Source code for georges_core.sequences.elements

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import UserDict
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

from .. import ureg as _ureg

[docs] class ElementClass(ABCMeta): """ TODO """ def __new__( mcs, name: str, bases: Optional[Union[type, Tuple[type]]] = None, dct: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs ) -> Element: dct = dct or {} if not isinstance(bases, tuple): bases = (bases,) c = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, {**dct, **kwargs}) if name != "Element": setattr(bases[0], name, c) setattr(c, "metaclass", type(name + "Class", (mcs,), {})) return c def __init__( cls, name: str, bases: Optional[Union[type, Tuple[type]]] = None, dct: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs ): dct = dct or {} if not isinstance(bases, tuple): bases = (bases,) super().__init__(name, bases, {**dct, **kwargs}) if name != "Element": for b in bases: cls.parameters = {**{"KEYWORD": cls.__name__.upper()}, **b.parameters, **dct, **kwargs}
[docs] class Element(UserDict, metaclass=ElementClass): """ TODO """ parameters = {} metaclass = ElementClass def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(**{**kwargs, **{"NAME": name, "CLASS": self.__class__.__name__, "L": 0 * _ureg.m}}) = {**, **self.__class__.parameters, **kwargs}
[docs] def __getattr__(self, k: str) -> Any: """Provides attribute-like access to the dictionary elements.""" return self.get(k)
[docs] @classmethod def make_subclass( cls, name: str, bases: Optional[Union[type, Tuple[type]]] = None, dct: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Type[ElementClass]: """ Args: name: bases: dct: **kwargs: Returns: """ if bases is None: bases = cls return cls.metaclass(name, bases, dct, **kwargs)
subclass = make_subclass
Element.make_subclass("Marker") Element.make_subclass("Instrument") Element.make_subclass("Solenoid") Element.make_subclass("Drift") Element.make_subclass( "Quadrupole", K1=0.0 * _ureg.m**-2, K1L=0.0 * _ureg.m**-1, E1=0.0 * _ureg.radian, E2=0.0 * _ureg.radian, TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian, ) Element.make_subclass("Sextupole") Element.make_subclass("Octupole") Element.make_subclass("Decapole") Element.make_subclass("Multipole") Element.make_subclass("Dipole") Element.make_subclass("Bend") Element.make_subclass( "RBend", TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian, ) Element.make_subclass("Face", L=0.0 * _ureg.meter, E1=0.0 * _ureg.degrees) Element.make_subclass( "SBend", E1=0.0 * _ureg.radian, E2=0.0 * _ureg.radian, ANGLE=0.0 * _ureg.radian, TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian, ) Element.make_subclass("HKicker", L=0.0 * _ureg.m, KICK=0.0 * _ureg.radian, TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian) Element.make_subclass("VKicker", L=0.0 * _ureg.m, KICK=0.0 * _ureg.radian, TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian) Element.make_subclass("Cavity") Element.make_subclass("Steerer") Element.make_subclass("CircularCollimator") Element.make_subclass("RectangularCollimator") Element.make_subclass("EllipticalCollimator") Element.make_subclass("Scatterer") Element.make_subclass("Degrader") Element.make_subclass("SRotation") Element.make_subclass("Fringein", TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian) Element.make_subclass("Fringeout", TILT=0.0 * _ureg.radian)