4*_ureg.m**-2, K2=0.1*_ureg.m**-3) >>> m1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Multipole: {'NAME': 'M1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'L': <Quantity(10, 'centimeter')>, 'K1': <Quantity(4, '1 / meter ** 2')>, 'K2': <Quantity(0.1, '1 / meter ** 3')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet length."), "K1": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, "Quadrupolar normalized gradient."), "K2": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-3, "Sextupolar normalized gradient."), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("m"), self.K1.m_as("m**-2"), self.K2.m_as("m**-3"), ], ), )
[docs] class Sextupole(Magnet): """ Define a Sextupole magnet. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Sextupole with their default values. Examples: >>> s1 = Sextupole('S1', L=1*_ureg.m, K2=3*_ureg.m**-3) >>> s1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Sextupole: {'NAME': 'S1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'L': <Quantity(1, 'meter')>, 'K2': <Quantity(3, '1 / meter ** 3')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Magnet length."), "K2": (0.0 * _ureg.m**-3, "Sextupolar normalized gradient."), } @property def parameters(self) -> list: return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("m"), self.K2.m_as("m**-3"), ], ), )
[docs] class Octupole(Magnet): pass
[docs] class Decapole(Magnet): pass
[docs] class Dodecapole(Magnet): pass
[docs] class Kicker(Magnet): """ Define a Kicker element. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the Kicker with their default values. Examples: >>> k1 = Kicker('K1', L=10*, HKICK=0.1, VKICK=-0.2) >>> k1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Kicker: {'NAME': 'K1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'L': <Quantity(10, 'centimeter')>, 'HKICK': 0.1, 'VKICK': -0.2, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Kicker length."), "HKICK": (0.0, "The momentum change in the horizontal plane."), "VKICK": (0.0, "The momentum change in the vertical plane."), "TILT": ( 0.0 * _ureg.radian, "The roll angle about the longitudinal axis. A positive angle represents a " "clockwise rotation of the kicker", ), } """Parameters of the element, with their default value and their descriptions.""" @property def parameters(self) -> list: tilt = -self.TILT.m_as("radian") ct = _np.cos(tilt) st = _np.sin(tilt) hkick = self.HKICK vkick = self.VKICK _hkick = ct * hkick + st * vkick _vkick = ct * vkick - st * hkick return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("m"), _hkick, _vkick, ], ), )
[docs] class TKicker(Kicker): pass
[docs] class HKicker(Magnet): """ Define a HKicker element. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the HKicker with their default values. Examples: >>> h1 = HKicker('H1', L=10*, KICK=0.1) >>> h1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE HKicker: {'NAME': 'H1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'L': <Quantity(10, 'centimeter')>, 'KICK': 0.1, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Kicker length."), "KICK": (0.0, "The momentum change."), "TILT": ( 0.0 * _ureg.radian, "The roll angle about the longitudinal axis. A positive angle represents a " "clockwise rotation of the kicker", ), } """Parameters of the element, with their default value and their descriptions.""" @property def parameters(self) -> list: tilt = -self.TILT.m_as("radian") ct = _np.cos(tilt) st = _np.sin(tilt) kick = self.KICK hkick = ct * kick vkick = -st * kick return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("m"), hkick, vkick, ], ), )
[docs] class VKicker(Magnet): """ Define a VKicker element. Attributes: PARAMETERS (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters of the VKicker with their default values. Examples: >>> v1 = VKicker('V1', L=10*, KICK=-0.2) >>> v1 #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE VKicker: {'NAME': 'V1', 'AT_ENTRY': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_CENTER': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'AT_EXIT': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>, 'APERTYPE': None, 'APERTURE': [], 'KINEMATICS': None, 'L': <Quantity(10, 'centimeter')>, 'KICK': -0.2, 'TILT': <Quantity(0.0, 'radian')>} """ PARAMETERS = { "L": (0.0 * _ureg.m, "Kicker length."), "KICK": (0.0 * _ureg.radian, "The momentum change."), "TILT": ( 0.0 * _ureg.radian, "The roll angle about the longitudinal axis. A positive angle represents a " "clockwise rotation of the kicker", ), } """Parameters of the element, with their default value and their descriptions.""" @property def parameters(self) -> list: tilt = -self.TILT.m_as("radian") ct = _np.cos(tilt) st = _np.sin(tilt) kick = self.KICK hkick = st * kick vkick = ct * kick return list( map( float, [ self.L.m_as("m"), hkick, vkick, ], ), )