Source code for georges_core.vis.vtk_utils

import os

import numpy as np
import uproot
import vtk as _vtk
import vtk.util.numpy_support as _vtk_np

[docs] def expand_values_for_paraview(histogram3d): # pragma: no cover nx = histogram3d.xnumbins ny = histogram3d.ynumbins nz = histogram3d.znumbins old_values = histogram3d.values new_values = np.ndarray(shape=(nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1)) for x in range(nx + 1): for y in range(ny + 1): for z in range(nz + 1): x_old = 0 y_old = 0 z_old = 0 t1 = x == 0 or (x == nx) t2 = y == 0 or (y == ny) t3 = z == 0 or (z == nz) if t1 and x != 0: x_old = x - 1 if t2 and y != 0: y_old = y - 1 if t3 and z != 0: z_old = z - 1 if t1 and t2 and t3: new_values[x, y, z] = old_values[x_old, y_old, z_old] elif t1 and t2 and not t3: new_values[x, y, z] = (old_values[x_old, y_old, z] + old_values[x_old, y_old, z - 1]) / 2 elif t1 and not t2 and t3: new_values[x, y, z] = (old_values[x_old, y, z_old] + old_values[x_old, y - 1, z_old]) / 2 elif not t1 and t2 and t3: new_values[x, y, z] = (old_values[x, y_old, z_old] + old_values[x - 1, y_old, z_old]) / 2 elif t1 and not t2 and not t3: new_values[x, y, z] = ( old_values[x_old, y, z] + old_values[x_old, y, z - 1] + old_values[x_old, y - 1, z] + old_values[x_old, y - 1, z - 1] ) / 4 elif not t1 and t2 and not t3: new_values[x, y, z] = ( old_values[x, y_old, z] + old_values[x, y_old, z - 1] + old_values[x - 1, y_old, z] + old_values[x - 1, y_old, z - 1] ) / 4 elif not t1 and not t2 and t3: new_values[x, y, z] = ( old_values[x, y, z_old] + old_values[x, y - 1, z_old] + old_values[x - 1, y, z_old] + old_values[x - 1, y - 1, z_old] ) / 4 elif not t1 and not t2 and not t3: new_values[x, y, z] = ( old_values[x, y, z] + old_values[x - 1, y, z] + old_values[x, y - 1, z] + old_values[x, y, z - 1] + old_values[x - 1, y - 1, z] + old_values[x - 1, y, z - 1] + old_values[x, y - 1, z - 1] + old_values[x - 1, y - 1, z - 1] ) / 8 return new_values
[docs] def histogram3d_to_vtk( # pragma: no cover histogram3d, filename="histogram.vti", path=".", name="Flux", origin_from_file=True, origin=None, expand_for_paraview=False, ): if origin is None: origin = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] def copy_and_name_array(data, name): if data is not None: outdata = data.NewInstance() outdata.DeepCopy(data) outdata.SetName(name) return outdata else: return None values = histogram3d.values.ravel(order="F") dimensions = [histogram3d.xnumbins, histogram3d.ynumbins, histogram3d.znumbins] spacing = [ histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[0][1] - histogram3d.edges[0][0]), histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[1][1] - histogram3d.edges[1][0]), histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[2][1] - histogram3d.edges[2][0]), ] if origin_from_file is True: origin = histogram3d.scoring_mesh_translations if expand_for_paraview: values = expand_values_for_paraview(histogram3d).ravel(order="F") dimensions = [histogram3d.xnumbins + 1, histogram3d.ynumbins + 1, histogram3d.znumbins + 1] origin = np.array(origin) - np.array(spacing) / 2 imgdat = _vtk.vtkImageData() imgdat.GetPointData().SetScalars( copy_and_name_array(_vtk_np.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=values, deep=True, array_type=_vtk.VTK_FLOAT), name), ) imgdat.SetDimensions(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2]) imgdat.SetOrigin( origin[0] - (histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[0][-1] - histogram3d.edges[0][0]) / 2) + (histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[0][1] - histogram3d.edges[0][0]) / 2), origin[1] - (histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[1][-1] - histogram3d.edges[1][0]) / 2) + (histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[1][1] - histogram3d.edges[1][0]) / 2), origin[2] - (histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[2][-1] - histogram3d.edges[2][0]) / 2) + (histogram3d.coordinates_normalization * (histogram3d.edges[2][1] - histogram3d.edges[2][0]) / 2), ) imgdat.SetSpacing(spacing) writer = _vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter() writer.SetFileName(os.path.join(path, filename)) writer.SetInputData(imgdat) writer.SetDataModeToBinary() writer.Write()
[docs] def beam_to_vtk( filename, output="beam", option_iso=False, option_not_iso=False, option_primaries=False, option_secondaries=False, ): evt ="Event") part_id_tracks = evt.arrays(["Trajectory.partID"], library="np")["Trajectory.partID"] s_tracks = evt.arrays(["Trajectory.S"], library="np")["Trajectory.S"] tracks = evt.arrays(["Trajectory.XYZ"], library="np")["Trajectory.XYZ"] mb = _vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet() mb.SetNumberOfBlocks(len(tracks)) colors = _vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray() colors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) colors.SetName("Colors") green = [0, 255, 0] blue = [0, 0, 255] red = [255, 0, 0] mb_index = 0 for i in range(len(tracks)): for j in range(len(tracks[i])): run = False if option_iso and j == 0 and s_tracks[i].tolist()[j][-1] > 15.42: run = True if option_not_iso and j == 0 and s_tracks[i].tolist()[j][-1] < 15.42: run = True if option_primaries and j == 0: run = True if option_secondaries and j != 0: run = True if part_id_tracks[i][j] == 2212: color = blue elif part_id_tracks[i][j] == 2112: color = green elif part_id_tracks[i][j] == 11: color = red else: run = False if run: steps = tracks[i].tolist()[j] print(steps) lines = _vtk.vtkCellArray() pts = _vtk.vtkPoints() line0 = _vtk.vtkLine() line1 = _vtk.vtkLine() pts.InsertNextPoint([steps[0].member("fX"), steps[0].member("fY"), steps[0].member("fZ")]) line0.GetPointIds().SetId(0, 0) for k in range(1, len(steps) - 1): if k % 2 == 0: lines.InsertNextCell(line0) colors.InsertNextTuple(color) line0 = _vtk.vtkLine() if k % 2 == 1 and k != 1: lines.InsertNextCell(line1) colors.InsertNextTuple(color) line1 = _vtk.vtkLine() pts.InsertNextPoint([steps[k].member("fX"), steps[k].member("fY"), steps[k].member("fZ")]) line0.GetPointIds().SetId(k % 2, k) line1.GetPointIds().SetId((k - 1) % 2, k) # Create a polydata to store everything in lines_polydata = _vtk.vtkPolyData() # Add the points to the dataset lines_polydata.SetPoints(pts) # Add the lines to the dataset lines_polydata.SetLines(lines) # Color the lines # colors.InsertNextTuple(color) lines_polydata.GetCellData().SetScalars(colors) mb.SetBlock(mb_index, lines_polydata) mb_index += 1 print(f"Progress: {i / len(tracks) * 100}%") writer = _vtk.vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter() writer.SetDataModeToAscii() writer.SetInputData(mb) print(f"Trying to write file {output}.vtm") writer.SetFileName(f"{output}.vtm") writer.Write()