Source code for georges_core.particles
from typing import Optional
import scipy.constants
from . import Q_ as _Q
from . import ureg as _ureg
class Particule(metaclass=ParticuleType):
"""Particle characteristics."""
M: Optional[_Q] = None
Q: Optional[_Q] = None
G: Optional[float] = None
tau: Optional[float] = None
def mass(self) -> Optional[_Q]:
"""Mass of the particle."""
return self.M
def charge(self) -> Optional[_Q]:
"""Charge of the particle."""
return self.Q
def lifetime(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Lifetime constant of the particle."""
return self.tau
def gyro(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Gyromagnetic factor of the particle."""
return self.G
def name(self) -> str:
"""Gyromagnetic factor of the particle."""
class Electron(Particule):
"""An electron."""
M = 0.5109989461 * _ureg.MeV_c2
Q = -1.6021766208e-19 * _ureg.coulomb
G = (-2.0023193043622 - 2) / 2
name = "e-"
class Proton(Particule):
"""A proton."""
M = 938.27203 * _ureg.MeV_c2
Q = 1.602176487e-19 * _ureg.coulomb
G = (5.585694701 - 2) / 2
name = "Proton"
class AntiMuon(Particule):
"""An anti-muon particle."""
M = scipy.constants.physical_constants["muon mass"][0] *
Q = scipy.constants.elementary_charge * _ureg.coulomb
G = (scipy.constants.physical_constants["muon g factor"][0] - 2) / 2
tau = 2.197029e-6 * _ureg.s
Posmuon = AntiMuon