from typing import Optional
import numpy as _np
import numpy as np
import quaternion
from numba import njit
__all__ = ["Intersections", "ReferenceTrajectory", "Trajectories", "Points", "project_on_reference"]
class Intersections:
def __init__(self, lines1, line2):
self._lines1, self._line2 = self.validate_format(lines1, line2)
self._u = None
self._v = None
self._w = None
self._parallels = None
self._coincidents = None
self._s_intersections = None
self._t_intersections = None
def u(self):
if self._u is None:
self._u = self._lines1[:, 1] - self._lines1[:, 0]
return self._u
def v(self):
if self._v is None:
self._v = self._line2[1] - self._line2[0]
return self._v
def w(self):
if self._w is None:
self._w = self._lines1[:, 0] - self._line2[0]
return self._w
def parallels(self):
if self._parallels is None:
self._parallels = _np.cross(self.u, self.v) == 0.0
return self._parallels
def not_parallels(self):
return _np.invert(self.parallels)
def coincidents(self):
if self._coincidents is None:
self._coincidents = self.parallels & (_np.cross(self.w, self.v) == 0.0)
return self._coincidents
def not_coincidents(self):
return _np.invert(self.coincidents)
def parameters_at_intersections(self):
if self._s_intersections is None:
s_num = _np.cross(-self.v, self.w)
denom = _np.ma.masked_values(_np.cross(self.v, self.u), 0.0)
self._s_intersections = s_num / denom
if self._t_intersections is None:
t_num = _np.cross(self.u, self.w)
self._t_intersections = -t_num / denom
return self._s_intersections, self._t_intersections
def intersects_ray_segment(self):
s_intersections, t_intersections = self.parameters_at_intersections
return ((s_intersections >= 0) & (t_intersections >= 0) & (t_intersections <= 1)).filled(False)
def intersections(self):
s_intersections, t_intersections = self.parameters_at_intersections
return _np.ma.masked_where(
~_np.column_stack((self.intersects_ray_segment, self.intersects_ray_segment)),
self._lines1[:, 0] + _np.stack([self._s_intersections, self._s_intersections]).T * self._u,
class PrimitivesType(type):
class Primitives(metaclass=PrimitivesType):
def __init__(self, data: _np.ndarray):
self._data: Optional[_np.ndarray] = data
def data(self):
return self._data
def _validate(self):
assert isinstance(self._data, _np.ndarray)
def first(self):
return self._data[0]
class Points(Primitives):
def __init__(self, points: _np.ndarray):
def _validate(self):
assert self._data.ndim == 2
assert self._data.shape[0] >= 1
assert self._data.shape[1] >= 3
def number_points(self):
return self._data.shape[0]
# checker ordre des coordonnées: pour l'instant (x,y,z,p,t,s);
def x(self):
return self._data[:, 0]
def y(self):
return self._data[:, 1]
def z(self):
return self._data[:, 2]
def t(self):
return self._data[:, 3]
def p(self):
return self._data[:, 4]
def s(self):
return self._data[:, 5]
def coordinates(self):
return self._data[:, 0:3]
class Point(Points):
def _validate(self):
assert self.data.ndim == 2
assert self.data.shape[0] == 1
class Vector(Point):
# TODO : add possibility to define a Vector with 2 Points or a Segment
class Vectors(Points):
class Lines(Primitives):
def __init__(self, lines: _np.ndarray):
self._u = None
def _validate(self):
assert self.data.ndim == 3
assert self.data.shape[0] > 1
def p0(self):
return self._data[:, 0]
def p1(self):
return self._data[:, 1]
def u(self):
if self._u is None:
self._u = self._data[:, 1] - self._data[:, 0]
return self._u
class Line(Lines):
def _validate(self):
assert self.data.ndim == 3
assert self.data.shape[0] == 1
class Trajectories(Lines):
class Rays(Lines):
class Ray(Rays):
class Segments(Rays):
class Segment(Segments):
class Planes(Primitives):
def __init__(self, plane: _np.ndarray):
def _validate(self):
assert self.data.ndim == 3
assert self.data.shape[1:] == (2, 3)
class Plane(Primitives):
def __init__(self, plane: _np.ndarray):
def _validate(self):
assert self.data.ndim == 2
assert self.data.shape == (2, 3)
def point(self):
return self._data[0]
def normal(self):
return self._data[1]
class ReferenceTrajectory:
def __init__(self, points: Points):
"""Initialized with an array of 6D data points (x, y, z, t, p, s)"""
self._points = points
self._data = points.data
def frenet_frames(self):
"""Returns an array of frenet frames (representation of planes)"""
points = self._points
tangent_vector = construct_tangent_vectors(points)
for pt, point in enumerate(points.data):
plan = _np.concatenate((Point(_np.array([point])).coordinates, _np.array([tangent_vector.data[pt]])))
if pt == 0:
planes = plan.reshape((1, 2, 3))
planes = _np.vstack((planes, plan.reshape((1, 2, 3))))
return Planes(planes)
def data(self):
return self._data
def construct_tangent_vectors(p: Points, norm: float = 1.0) -> Vectors:
Constructs the tangent vector to the trajectory at the point p
_ = _np.zeros((p.data.shape[0], 3))
_[:, 2] = -p.t
q1 = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(_)
_[:, 2] = 0
_[:, 1] = p.p
q2 = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(_)
q = q2 * q1
end_points = _np.matmul(_np.linalg.inv(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(q)), _np.array([norm, 0.0, 0.0]))
return Vectors(end_points)
def build_segments(trajectory: Points):
"""Builds a set of NT-1 segments from a list of NT points. Uses the spacial coordinates x, y, z to build
a segment in space, and also associate the start and end points for the other coordiantes (t, p and s)."""
segments = None
for pt in range(trajectory.data.shape[0] - 1):
segment = trajectory.data[pt : pt + 2]
if pt == 0:
segments = segment.reshape(1, 2, trajectory.data.shape[1])
segments = _np.vstack((segments, segment.reshape(1, 2, trajectory.data.shape[1])))
return Segments(segments)
def intersection_segment_plane(
seg_u: np.ndarray,
seg_p0: np.ndarray,
plane_point: np.ndarray,
plane_normal: np.ndarray,
epsilon: float = 1e-3,
"""Provides the intersection between a plane and a segment. Returns -1 if negative."""
# Attention, un segment isolé doit quand même avoir une dimension "vertiale" --> ndim = (1, 2 , 6)
u = seg_u[0, 0:3]
w = seg_p0[0, 0:3] - plane_point
d = _np.dot(plane_normal, u)
n = -_np.dot(plane_normal, w)
if _np.abs(d) < epsilon:
if n == 0:
return 2 # Segment dans le plan
return -1 # No intersection
si = n / d
if si < 0 or si > 1 + epsilon:
return -1
return si
def create_segment(a):
return build_segments(Points(a.data)).data
def reshape_segment(s):
return Segment(s.reshape(1, 2, s.shape[1]))
def project_on_reference(ref: ReferenceTrajectory, trajectories: list):
Projects a set of NT trajectories on a reference trajectory (array of points of length NR).
For each trajectory (array of points of length NI), computes the coordinates associated with each
data point of the reference trajectory (so it returns an array of NT projected trajectories, each of
length NR).
assert ref.data.shape[1] == trajectories[0].data.shape[1]
frenet_planes = list(map(Plane, ref.frenet_frames().data))
all_segments = [list(map(reshape_segment, all_s)) for all_s in list(map(create_segment, trajectories))]
results = np.empty((len(all_segments), len(frenet_planes), all_segments[0][0].data.shape[2]))
for it, segments in enumerate(all_segments):
for ir, plane in enumerate(frenet_planes):
for mu, k in enumerate(segments):
i = intersection_segment_plane(k.u, k.p0, plane.point, plane.normal)
if i < 0:
i_coordinates = k.p0 + k.u * i
results[it, ir] = i_coordinates
segments = segments[mu:]
return results