"""Module for the computation of Twiss parametrizations from transfer matrices.
The standard uncoupled Twiss parametrization (including off-momentum effects, aka. dispersion) is the default option.
Additional formalisms for the parametrization of fully coupled transfer matrices are also available (Teng, Ripken,
import copy
import warnings
from logging import warning
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd
from . import Kinematics as _Kinematics
from . import ureg as _ureg
from .sequences import BetaBlock as _BetaBlock
def _get_matrix_elements_block(
m: _pd.DataFrame,
twiss: Optional[_BetaBlock],
block: int = 1,
) -> Union[
Tuple[_pd.Series, _pd.Series, _pd.Series, _pd.Series],
Tuple[_pd.Series, _pd.Series, _pd.Series, _pd.Series, Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float]],
"""Extract parameters from the DataFrame."""
p = 1 if block == 1 else 3
v = 1 if block == 1 else 2
r11: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p}{p}"]
r12: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p}{p + 1}"]
r21: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p + 1}{p}"]
r22: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p + 1}{p + 1}"]
if twiss is not None:
alpha: float = twiss[f"ALPHA{v}{v}"]
beta: float = twiss[f"BETA{v}{v}"].m_as("m")
gamma: float = twiss[f"GAMMA{v}{v}"].m_as("m**-1")
return r11, r12, r21, r22, alpha, beta, gamma
return r11, r12, r21, r22
class ParametrizationType(type):
class Parametrization(metaclass=ParametrizationType):
def compute_canonical_transfer_matrices(matrix_row: _pd.Series, matrix_rs1: _np.ndarray) -> _pd.Series:
mat = (
.values.reshape(4, 4)
matrix_rs = matrix_row["matrix_rs"]
m_canon = matrix_rs @ mat @ _np.linalg.inv(matrix_rs1)
matrix_row["m_canon"] = m_canon
return matrix_row
def compute_one_turn_transfer_matrix(matrix_row: _pd.Series, mat_tot: _np.ndarray) -> _pd.Series:
m_i = matrix_row["m_canon"]
m = m_i @ mat_tot @ _np.linalg.inv(m_i)
matrix_row["m"] = m
return matrix_row
def compute_eigenvectors(self, matrix_row: _pd.Series) -> _pd.Series:
# Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the one period transfer matrix
v1, v1_, v2, v2_ = self.compute_orderded_turned_normalized_eigenvectors()
matrix_row["v1"] = v1
matrix_row["v2"] = v2
matrix_row["v1_"] = v1_
matrix_row["v2_"] = v2_
return matrix_row
def compute_orderded_turned_normalized_eigenvectors(self):
# Fonction redéfinie dans les classes-filles !
v1, v1_, v2, v2_ = _np.identidy(4)
return v1, v1_, v2, v2_
def phase_unrolling(phi, s):
if phi[0] < 0:
phi[0] += 1 * _np.pi
for i in range(1, phi.shape[0]):
if phi[i] < 0:
phi[i] += 1 * _np.pi
if phi[i - 1] - phi[i] > 0.5 and s[i - 1] - s[i] < 0.0:
phi[i:] += 1 * _np.pi
return phi
def compute_turned_eigvec(v1: _np.ndarray, v1_: _np.ndarray, plane: int = 1):
j = 1j
phi_v1 = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v1[plane * 2 - 2]) / _np.real(v1[plane * 2 - 2]))
theta_1 = -phi_v1
v1 = v1 * (_np.cos(theta_1) + j * _np.sin(theta_1))
v1_ = v1_ * (_np.cos(theta_1) - j * _np.sin(theta_1))
if _np.real(v1[plane * 2 - 2] < 0): # Permet d'assurer le signe du beta pour la propagation
v1 = v1 * (_np.cos(_np.pi) + j * _np.sin(_np.pi))
v1_ = v1_ * (_np.cos(_np.pi) - j * _np.sin(_np.pi))
return v1, v1_
class Twiss(Parametrization):
def __init__(self, twiss_init: Optional[_BetaBlock] = None, with_phase_unrolling: bool = True):
twiss_init: the initial values for the Twiss computation (if None, periodic conditions are assumed and the
Twiss parameters are computed from the transfer matrix).
with_phase_unrolling: TODO
self._twiss_init = twiss_init
self._with_phase_unrolling = with_phase_unrolling
def __call__(self, matrix: _pd.DataFrame, end: Union[int, str] = -1) -> _pd.DataFrame:
Uses a step-by-step transfer matrix to compute the Twiss parameters (uncoupled). The phase advance and the
determinants of the jacobians are computed as well.
matrix: the input step-by-step transfer matrix
the same DataFrame as the input, but with added columns for the computed quantities.
if self._twiss_init is None:
twiss_init = self.compute_periodic_twiss(matrix, end)
twiss_init = self._twiss_init
matrix["BETA11"] = self.compute_beta_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init)
matrix["BETA22"] = self.compute_beta_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init, plane=2)
matrix["ALPHA11"] = self.compute_alpha_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init)
matrix["ALPHA22"] = self.compute_alpha_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init, plane=2)
matrix["GAMMA11"] = self.compute_gamma_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init)
matrix["GAMMA22"] = self.compute_gamma_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init, plane=2)
matrix["MU1"] = self.compute_mu_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init)
matrix["MU2"] = self.compute_mu_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init, plane=2)
matrix["DET1"] = self.compute_jacobian_from_matrix(matrix)
matrix["DET2"] = self.compute_jacobian_from_matrix(matrix, plane=2)
matrix["DISP1"] = self.compute_dispersion_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init)
matrix["DISP2"] = self.compute_dispersion_prime_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init)
matrix["DISP3"] = self.compute_dispersion_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init, plane=2)
matrix["DISP4"] = self.compute_dispersion_prime_from_matrix(matrix, twiss_init, plane=2)
def phase_unrolling(phi: _np.ndarray) -> _np.ndarray: # type: ignore[type-arg]
if phi[0] < 0:
phi[0] += 2 * _np.pi
for i in range(1, phi.shape[0]):
if phi[i] < 0:
phi[i] += 2 * _np.pi
if phi[i - 1] - phi[i] > 0.5:
phi[i:] += 2 * _np.pi
return phi
from numba import njit
phase_unrolling = njit(phase_unrolling)
except ModuleNotFoundError: # pragma: no cover
if self._with_phase_unrolling:
matrix["MU1U"] = phase_unrolling(matrix["MU1"].values)
matrix["MU2U"] = phase_unrolling(matrix["MU2"].values)
return matrix
def compute_alpha_from_matrix(m: _pd.DataFrame, twiss: _BetaBlock, plane: int = 1) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the Twiss alpha values at every steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix.
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the alpha values should be computed
twiss: the initial Twiss values
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
a Pandas Series with the alpha values computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix
r11, r12, r21, r22, alpha, beta, gamma = _get_matrix_elements_block(m, twiss, plane) # type: ignore[misc]
return -r11 * r21 * beta + (r11 * r22 + r12 * r21) * alpha - r12 * r22 * gamma
def compute_beta_from_matrix(
m: _pd.DataFrame,
twiss: _BetaBlock,
plane: int = 1,
strict: bool = False,
) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the Twiss beta values at every steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix.
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the beta values should be computed
twiss: the initial Twiss values
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
strict: flag to activate the strict mode: checks and ensures that all computed beta are positive
a Pandas Series with the beta values computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix
r11, r12, r21, r22, alpha, beta, gamma = _get_matrix_elements_block(m, twiss, plane) # type: ignore[misc]
_ = r11**2 * beta - 2.0 * r11 * r12 * alpha + r12**2 * gamma
if strict: # pragma: no cover
assert (_ > 0).all(), "Not all computed beta are positive."
return _
def compute_gamma_from_matrix(m: _pd.DataFrame, twiss: _BetaBlock, plane: int = 1) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the Twiss gamma values at every steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix.
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the beta values should be computed
twiss: the initial Twiss values
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
a Pandas Series with the gamma values computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix
r11, r12, r21, r22, alpha, beta, gamma = _get_matrix_elements_block(m, twiss, plane) # type: ignore[misc]
return r21**2 * beta - 2.0 * r21 * r22 * alpha + r22**2 * gamma
def compute_mu_from_matrix(m: _pd.DataFrame, twiss: _BetaBlock, plane: int = 1) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the phase advance values at every steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix.
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the beta values should be computed
twiss: the initial Twiss values
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
a Pandas Series with the phase advance computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix
r11, r12, r21, r22, alpha, beta, gamma = _get_matrix_elements_block(m, twiss, plane) # type: ignore[misc]
return _np.arctan2(r12, r11 * beta - r12 * alpha)
def compute_jacobian_from_matrix(m: _pd.DataFrame, plane: int = 1) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the jacobian of the 2x2 transfer matrix (useful to verify the simplecticity).
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the jacobians should be computed
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
a Pandas Series with the jacobian computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix
r11, r12, r21, r22 = _get_matrix_elements_block(m, None, plane) # type: ignore[misc]
return r11 * r22 - r12 * r21
def compute_dispersion_from_matrix(m: _pd.DataFrame, twiss: _BetaBlock, plane: int = 1) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the dispersion function at every steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix.
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the dispersion function should be computed
twiss: initial values for the Twiss parameters
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
a Pandas Series with the dispersion function computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix
p = 1 if plane == 1 else 3
if p == 1:
d0 = twiss["DISP1"].m_as("m")
dp0 = twiss["DISP2"]
d0 = twiss["DISP3"].m_as("m")
dp0 = twiss["DISP4"]
r11: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p}{p}"]
r12: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p}{p + 1}"]
r16: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p}6"]
return d0 * r11 + dp0 * r12 + r16
def compute_dispersion_prime_from_matrix(m: _pd.DataFrame, twiss: _BetaBlock, plane: int = 1) -> _pd.Series:
Computes the dispersion prime function at every steps of the input step-by-step transfer matrix.
m: the step-by-step transfer matrix for which the dispersion prime function should be computed
twiss: initial values for the Twiss parameters
plane: an integer representing the block (1 or 2)
a Pandas Series with the dispersion prime function computed at all steps of the input step-by-step transfer
p = 1 if plane == 1 else 3
if p == 1:
d0 = twiss["DISP1"].m_as("m")
dp0 = twiss["DISP2"]
d0 = twiss["DISP3"].m_as("m")
dp0 = twiss["DISP4"]
r21: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p + 1}{p}"]
r22: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p + 1}{p + 1}"]
r26: _pd.Series = m[f"R{p + 1}6"]
return d0 * r21 + dp0 * r22 + r26
def compute_periodic_twiss(matrix: _pd.DataFrame, end: Union[int, str] = -1) -> _BetaBlock:
Compute twiss parameters from a transfer matrix which is assumed to be a periodic transfer matrix.
matrix: the (periodic) transfer matrix
a Series object with the values of the periodic Twiss parameters.
m = matrix
if isinstance(end, int):
m = matrix.iloc[end]
elif isinstance(end, str):
m = matrix[matrix.LABEL1 == end].iloc[-1]
twiss = dict(
"CMU1": (m["R11"] + m["R22"]) / 2.0,
"CMU2": (m["R33"] + m["R44"]) / 2.0,
if twiss["CMU1"] < -1.0 or twiss["CMU1"] > 1.0: # pragma: no cover
warning(f"Horizontal motion is unstable; proceed with caution (cos(mu) = {twiss['CMU1']}).")
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # pragma: no cover
twiss["MU1"] = _np.arccos(twiss["CMU1"])
if twiss["CMU2"] < -1.0 or twiss["CMU2"] > 1.0: # pragma: no cover
warning(f"Vertical motion is unstable; proceed with caution (cos(mu) = {twiss['CMU2']}).")
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # pragma: no cover
twiss["MU2"] = _np.arccos(twiss["CMU2"])
twiss["BETA11"] = m["R12"] / _np.sin(twiss["MU1"]) * _ureg.m
if twiss["BETA11"] < 0.0:
twiss["BETA11"] *= -1
twiss["MU1"] *= -1
twiss["BETA22"] = m["R34"] / _np.sin(twiss["MU2"]) * _ureg.m
if twiss["BETA22"] < 0.0:
twiss["BETA22"] *= -1
twiss["MU2"] *= -1
twiss["ALPHA11"] = (m["R11"] - m["R22"]) / (2.0 * _np.sin(twiss["MU1"]))
twiss["ALPHA22"] = (m["R33"] - m["R44"]) / (2.0 * _np.sin(twiss["MU2"]))
twiss["GAMMA11"] = -m["R21"] / _np.sin(twiss["MU1"]) * _ureg.m**-1
twiss["GAMMA22"] = -m["R43"] / _np.sin(twiss["MU2"]) * _ureg.m**-1
m44 = (
.values.reshape(4, 4)
r6 = m[["R16", "R26", "R36", "R46"]].apply(float).values.reshape(4, 1)
disp = _np.dot(_np.linalg.inv(_np.identity(4) - m44), r6).reshape(4)
twiss["DY"] = disp[0] * _ureg.m
twiss["DYP"] = disp[1]
twiss["DZ"] = disp[2] * _ureg.m
twiss["DZP"] = disp[3]
twiss["DISP1"] = twiss["DY"]
twiss["DISP2"] = twiss["DYP"]
twiss["DISP3"] = twiss["DZ"]
twiss["DISP4"] = twiss["DZP"]
return _BetaBlock(**twiss)
class Parzen(Parametrization):
def __init__(
twiss_init: Optional[_BetaBlock] = None,
with_phase_unrolling: bool = True,
twiss_init: the initial values for the Twiss computation (if None, periodic conditions are assumed and the
Twiss parameters are computed from the transfer matrix).
with_phase_unrolling: TODO
self._twiss_init = twiss_init
self._with_phase_unrolling = with_phase_unrolling
def __call__(
matrix: _pd.DataFrame,
tracks: _pd.DataFrame,
kin: _Kinematics,
) -> _pd.DataFrame:
Uses a step-by-step transfer matrix to compute the generalized Twiss parameters (coupled motions)
with the parametrization of Edwards and Teng using the method with eigenvectors presented in the paper
of G. Parzen. The phase advances are computed as well.
matrix: the input step-by-step transfer matrix
tracks: tracks_global for the centered particle 'O' of the BeamTwiss
kin : Kinematics object
the same DataFrame as the matrix input DataFrame, but with added columns for the computed quantities.
matrix["BX"] = tracks["BX"]
# Calculation of the matrix for the transformation of geometric coordinates into the canonical ones
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_canonical_transformation_matrix(row, kin), axis=1)
matrix_rs1 = matrix.iloc[0]["matrix_rs"]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_canonical_transfer_matrices(row, matrix_rs1), axis=1)
if self._twiss_init is not None:
twiss_init = self._twiss_init
u1, r_decoupling = self.get_initial_parametrisation(twiss_init)
vec1 = u1 * _np.sqrt(-2j)
x_1 = r_decoupling @ copy.deepcopy(vec1)
# Calculation of eigenvectors
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_eigenvectors_from_initial_eigvecs(row, x_1), axis=1)
# Total transfer matrix and one-turn transfer matrices
mat_tot = matrix.iloc[-1]["m_canon"]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_one_turn_transfer_matrix(row, mat_tot), axis=1)
# Calculation of the ordered and normalized eigenvectors
eigvals_init, eigvec_init = _np.linalg.eig(mat_tot)
lambda1_0 = eigvals_init[0]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_eigenvectors(row, lambda1_0), axis=1)
# Parametrisation
# beta, alpha, gamma, decoupling matrix R
matrix = matrix.apply(self.compute_parametrisation_from_eigenvectors, axis=1)
matrix = matrix.apply(self.compute_decoupling_matrix_from_eigenvectors, axis=1)
r_decoupling_0 = matrix.iloc[0]["R"]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_decoupled_transfer_matrix(row, r_decoupling_0), axis=1)
# Phase advances
u_0 = matrix.iloc[0]["U_"]
eigvec_init = _np.linalg.inv(u_0) # Vecteurs propres initiaux dans l'espace découplé
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_phase_advances(row, eigvec_init), axis=1)
matrix["MU1"] = round(matrix["MU1"] - matrix.iloc[0]["MU1"], 10)
matrix["MU2"] = round(matrix["MU2"] - matrix.iloc[0]["MU2"], 10)
from numba import njit
self.phase_unrolling = njit(self.phase_unrolling)
except ModuleNotFoundError:
if self._with_phase_unrolling:
matrix["MU1"] = self.phase_unrolling(matrix["MU1"].values, matrix["S"].values)
matrix["MU2"] = self.phase_unrolling(matrix["MU2"].values, matrix["S"].values)
return matrix
def _get_twiss_elements(twiss: Optional[_BetaBlock], block: int = 1) -> Tuple:
v = 1 if block == 1 else 2
alpha: float = twiss[f"ALPHA{v}{v}"]
beta: float = twiss[f"BETA{v}{v}"].m_as("m")
gamma: float = twiss[f"GAMMA{v}{v}"].m_as("m**-1")
r_matrix: _np.ndarray = twiss["R"]
return alpha, beta, gamma, r_matrix
def get_initial_parametrisation(self, twiss_init: Optional[_BetaBlock]) -> Tuple:
alpha_1, beta_1, gamma_1, r_decoupling = self._get_twiss_elements(twiss_init)
alpha_2, beta_2, gamma_2, r_decoupling = self._get_twiss_elements(twiss_init, 2)
j = 1j
phi_1_ok = 0.0
phi_2_ok = 0.0
u_1 = _np.array(
((-alpha_1 - j) * _np.exp(-j * phi_1_ok)) / (_np.sqrt(beta_1)),
-_np.sqrt(beta_1) * _np.exp(-j * phi_1_ok),
-((-alpha_1 + j) * _np.exp(j * phi_1_ok)) / (_np.sqrt(beta_1)),
_np.sqrt(beta_1) * _np.exp(j * phi_1_ok),
(-alpha_2 - j) * _np.exp(-j * phi_2_ok) / (_np.sqrt(beta_2)),
-_np.sqrt(beta_2) * _np.exp(-j * phi_2_ok),
-(-alpha_2 + j) * _np.exp(j * phi_2_ok) / (_np.sqrt(beta_2)),
_np.sqrt(beta_2) * _np.exp(j * phi_2_ok),
u_1 = u_1 / _np.sqrt(-2j)
u1 = _np.linalg.inv(u_1)
return u1, r_decoupling
def compute_normalized_eigenvectors(v1, v1_):
# Normalisation des vecteurs propres: leur invariant de lagrange = 2i
U = _np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1, 0]])
ortho1 = v1_.T @ U @ v1
ratio = 2j / ortho1
ratio = abs(_np.real(ratio))
v1 = v1 * _np.sqrt(ratio)
v1_ = v1_ * _np.sqrt(ratio)
return v1, v1_
def compute_orderded_complex_conjugate_vectors_pair(
phi_1: float,
phi_2: float,
eigvec: _np.ndarray,
plane: int = 1,
if _np.abs(phi_1) == _np.abs(phi_2):
if phi_1 > 0:
v1, v1_ = eigvec[:, plane * 2 - 2], eigvec[:, plane * 2 - 2 + 1]
v1_, v1 = eigvec[:, plane * 2 - 2], eigvec[:, plane * 2 - 2 + 1]
return v1, v1_
def compute_orderded_turned_normalized_eigenvectors(
eigvec: _np.ndarray = None,
lambda1_0: float = None,
eigvals: _np.ndarray = None,
lambda1 = eigvals[0]
phi_1, phi_2, phi_3, phi_4 = (
# On vérifie l'ordre des vecteurs popres dans la paire de complexe conjugués
v1, v1_ = self.compute_orderded_complex_conjugate_vectors_pair(phi_1, phi_2, eigvec)
v2, v2_ = self.compute_orderded_complex_conjugate_vectors_pair(phi_3, phi_4, eigvec, plane=2)
# On vérifie que les vecteurs propres sont bien ordonnés en fonction du mode propre
if _np.round(_np.real(lambda1), 2) != _np.round(_np.real(lambda1_0), 2):
v1, v1_, v2, v2_ = v2, v2_, v1, v1_
v1, v1_ = self.compute_turned_eigvec(v1, v1_)
v2, v2_ = self.compute_turned_eigvec(v2, v2_, plane=2)
u1 = -_np.imag(v1[1] * v1[0])
if u1 > 0:
v1, v1_ = v1_, v1
u4 = -_np.imag(v2[3] * v2[2])
if u4 > 0:
v2, v2_ = v2_, v2
# On normalise les vecteurs propres avec la condition donnée dans Parzen
v1, v1_ = self.compute_normalized_eigenvectors(v1, v1_)
v2, v2_ = self.compute_normalized_eigenvectors(v2, v2_)
return v1, v1_, v2, v2_
def compute_eigenvectors_from_initial_eigvecs(self, matrix_row: _pd.Series, x_1: _np.ndarray) -> _pd.Series:
matt_i = matrix_row["m_canon"]
eigvec = matt_i @ x_1
v1 = eigvec[:, 0]
v1_ = eigvec[:, 1]
v2 = eigvec[:, 2]
v2_ = eigvec[:, 3]
matrix_row["v1"] = v1
matrix_row["v2"] = v2
matrix_row["v1_"] = v1_
matrix_row["v2_"] = v2_
return matrix_row
def compute_parametrisation_from_eigenvectors(matrix_row: _pd.Series) -> _pd.Series:
j = 1j
v1, v2 = matrix_row[["v1", "v2"]]
# Generalized Twiss parameters alphas, betas and gammas
beta_1 = 1 / (_np.imag(v1[1] / v1[0]))
beta_2 = 1 / (_np.imag(v2[3] / v2[2]))
sign = 0
if beta_1 < 0:
beta_1 *= -1
sign += 1
if beta_2 < 0:
beta_2 *= -1
sign += 2
alpha_1 = -beta_1 * _np.real(v1[1] / v1[0])
alpha_2 = -beta_2 * _np.real(v2[3] / v2[2])
gamma_1 = (1 + alpha_1**2) / beta_1
gamma_2 = (1 + alpha_2**2) / beta_2
q1 = _np.linalg.norm(v1[0]) / _np.sqrt(beta_1)
q2 = _np.linalg.norm(v2[2]) / _np.sqrt(beta_2)
phi_1_ok = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v1[0]) / _np.real(v1[0]))
phi_2_ok = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v2[2]) / _np.real(v2[2]))
u_ = _np.array(
((-alpha_1 - j) * _np.exp(-j * phi_1_ok)) / (_np.sqrt(beta_1)),
-_np.sqrt(beta_1) * _np.exp(-j * phi_1_ok),
-((-alpha_1 + j) * _np.exp(j * phi_1_ok)) / (_np.sqrt(beta_1)),
_np.sqrt(beta_1) * _np.exp(j * phi_1_ok),
(-alpha_2 - j) * _np.exp(-j * phi_2_ok) / (_np.sqrt(beta_2)),
-_np.sqrt(beta_2) * _np.exp(-j * phi_2_ok),
-(-alpha_2 + j) * _np.exp(j * phi_2_ok) / (_np.sqrt(beta_2)),
_np.sqrt(beta_2) * _np.exp(j * phi_2_ok),
u_ = u_ / (_np.sqrt(-2j))
matrix_row["BETA1"] = beta_1
matrix_row["BETA2"] = beta_2
matrix_row["SIGN"] = sign
matrix_row["ALPHA1"] = alpha_1
matrix_row["ALPHA2"] = alpha_2
matrix_row["GAMMA1"] = gamma_1
matrix_row["GAMMA2"] = gamma_2
matrix_row["Q1"] = q1
matrix_row["Q2"] = q2
matrix_row["PHI1"] = phi_1_ok
matrix_row["PHI2"] = phi_2_ok
matrix_row["U_"] = u_
return matrix_row
def compute_decoupling_matrix_from_eigenvectors(matrix_row: _pd.Series) -> _pd.Series:
[v1, v1_, v2, v2_] = matrix_row[["v1", "v1_", "v2", "v2_"]]
# Calcul de la matrice X
x = _np.array([v1, v1_, v2, v2_]).T
x = x / (_np.sqrt(-2j))
# Matrice U^-1 and R
u_ = matrix_row["U_"]
r_decoupling = x @ u_
r_decoupling = _np.real(
matrix_row["R"] = r_decoupling
return matrix_row
def compute_decoupled_transfer_matrix(matrix_row: _pd.Series, r_decoupling_0: _np.ndarray) -> _pd.Series:
matt_i = matrix_row["m_canon"]
r_decoupling = matrix_row["R"]
# Decoupled transfer matrix
p = _np.linalg.inv(r_decoupling) @ matt_i @ r_decoupling_0
p = _np.real(p)
matrix_row["p"] = p
return matrix_row
def compute_phase_advances(matrix_row: _pd.Series, eigvec_init) -> _pd.Series:
p = matrix_row["p"]
eigvec_aligned = p @ eigvec_init
v1_aligned = eigvec_aligned[:, 0]
v3_aligned = eigvec_aligned[:, 2]
mu1 = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v1_aligned[0]) / _np.real(v1_aligned[0]))
mu2 = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v3_aligned[2]) / _np.real(v3_aligned[2]))
sign = matrix_row["SIGN"]
matrix_row["MU1"] = mu1 * (-1) ** sign
if sign == 2 or sign == 3:
mu2 = -mu2
matrix_row["MU2"] = mu2
return matrix_row
def check_tunes(matrix_row: _pd.Series):
# Check le tune autrement qu'avec les valeurs propres
mat_tot = matrix_row["m_canon"]
S2 = _np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])
t1 = 1 / 2 * (mat_tot[0, 0] + mat_tot[1, 1])
t2 = 1 / 2 * (mat_tot[2, 2] + mat_tot[3, 3])
c12 = mat_tot[0:2, 2:4] + -S2 @ _np.transpose(copy.deepcopy(mat_tot[2:4, 0:2])) @ S2
c12_det = _np.linalg.det(c12) / 4
cos_mu1 = 1 / 2 * (t1 + t2) + 1 / 2 * _np.sqrt((t1 - t2) ** 2 + 4 * c12_det)
cos_mu2 = 1 / 2 * (t1 + t2) - 1 / 2 * _np.sqrt((t1 - t2) ** 2 + 4 * c12_det)
tune1 = _np.arccos(cos_mu1) / (2 * _np.pi)
tune2 = _np.arccos(cos_mu2) / (2 * _np.pi)
tune1_bis = matrix_row["MU1"] / (2 * _np.pi)
tune2_bis = matrix_row["MU2"] / (2 * _np.pi)
# En supposant qu'on fait le phase_unrolling
if tune1_bis > 0.5:
tune1_bis = -(tune1_bis - 1)
if tune2_bis > 0.5:
tune2_bis = -(tune2_bis - 1)
print("tune1 = ", tune1)
print("tune2 = ", tune2)
check = round(tune1 - tune1_bis + tune2 - tune2_bis, 3)
print("check", check)
return check
EdwardsTengTwiss = Parzen
class LebedevTwiss(Parametrization):
def __init__(
twiss_init: Optional[_BetaBlock] = None,
with_phase_unrolling: bool = True,
all_periodic: bool = False,
twiss_init: the initial values for the Twiss computation (if None, periodic conditions are assumed and the
Twiss parameters are computed from the transfer matrix).
with_phase_unrolling: TODO
self._twiss_init = twiss_init
self._with_phase_unrolling = with_phase_unrolling
self._all_periodic = all_periodic
def __call__(
matrix: _pd.DataFrame,
tracks: _pd.DataFrame,
kin: _Kinematics,
) -> _pd.DataFrame:
Uses a step-by-step transfer matrix to compute the generalized Twiss parameters (coupled motions)
with the parametrization of V.A. Lebedev and S.A Bogacz. The phase advances are computed as well.
matrix: the input step-by-step transfer matrix
tracks: tracks_global for the centered particle 'O' of the BeamTwiss
the same DataFrame as the matrix input DataFrame, but with added columns for the computed quantities.
if self._twiss_init is not None:
twiss_init = self._twiss_init
periodic_twiss = self.compute_periodic_LebedevTwiss(
"BETA1X": "BETA11",
"BETA2Y": "BETA22",
"BETA2X": "BETA21",
"BETA1Y": "BETA12",
periodic_twiss = dict(
for k in ["BETA11", "BETA22", "BETA12", "BETA21"]:
periodic_twiss[k] = periodic_twiss[k] * _ureg.m
twiss_init = _BetaBlock(**periodic_twiss)
if self._all_periodic:
matrix = self.compute_periodic_LebedevTwiss(matrix, tracks, kin)
matrix["BX"] = tracks["BX"]
V1 = self.get_initial_normalisation_matix(twiss_init)
# Calculation of the matrix for the transformation of geometric coordinates into the canonical ones
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_canonical_transformation_matrix(row, kin), axis=1)
matrix_rs1 = matrix.iloc[0]["matrix_rs"]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_canonical_transfer_matrices(row, matrix_rs1), axis=1)
# Calculation of the the normalisation matrix
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_turned_normalisation_matrix(row, V1), axis=1)
matrix["MU1_BIS"] = matrix["MU1_BIS"] - matrix.iloc[0]["MU1_BIS"]
matrix["MU2_BIS"] = matrix["MU2_BIS"] - matrix.iloc[0]["MU2_BIS"]
matrix = matrix.apply(self.compute_normalisation_matrix_from_V2_turned, axis=1)
# Parametrisation
# beta, alpha, nu and u
matrix = matrix.apply(self.compute_parametrisation_from_normalisation_matrix, axis=1)
# Phase advances
matrix = matrix.apply(
lambda row: self.compute_phase_advances(row, matrix.iloc[0]["Normalisation_matrix"]),
from numba import njit
self.phase_unrolling = njit(self.phase_unrolling)
except ModuleNotFoundError:
if self._with_phase_unrolling:
matrix["MU1"] = self.phase_unrolling(matrix["MU1"].values, matrix["S"].values)
matrix["MU2"] = self.phase_unrolling(matrix["MU2"].values, matrix["S"].values)
matrix["MU1_BIS"] = self.phase_unrolling(matrix["MU1_BIS"].values, matrix["S"].values)
matrix["MU2_BIS"] = self.phase_unrolling(matrix["MU2_BIS"].values, matrix["S"].values)
return matrix
def _get_twiss_elements(twiss: Optional[_BetaBlock], block: int = 1) -> Tuple:
"""Extract parameters from the coupled _BetaBlock."""
v = 1 if block == 1 else 2
p = 2 if block == 1 else 1
alpha: float = twiss[f"ALPHA{v}{v}"]
beta: float = twiss[f"BETA{v}{v}"].m_as("m")
gamma: float = twiss[f"GAMMA{v}{v}"].m_as("m**-1")
alpha_: float = twiss[f"ALPHA{v}{p}"]
beta_: float = twiss[f"BETA{v}{p}"].m_as("m")
nu: float = twiss[f"NU{v}"]
u: float = twiss["U"]
return alpha, beta, gamma, alpha_, beta_, nu, u
def get_initial_normalisation_matix(self, twiss_init: Optional[_BetaBlock]) -> _np.ndarray:
alpha_11, beta_11, gamma_11, alpha1y, beta1y, nu1, u = self._get_twiss_elements(twiss_init)
alpha_22, beta_22, gamma_22, alpha2x, beta2x, nu2, u = self._get_twiss_elements(twiss_init, 2)
if beta1y == 0.0 or beta2x == 0:
v = _np.array(
[_np.sqrt(beta_11), 0, 0, 0],
[-alpha_11 / _np.sqrt(beta_11), (1) / _np.sqrt(beta_11), 0, 0],
[0, 0, _np.sqrt(beta_22), 0],
[0, 0, -alpha_22 / _np.sqrt(beta_22), (1) / _np.sqrt(beta_22)],
v = _np.array(
[_np.sqrt(beta_11), 0, _np.sqrt(beta2x) * _np.cos(nu2), -_np.sqrt(beta2x) * _np.sin(nu2)],
-alpha_11 / _np.sqrt(beta_11),
(1 - u) / _np.sqrt(beta_11),
(u * _np.sin(nu2) - alpha2x * _np.cos(nu2)) / _np.sqrt(beta2x),
(u * _np.cos(nu2) + alpha2x * _np.sin(nu2)) / _np.sqrt(beta2x),
[_np.sqrt(beta1y) * _np.cos(nu1), -_np.sqrt(beta1y) * _np.sin(nu1), _np.sqrt(beta_22), 0],
(u * _np.sin(nu1) - alpha1y * _np.cos(nu1)) / _np.sqrt(beta1y),
(u * _np.cos(nu1) + alpha1y * _np.sin(nu1)) / _np.sqrt(beta1y),
-alpha_22 / _np.sqrt(beta_22),
(1 - u) / _np.sqrt(beta_22),
return v
def compute_turned_normalisation_matrix(matrix_row: _pd.Series, v1: _np.ndarray) -> _pd.Series:
matt_i = matrix_row["m_canon"]
v2_turned = matt_i @ v1
phi_v1_2 = _np.arctan(v2_turned[0, 1] / v2_turned[0, 0])
phi_v2_2 = _np.arctan(v2_turned[2, 3] / v2_turned[2, 2])
matrix_row["V2_turned"] = v2_turned
matrix_row["MU1_BIS"] = phi_v1_2
matrix_row["MU2_BIS"] = phi_v2_2
return matrix_row
def compute_normalisation_matrix_from_V2_turned(matrix_row: _pd.Series) -> _pd.Series:
v2_turned = matrix_row["V2_turned"]
dmu1 = matrix_row["MU1_BIS"]
dmu2 = matrix_row["MU2_BIS"]
S = _np.array(
[_np.cos(dmu1), _np.sin(dmu1), 0, 0],
[-_np.sin(dmu1), _np.cos(dmu1), 0, 0],
[0, 0, _np.cos(dmu2), _np.sin(dmu2)],
[0, 0, -_np.sin(dmu2), _np.cos(dmu2)],
v2_ok = v2_turned @ _np.linalg.inv(S)
matrix_row["Normalisation_matrix"] = v2_ok
return matrix_row
def compute_normalized_eigenvectors(v1, v1_):
U = _np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1, 0]])
ortho1 = v1_.T @ U @ v1
ratio = -2j / ortho1
ratio = abs(_np.real(ratio))
v1 = v1 * _np.sqrt(ratio)
v1_ = v1_ * _np.sqrt(ratio)
return v1, v1_
def compute_orderded_turned_normalized_eigenvectors(
eigvec: _np.ndarray = None,
lambda1_0: float = None,
eigvals: _np.ndarray = None,
[v1, v1_, v2, v2_] = eigvec.T
lambda1 = eigvals[0]
# On vérifie qu'on a les vecteurs propres sont bien ordonnés en fonction du mode propre
if _np.round(_np.real(lambda1), 2) != _np.round(_np.real(lambda1_0), 2):
v1, v1_, v2, v2_ = v2, v2_, v1, v1_
v1, v1_ = self.compute_turned_eigvec(v1, v1_)
v2, v2_ = self.compute_turned_eigvec(v2, v2_, plane=2)
# On vérifie que u1 et u4 tels que définis dans le papier de Bogacz soient >0
u1 = -_np.imag(v1[1] * v1[0])
if u1 < 0:
v1, v1_ = v1_, v1
u4 = -_np.imag(v2[3] * v2[2])
if u4 < 0:
v2, v2_ = v2_, v2
# On normalise les vecteurs propres avc la condition donnée dans Bogacz and Lebedev
v1, v1_ = self.compute_normalized_eigenvectors(v1, v1_)
v2, v2_ = self.compute_normalized_eigenvectors(v2, v2_)
return v1, v1_, v2, v2_
def compute_normalisation_matrix_from_eigenvectors(matrix_row: _pd.Series) -> _pd.Series:
v1 = matrix_row["v1"]
v2 = matrix_row["v2"]
v = _np.zeros((4, 4))
v[:, 0] = _np.real(v1)
v[:, 1] = -_np.imag(v1)
v[:, 2] = _np.real(v2)
v[:, 3] = -_np.imag(v2)
matrix_row["Normalisation_matrix"] = v
return matrix_row
def compute_parametrisation_from_normalisation_matrix(matrix_row: _pd.Series) -> _pd.Series:
v = matrix_row["Normalisation_matrix"]
# Generalized Twiss parameters alphas and betas from V elements
# 8 Parameters to describe the 4x4 symplectic normalisation matrix (lattice parameters)
beta_1x = v[0, 0] ** 2
beta_2y = v[2, 2] ** 2
beta_1y = v[2, 0] ** 2 + v[2, 1] ** 2
beta_2x = v[0, 2] ** 2 + v[0, 3] ** 2
alpha_1x = -v[1, 0] * v[0, 0]
alpha_2y = -v[3, 2] * v[2, 2]
alpha_1y = -(v[3, 0] * v[2, 0] + v[3, 1] * v[2, 1])
alpha_2x = -(v[1, 2] * v[0, 2] + v[1, 3] * v[0, 3])
# Other dependent real functions that appears in the parametrization
u_coupling = 1 - v[0, 0] * v[1, 1]
u_coupling_bis = 1 - v[2, 2] * v[3, 3]
if v[2, 0] != 0:
nu_1 = -_np.arctan(v[2, 1] / v[2, 0])
nu_1 = 0
if v[0, 2] != 0:
nu_2 = -_np.arctan(v[0, 3] / v[0, 2])
nu_2 = 0
if _np.sign(v[3, 0]) != _np.sign((u_coupling * _np.sin(nu_1) - alpha_1y * _np.cos(nu_1)) / _np.sqrt(beta_1y)):
nu_1 = _np.pi + nu_1
if _np.sign(v[1, 2]) != _np.sign(
(u_coupling_bis * _np.sin(nu_2) - alpha_2x * _np.cos(nu_2)) / _np.sqrt(beta_2x),
nu_2 = _np.pi + nu_2
matrix_row["BETA1X"] = beta_1x
matrix_row["BETA2X"] = beta_2x
matrix_row["BETA1Y"] = beta_1y
matrix_row["BETA2Y"] = beta_2y
matrix_row["ALPHA1X"] = alpha_1x
matrix_row["ALPHA2X"] = alpha_2x
matrix_row["ALPHA1Y"] = alpha_1y
matrix_row["ALPHA2Y"] = alpha_2y
matrix_row["NU1"] = nu_1
matrix_row["NU2"] = nu_2
matrix_row["U"] = 1 - v[0, 0] * v[1, 1]
matrix_row["U_BIS"] = 1 - v[2, 2] * v[3, 3]
matrix_row["U_BIS2"] = v[3, 1] * v[2, 0] - v[3, 0] * v[2, 1]
matrix_row["U_BIS3"] = v[1, 3] * v[0, 2] - v[1, 2] * v[0, 3]
return matrix_row
def compute_phase_advances(matrix_row: _pd.Series, initial_normalisation_matrix) -> _pd.Series:
v1 = initial_normalisation_matrix
v = matrix_row["Normalisation_matrix"]
matt_i = matrix_row["m_canon"]
R = _np.linalg.inv(v) @ matt_i @ v1
matrix_row["MU1"] = _np.round(_np.arctan(R[0, 1] / R[0, 0]), 8)
matrix_row["MU2"] = _np.round(_np.arctan(R[2, 3] / R[2, 2]), 8)
return matrix_row
def compute_phase_advances_bis(matrix_row: _pd.Series, eigvec_init) -> _pd.Series:
matt_i = matrix_row["m_canon"]
eigvec_align = matt_i @ eigvec_init
v1_align = eigvec_align[:, 0]
phi_aligned = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v1_align[0]) / _np.real(v1_align[0]))
v2_align = eigvec_align[:, 2]
phi_aligned_2 = _np.arctan(_np.imag(v2_align[2]) / _np.real(v2_align[2]))
matrix_row["MU1_BIS"] = -phi_aligned # Peut-être un petit problème d'arrondis pour la première valeurs
matrix_row["MU2_BIS"] = -phi_aligned_2
return matrix_row
def compute_periodic_LebedevTwiss(
matrix: _pd.DataFrame,
tracks: _pd.DataFrame,
kin: _Kinematics,
) -> _pd.DataFrame:
matrix: the input step-by-step transfer matrix
tracks: tracks_global for the centered particle 'O' of the BeamTwiss
the same DataFrame as the matrix input DataFrame, but with added columns for the computed quantities.
matrix["BX"] = tracks["BX"]
matrix["BY"] = tracks["BY"]
matrix["BZ"] = tracks["BZ"]
matrix["P"] = tracks["P"]
matrix["T"] = tracks["T"]
# Calculation of the matrix for the transformation of geometric coordinates into the canonical ones
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_canonical_transformation_matrix(row, kin), axis=1)
matrix_rs1 = matrix.iloc[0]["matrix_rs"]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_canonical_transfer_matrices(row, matrix_rs1), axis=1)
# Total transfer matrix and one-turn transfer matrices
mat_tot = matrix.iloc[-1]["m_canon"] # Seems not symplectic when we take the last transfer matrix (changeref)?
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_one_turn_transfer_matrix(row, mat_tot), axis=1)
# Calculation of the rotated and normalized eigenvectors and the normalisation matrix
eigvals_init, eigvec_init = _np.linalg.eig(mat_tot)
lambda1_0 = eigvals_init[0]
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_eigenvectors(row, lambda1_0), axis=1)
matrix = matrix.apply(self.compute_normalisation_matrix_from_eigenvectors, axis=1)
# Parametrisation
# beta, alpha, nu and u
matrix = matrix.apply(self.compute_parametrisation_from_normalisation_matrix, axis=1)
# Phase advances
eigvec_init = _np.array(
[matrix.iloc[0]["v1"], matrix.iloc[0]["v1_"], matrix.iloc[0]["v2"], matrix.iloc[0]["v2"]],
matrix = matrix.apply(lambda row: self.compute_phase_advances_bis(row, eigvec_init), axis=1)
matrix = matrix.apply(
lambda row: self.compute_phase_advances(row, matrix.iloc[0]["Normalisation_matrix"]),
return matrix
class RipkenTwiss(Parametrization):
class WolskiTwiss(Parametrization):
def __init__(self): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
def __call__(self): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]